并在文本后面通过 引用它时\ref{prb:3}
打印问题 prb:3,而它应该是问题 5-8。
我相信有足够多的 LaTeX 专家可以帮助我建立和解决这个问题,最好没有复杂的定义。
以下是一些 MWE:
\documentclass[a4paper,11pt, oneside]{book}
%%% my custom counter `problem` and the environment, which increments on the chapter level
\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{Section 11}
Problem~1-1. \label{prb 11} % Problem 1-1
\section{Section 12}
Problem 1-2. \label{prb 12} % Problem 1-2
Problem 1-3. \label{prb 13} \\ % Problem 1-3
\noindent Referring to Problem~1-3 by \ref{prb 13} incorrectly refers to Problem~1.2 because Problem~1-3 is in Section~\ref{prb 13} (that is: Section 1.1). \\ \\
\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{Section 21}
Problem 2-1. \label{prb 21} % Problem 2-1
Problem 2-2. \label{prb 22} % Problem 2-2
Problem 2-3. \label{prb 23} \\ % Problem 2-3
\noindent Now referring to Problem~2-3 by \ref{prb 23} erroneously prints as Problem~2.1 because Problem~2-3 is within Section~\ref{prb 23} (that is: Section 2.1). \\ \\
So, not only is the number incorrect, but also the format. Instead of having chapter-problem\# format, it has section\# format. \\
The question is: how can I make the \verb|\label| and \verb|\ref| not refer to a Section number, but to the Problem number within a particular chapter?
您的问题相关代码至少存在三个问题 [双关语]。
来增加名为 的计数器problem
机制依赖于(除了少数例外)LaTeX 将 的参数\label
,LaTeX 都会自动将计数器重置为 0。problem
%% \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} that's the default nowadays
\par\vspace{10pt}\noindent\refstepcounter{problem}% % note "\refstepcounter"
\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} % optional
\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{Section A}
Problem~1-1. \label{prb 11} % Problem 1-1
\section{Section B}
Problem 1-2. \label{prb 12} % Problem 1-2
Problem 1-3. \label{prb 13} % Problem 1-3
\bigskip\noindent Now cross-referencing Problem~1-3 as \ref{prb 13}, \emph{not} as [section] 1.2.
\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{Section C}
Problem 2-1. \label{prb 21} % Problem 2-1
Problem 2-2. \label{prb 22} % Problem 2-2
Problem 2-3. \label{prb 23} % Problem 2-3
\bigskip\noindent Now cross-referencing Problem~2-3 as \ref{prb 23}, \emph{not} as [section] 2.1.
回应@Mico,这是新的 MWE,解释了 \ref 在引用主文件中定义的 \label 而不是外部文件中定义的 \label 时如何工作。
\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} % optional
\chapter{Chapter Title}
\section{Section Title}
Problem 1-1. \label{prb_11}
Problem 1-2. \label{prb_12}
\bigskip\noindent When the \verb|\label| is used within the main file, the cross-referencing works well and \verb|\ref{prb_11}| gives \ref{prb_11} and \verb|\ref{prb_12}| gives \ref{prb_12}. Correct!
\medskip\noindent In contrast, when the label is defined within the outer file named \verb|prb_13| and included using the \verb|\input| command, the cross-referencing does not work well and \verb|\ref{prb_13}| gives \ref{prb_13}, which is not the problem number, but the section number.
编辑:分别参见 David Carlisle 和 Mico 的评论和回答(“值得尊重”)
\documentclass[a4paper,11pt, oneside]{book}
%%% my custom counter `problem` and the environment, which increments on the chapter level
\protected@write \@auxout {}{\string \newlabel {#1}{{\thechapter-\theproblem}{}}}}
\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{Section 11}
Problem~1-1. \clabel{prb11} % Problem 1-1
\section{Section 12}
Problem 1-2. \clabel{prb12} % Problem 1-2
Problem 1-3. \clabel{prb13} % Problem 1-3
\noindent Referring to Problem~1-3 by \ref{prb13} correctly refers to Problem~1.2 [because Problem~1-3 is in Section~\ref{prb13} (that is: Section 1.1). ]
\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{Section 21}
Problem 2-1. \clabel{prb21} % Problem 2-1
Problem 2-2. \clabel{prb22} % Problem 2-2
Problem 2-3. \clabel{prb23} \\ % Problem 2-3
\noindent Now referring to Problem~2-3 by \ref{prb23} [prints as Problem~2.1 because Problem~2-3 is within Section~\ref{prb23} (that is: Section 2.1). ]
So, not only is the number incorrect, but also the format. Instead of having chapter-problem\# format, it has section\# format.
The question is: how can I make the \verb|\label| and \verb|\ref| not refer to a Section number, but to the Problem number within a particular chapter?