作为一篇文章的一部分,我正在将一段东方语言的文本翻译成德语。我正在写一个简短的介绍,然后是正文。因此,我想把它放在一个有两列两行的表格中。我的问题:我使用的是 xltabular,但它没有自动分页。我该如何修复它?对于东方语言,避免换行很重要。这是我的 MWE:
In the next lines, the text will be translated into German:
\begin{xltabular}[l]{0.75\linewidth}{@{} lX @{}}
\caption{The \texttt{xltabular} environment with \texttt{longtable} property
and left aligned by setting the optional argument.}\\[\belowcaptionskip]\hline
Arabic & German\\
Left column & At first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the text. At first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the text At first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the text At first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the text At first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the text At first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the text At first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the text At first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the textAt first a line with some nonsense text to show how long this line is.
The caption has the same width as the text\\
不过,包含标签的左侧“列”(现在放置在 内\parbox
\setlist[translation]{align=parleft, labelwidth=*, leftmargin=14em, font=\normalfont, before=\raggedright}
\item[\textbf{English}] \textbf{German}
\item[One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug. He lay on his armour-hard back and saw, as he lifted his head up a little, his brown, arched abdomen divided up into rigid bow-like sections.]
Als Gregor Samsa eines Morgens aus unruhigen Träumen erwachte, fand er sich in seinem Bett zu einem ungeheueren Ungeziefer verwandelt. Er lag auf seinem panzerartig harten Rücken und sah, wenn er den Kopf ein wenig hob, seinen gewölbten, braunen, von bogenförmigen Versteifungen geteilten Bauch, auf dessen Höhe sich die Bettdecke, zum gänzlichen Niedergleiten bereit, kaum noch erhalten konnte. Seine vielen, im Vergleich zu seinem sonstigen Umfang kläglich dünnen Beine flimmerten ihm hilflos vor den Augen.
\item[``What's happened to me,'' he thought. It was no dream.]
在 的参数中使用方括号\item
。因此,它应该看起来像这样:\item[{something with [square] brackets}]
\SetLabelAlign{parcenter}{\strut\smash{\parbox[t]\labelwidth{\centering #1}}}
\setlist[translation]{align=parcenter, labelwidth=*, leftmargin=14em, font=\normalfont, before=\raggedright}