我尝试在运行头中创建查询交叉链接,但 PDF 中未显示查询交叉链接,其他地方工作正常。我的 MWE 如下
\def\AQ#1{\leavevmode\vadjust{\smash{\llap{\hbox to 70pt{#1\hfill}}}}}
\chapter{Chapter Title}
\section{Section Title}
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The current\protect\AQ{AQ1} study was a subanalysis of the CENC study, approved by local institutional review boards at each study site. CENC assesses V/SM for psychological, cognitive, and physical symptoms at fixed intervals based on an injury- or deployment-related index date that is established through the PCE mapping process. Only baseline data were used for the current analysis. This study conformed to all state and federal research regulations, including federal ethical standards. All participants provided written informed consent to participate.
The current study was a subanalysis of the CENC study, approved by local institutional review boards at each study site. CENC assesses V/SM for psychological, cognitive, and physical symptoms at fixed intervals based on an injury- or deployment-related index date that is established through the PCE mapping process. Only baseline data were used for the current analysis. This study conformed to all state and federal research regulations, including federal ethical standards. All participants provided written informed consent to participate.
The current study was a subanalysis of the CENC study, approved by local institutional review boards at each study site. CENC\protect\AQ{AQ2} assesses V/SM for psychological, cognitive, and physical symptoms at fixed intervals based on an injury- or deployment-related index date that is established through the PCE mapping process. Only baseline data were used for the current analysis. This study conformed to all state and federal research regulations, including federal ethical standards. All participants provided written informed consent to participate.
The current study was a subanalysis of the CENC study, approved by local institutional review boards at each study site.\protect\AQ{AQ3} CENC assesses V/SM for psychological, cognitive, and physical symptoms at fixed intervals based on an injury- or deployment-related index date that is established through the PCE mapping process. Only baseline data were used for the current analysis. This study conformed to all state and federal research regulations, including federal ethical standards. All participants provided written informed consent to participate.
材料从水平列表迁移到周围的垂直列表。但是,标题被设置为 a \hbox
es 中),因此没有周围的垂直列表。因此它消失了。
正文中的内容也放入 中来检查这一点\hbox