\caption{Recipient, Donor, and Kidney Transplant Characteristics of the Study Population (n=27814) and the corresponding p-values from the Univariate Cox Regression Proportional Hazards Model}
\label{tab:Characteristics }
\textbf{Covariate} & \textbf{Mean+SD/ n (\%)} & \textbf{P Value} \\ \midrule
Recipient’s age (years) & 47.09$\pm$12.44 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Recipient’s BMI (kg/m2) & 26.79$\pm$5.35 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Recipient’s blood type & & 0.01 \\
O & 12616 (45.36\%) & \\
A & 10049 (36.13\%) & \\
B & 3499 (12.58\%) & \\
AB & 1206 (4.34\%) & \\
A1 & 346 (1.24\%) & \\
A2 & 60 (0.22\%) & \\
A1B & 30 (0.11\%) & \\
A2B & 7 (0.03\%) & \\
Unknown & 1 (0.00\%) & \\
Recipient’s sex & & 0.06 \\
Male & 16398 (58.96\%) & \\
Female & 11416 (41.04\%) & \\
Recipient's ethnicity & & 0.24 \\
White & 16331 (58.72\%) & \\
Black or African American & 5721 (20.57\%) & \\
Hispanic/Latino & 3731 (13.41\%) & \\
Asian & 1599 (5.75\%) & \\
American Indian or Alaska Native & 252 (0.91\%) & \\
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander & 116 (0.42\%) & \\
Other & 64 (0.24\%) & \\
Donor's age (years) & 39.38$\pm$12.40 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Donor’s blood type & & 0.14 \\
O & 15258 (54.86\%) & \\
A & 5445 (19.58\%) & \\
B & 3283 (11.80\%) & \\
AB & 2767 (9.95\%) & \\
A1 & 494 (1.78\%) & \\
A2 & 403 (1.45\%) & \\
A1B & 132 (0.47\%) & \\
A2B & 30 (0.11\%) & \\
Unknown & 2 (0.01\%) & \\
Donor's sex & & 0.36 \\
Male & 14863 (53.44\%) & \\
Female & 12951 (46.56\%) & \\
Donor recipient-gender match & & 0.45 \\
Yes & 14067 (50.58\%) & \\
No & 13747 (49.42\%) & \\
Num of A mismatches at transplant & 1.09 $\pm$ 0.76 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Num of B mismatches at transplant & 1.21 $\pm$ 0.76 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Num of DR mismatches at transplant & 0.94 $\pm$ 0.73 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Num of HLA mismatches at transplant & 3.24 $\pm$ 1.83 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Total Cold Ischemic Time (hours) & 12.09 $\pm$ 11.09 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Duration of hospitalization after transplant (days) & 5.91$\pm$2.22 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Elapsed time between first dialysis and transplant (days) & 841.08$\pm$670.09 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Serum Creatinine at Discharge & 2.55$\pm$2.31 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Serum creatinine at 6 months & 1.41$\pm$0.51 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Serum creatinine at 1 year & 1.40$\pm$0.47 & \textless{}0.005 \\ \bottomrule
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\caption{Recipient, Donor, and Kidney Transplant Characteristics of the Study Population (n=27814) and the corresponding p-values from the Univariate Cox Regression Proportional Hazards Model}
\label{tab:Characteristics }
\textbf{Covariate} & \textbf{Mean+SD/ n (\%)} & \textbf{P Value} \\ \midrule
Recipient’s age (years) & 47.09$\pm$12.44 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Recipient’s BMI (kg/m2) & 26.79$\pm$5.35 & \textless{}0.005 \\[0.3ex]
Recipient’s blood type & & 0.01 \\
O & 12616 (45.36\%) & \\
A & 10049 (36.13\%) & \\
B & 3499 (12.58\%) & \\
AB & 1206 (4.34\%) & \\
A1 & 346 (1.24\%) & \\
A2 & 60 (0.22\%) & \\
A1B & 30 (0.11\%) & \\
A2B & 7 (0.03\%) & \\
Unknown & 1 (0.00\%) & \\
Recipient’s sex & & 0.06
Male & 16398 (58.96\%) & \\
Female & 11416 (41.04\%) & \\
Recipient's ethnicity & & 0.24 \\
White & 16331 (58.72\%) & \\
Black or African American & 5721 (20.57\%) & \\
Hispanic/Latino & 3731 (13.41\%) & \\
Asian & 1599 (5.75\%) & \\
American Indian or Alaska Native & 252 (0.91\%) & \\
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander & 116 (0.42\%) & \\
Other & 64 (0.24\%) & \\
\end{Indented}% %
Donor's age (years) & 39.38$\pm$12.40 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Donor’s blood type & & 0.14 \\
O & 15258 (54.86\%) & \\
A & 5445 (19.58\%) & \\
B & 3283 (11.80\%) & \\
AB & 2767 (9.95\%) & \\
A1 & 494 (1.78\%) & \\
A2 & 403 (1.45\%) & \\
A1B & 132 (0.47\%) & \\
A2B & 30 (0.11\%) & \\
Unknown & 2 (0.01\%) & \\
\end{Indented}% %
Donor's sex & & 0.36 \\
Male & 14863 (53.44\%) & \\
Female & 12951 (46.56\%) & \\
\end{Indented}% %
Donor recipient-gender match & & 0.45 \\
Yes & 14067 (50.58\%) & \\
No & 13747 (49.42\%) & \\
\end{Indented}% %
Num of A mismatches at transplant & 1.09 $\pm$ 0.76 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Num of B mismatches at transplant & 1.21 $\pm$ 0.76 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Num of DR mismatches at transplant & 0.94 $\pm$ 0.73 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Num of HLA mismatches at transplant & 3.24 $\pm$ 1.83 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Total Cold Ischemic Time (hours) & 12.09 $\pm$ 11.09 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Duration of hospitalization after transplant (days) & 5.91$\pm$2.22 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Elapsed time between first dialysis and transplant (days) & 841.08$\pm$670.09 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Serum Creatinine at Discharge & 2.55$\pm$2.31 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Serum creatinine at 6 months & 1.41$\pm$0.51 & \textless{}0.005 \\
Serum creatinine at 1 year & 1.40$\pm$0.47 & \textless{}0.005 \\ \bottomrule
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%%% The first head
\caption{Recipient, Donor, and Kidney Transplant Characteristics of the Study Population (n=27814) and the corresponding p-values from the Univariate Cox Regression Proportional Hazards Model}\label{tab:Characteristics} \\
& \textbf{Mean+SD/ n (\%)} & \textbf{P Value} \\
\midrule \endfirsthead
%%% Subsequent heads
\caption{Recipient, Donor ... (Continued)} \\
\mcc{\textbf{Covariate}} & \textbf{Mean+SD/ n (\%)} & \textbf{P Value} \\
\midrule \endhead
%%% Subsequent foot
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\mcc{Recipient’s age (years)} & 47.09$\pm$12.44 & \textless{}0.005 \\
\mcc{Recipient’s BMI (kg/m2)} & 26.79$\pm$5.35 & \textless{}0.005 \\
\mcc{Recipient’s blood type} & & 0.01 \\
& O & 12616 (45.36\%) & \\
& A & 10049 (36.13\%) & \\
& B & 3499 (12.58\%) & \\
& AB & 1206 (4.34\%) & \\
& A1 & 346 (1.24\%) & \\
& A2 & 60 (0.22\%) & \\
& A1B & 30 (0.11\%) & \\
& A2B & 7 (0.03\%) & \\
& Unknown & 1 (0.00\%) & \\
\mcc{Recipient’s sex} & & 0.06 \\
& Male & 16398 (58.96\%) & \\
& Female & 11416 (41.04\%) & \\
& Recipient's ethnicity & & 0.24 \\
& White & 16331 (58.72\%) & \\
& Black or African American & 5721 (20.57\%) & \\
& Hispanic/Latino & 3731 (13.41\%) & \\
& Asian & 1599 (5.75\%) & \\
& American Indian or Alaska Native & 252 (0.91\%) & \\
& Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander & 116 (0.42\%) & \\
& Other & 64 (0.24\%) & \\
\mcc{Donor's age (years)} & 39.38$\pm$12.40 & \textless{}0.005 \\
\mcc{Donor’s blood type} & & 0.14 \\
& O & 15258 (54.86\%) & \\
& A & 5445 (19.58\%) & \\
& B & 3283 (11.80\%) & \\
& AB & 2767 (9.95\%) & \\
& A1 & 494 (1.78\%) & \\
& A2 & 403 (1.45\%) & \\
& A1B & 132 (0.47\%) & \\
& A2B & 30 (0.11\%) & \\
& Unknown & 2 (0.01\%) & \\
\mcc{Donor's sex} & & 0.36 \\
& Male & 14863 (53.44\%) & \\
& Female & 12951 (46.56\%) & \\
& Donor recipient-gender match & & 0.45 \\
& Yes & 14067 (50.58\%) & \\
& No & 13747 (49.42\%) & \\
\mcc{Num of A mismatches at transplant} & 1.09 $\pm$ 0.76 & \textless{}0.005 \\
\mcc{Num of B mismatches at transplant} & 1.21 $\pm$ 0.76 & \textless{}0.005 \\
\mcc{Num of DR mismatches at transplant} & 0.94 $\pm$ 0.73 & \textless{}0.005 \\
\mcc{Num of HLA mismatches at transplant} & 3.24 $\pm$ 1.83 & \textless{}0.005 \\
\mcc{Total Cold Ischemic Time (hours)} & 12.09 $\pm$ 11.09 & \textless{}0.005 \\
\mcc{Duration of hospitalization after transplant (days)} & 5.91$\pm$2.22 & \textless{}0.005 \\
\mcc{Elapsed time between first dialysis and transplant (days)} & 841.08$\pm$670.09 & \textless{}0.005 \\
\mcc{Serum Creatinine at Discharge} & 2.55$\pm$2.31 & \textless{}0.005 \\
\mcc{Serum creatinine at 6 months} & 1.41$\pm$0.51 & \textless{}0.005 \\
\mcc{Serum creatinine at 1 year} & 1.40$\pm$0.47 & \textless{}0.005 \\
类似于@Celdor 的答案,但是
- tabularray` 包的使用
- 插入另一列用于分隔
Mean + SD/n (\%)
\hangafter=1 % <---
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caption={Recipient, Donor, and Kidney Transplant Characteristics of the Study Population ($n=27814$) and the corresponding p-values from the Univariate Cox Regression Proportional Hazards Model},
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Q[l, wd=0.4\linewidth]
X[l] r},
rowsep = {0pt},
row{1} = {font=\bfseries, mode=text},
& Covariate & \SetCell[c=2]{c} Mean + SD/n (\%)
& & P Value \\
\SCtwo Recipient’s age (years) && \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 47.09 \pm 12.44
& & \textless{}0.005 \\
\SCtwo Recipient’s BMI (kg/m2) && \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 26.79 \pm 5.35
& & \textless{}0.005 \\
\SCtwo Recipient’s blood type && & & 0.01 \\
& O & 12616 & (45.36\%) & \\
& A & 10049 & (36.13\%) & \\
& B & 3499 & (12.58\%) & \\
& AB & 1206 & (4.34\%) & \\
& A1 & 346 & (1.24\%) & \\
& A2 & 60 & (0.22\%) & \\
& A1B & 30 & (0.11\%) & \\
& A2B & 7 & (0.03\%) & \\
& Unknown & 1 & (0.00\%) & \\
\SCtwo Recipient’s sex && & & 0.06 \\
& Male & 16398 & (58.96\%) & \\
& Female & 11416 & (41.04\%) & \\
& Recipient's ethnicity & & 0.24 \\
& White & 16331 & (58.72\%) & \\
& Black or African American & 5721 & (20.57\%) & \\
& Hispanic/Latino & 3731 & (13.41\%) & \\
& Asian & 1599 & (5.75\%) & \\
& American Indian or Alaska Native & 252 & (0.91\%) & \\
& Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
& 116 & (0.42\%) & \\
& Other & 64 & (0.24\%) & \\
\SCtwo Donor's age (year) && \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 39.38 \pm 12.40
& & \textless{}0.005 \\
\SCtwo Donor’s blood type && & & 0.14 \\
& O & 15258 & (54.86\%) & \\
& A & 5445 & (19.58\%) & \\
& B & 3283 & (11.80\%) & \\
& AB & 2767 & (9.95\%) & \\
& A1 & 494 & (1.78\%) & \\
& A2 & 403 & (1.45\%) & \\
& A1B & 132 & (0.47\%) & \\
& A2B & 30 & (0.11\%) & \\
& Unknown & 2 & (0.01\%) & \\
\SCtwo Donor's sex & & & 0.36 \\
& Male & 14863 & (53.44\%) & \\
& Female & 12951 & (46.56\%) & \\
& Donor recipient-gender match & & 0.45 \\
& Yes & 14067 & (50.58\%) & \\
& No & 13747 & (49.42\%) & \\
\SCtwo Num of A mismatches at transplant
&& \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 1.09 \pm 0.76
& & \textless{}0.005 \\
\SCtwo Num of B mismatches at transplant
&& \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 1.21 \pm 0.76
& & \textless{}0.005 \\
\SCtwo Num of DR mismatches at transplant
&& \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 0.94 \pm 0.73
& & \textless{}0.005 \\
\SCtwo Num of HLA mismatches at transplant
&& \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 3.24 \pm 1.83
& & \textless{}0.005 \\
\SCtwo Total Cold Ischemic Time (hours)
&& \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 12.09 \pm 11.09
& & \textless{}0.005 \\
\SCtwo Duration of hospitalization after transplant (days)
&& \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 5.91 \pm 2.22
& & \textless{}0.005 \\
\SCtwo Elapsed time between first dialysis and transplant days)
&& \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 841.08 \pm 670.09
& & \textless{}0.005 \\
\SCtwo Serum Creatinine at Discharge && \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 2.55 \pm 2.31
& & \textless{}0.005 \\
\SCtwo Serum creatinine at 6 months && \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 1.41 \pm 0.51
& & \textless{}0.005 \\
\SCtwo Serum creatinine at 1 year && \SetCell[c=2]{c,$} 1.40 \pm 0.47
& & \textless{}0.005 \\