我正在尝试使用 pgfplotstable 将表格放入文本宽度中。我在这个论坛中找到的代码(这里)不知何故产生了红线,我不知道为什么会这样。
我的代码和我发现的代码之间的最大区别在于我将数据存储在 csv 文件中。任何建议和解决方案都非常感谢。这是我的代码:
\caption{\textbf{Caption} }
column type=,
begin table={\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X c c c c}},
end table={\end{tabularx}},
multicolumn names, % allows to have multicolumn names
col sep=comma, column type={l}, % the separator in the .csv file + column raggedleft
display columns/0/.style={ column name=$ $, %first column because it is string type
column type={l},string type},
every head row/.style={
before row= \toprule,% have a rule at top
after row={
\si{\ampere} & \si{\volt}\\ % the units separated by &
\midrule} % rule under units
every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule}, % rule at bottom
]{Datafile.csv} % filename/path to file