

我已使用 \subsection 插入表格和图像以在报告中创建不同部分,并按顺序编写,但编译时输出不按顺序,子部分不在我想要的表格之后。我已在下面附上源代码。任何帮助都将不胜感激。

I compared and analysed codes using the MPI library to find out the performance difference between C and Python programs.

Finding out the total integration under the curve for a fixed function with limits 0 to 2. 
\[ f(x)=\int\limits_0^1 x^2 \]
I have used the Trapezoidal Rule for calculating the same. It is a Numerical technique to find the definite integral of a function.The function is divided into many sub-intervals and each interval is approximated by a Trapezium. Then the area of trapeziums is calculated to find the integral which is basically the area under the curve. The more is the number of trapeziums used, the better is the approximation. \\
Algorithm for calculating the integration under the curve is as follows

\begin{lstlisting}[language= C, caption= Code snippet from IntegrationMPI.c]
    h = (b-a)/n;
    local_n = n/size;

    local_a = a + my_rank * local_n * h;

    local_b = (local_a + local_n) * h;

    integral = Trap(local_a, local_b, local_n, h);

    if (my_rank == 0){
        total = integral;
        for (source = 1; source < size; source++){
            MPI_Recv(&integral, 1, MPI_FLOAT, source, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
            total += integral;
    else {
        MPI_Send(&integral, 1, MPI_FLOAT, dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 

\subsection{For Serial Program in C and Python}

 No. of Trapeziums & Time Taken (s) & Accuracy \\ [0.5ex] 
 1000 & 0.001082 & 2.66666867 \\ 
 2000 & 0.001272 & 2.66666743 \\
 3000 & 0.002326 & 2.66666681 \\
 4000 & 0.003009 & 2.66666675 \\
 5000 & 0.003527 & 2.66666672 \\
 6000 & 0.004466 & 2.66666670 \\
 7000 & 0.004189 & 2.66666669 \\
 8000 & 0.004368 & 2.66666669 \\
 9000 & 0.007463 & 2.66666669 \\
 10000 &  0.007001 & 2.66666669 \\ [1ex] 
\caption{Data for Python Code}

 No. of Trapeziums & Time Taken (s) & Accuracy \\ [0.5ex] 
 1000 & 0.000012 & 2.66662788 \\ 
 2000 & 0.000030 & 2.66671276 \\
 3000 & 0.000032 & 2.66658711 \\
 4000 & 0.000052 & 2.66660619 \\
 5000 & 0.000058 & 2.66650033 \\
 6000 & 0.000064 & 2.66644287 \\
 7000 & 0.000074 & 2.66667461 \\
 8000 & 0.000084 & 2.66645622 \\
 9000 & 0.000084 & 2.66647649 \\
 10000 &  0.000103 & 2.66674614 \\ [1ex] 
\caption{Data for C Code}

\caption{Comparison between C and Python serial programs}


\subsection{For MPI Program in C and Python}

 No. of Trapeziums & Time Taken (s) & Accuracy \\ [0.5ex] 
 1000 & 0.000549 & 2.66017401 \\ 
 2000 & 0.000840 & 2.66341850 \\
 3000 & 0.001900 & 2.66450082 \\
 4000 & 0.001127 & 2.66504213 \\
 5000 & 0.002618 & 2.66536696 \\
 6000 & 0.002004 & 2.66558354 \\
 7000 & 0.002583 & 2.66573824 \\
 8000 & 0.002426 & 2.66585428 \\
 9000 & 0.003441 & 2.66594453 \\
 10000 &  0.002971 & 2.66601674 \\ [1ex] 
\caption{Data for Python Code}

 No. of Trapeziums & Time Taken (s) & Accuracy \\ [0.5ex] 
 1000 & 0.000037 & 2.66016173 \\ 
 2000 & 0.000048 & 2.66345334 \\
 3000 & 0.000072 & 2.66444683 \\
 4000 & 0.000076 & 2.66499472 \\
 5000 & 0.000087 & 2.66526604 \\
 6000 & 0.000070 & 2.66551304 \\
 7000 & 0.000099 & 2.66580105 \\
 8000 & 0.000108 & 2.66578150 \\
 9000 & 0.000111 & 2.66587353 \\
 10000 &  0.000142 & 2.66612148 \\ [1ex] 
\caption{Data for C Code}

\caption{Comparison between C and Python MPI programs}


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\subsection{For Serial Program in C and Python}


Data for Python Code


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\captionof{table}{Data for Python Code} 


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