如何让 acmart 停止抱怨附属国缺失?

如何让 acmart 停止抱怨附属国缺失?





字段\institution\city\country是必填字段。如果未提供,则会发出错误或警告。目前缺少\country和 会产生错误;ACM 将来可能会更改此设置。



\def\@ACM@checkaffil{% Only warnings
    \ClassWarningNoLine{\@classname}{No institution present for an affiliation}%
    \ClassWarningNoLine{\@classname}{No city present for an affiliation}%
        \ClassWarningNoLine{\@classname}{No country present for an affiliation}%



\def\@ACM@checkaffil{% Only warnings <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    \ClassWarningNoLine{\@classname}{No institution present for an affiliation}%
    \ClassWarningNoLine{\@classname}{No city present for an affiliation}%
        \ClassWarningNoLine{\@classname}{No country present for an affiliation}%




\title{The Name of the Title is Hope}

%%% used to denote shared contribution to the research.
\author{Ben Trovato}
\authornote{Both authors contributed equally to this research.}
\email{[email protected]}
\author{G.K.M. Tobin}
\email{[email protected]}
  \institution{Institute for Clarity in Documentation}
  \streetaddress{P.O. Box 1212}
%  \country{USA} 

\author{Lars Th{\o}rv{\"a}ld}
  \institution{The Th{\o}rv{\"a}ld Group}
  \streetaddress{1 Th{\o}rv{\"a}ld Circle}
%  \country{Iceland}
\email{[email protected]}

  A clear and well-documented \LaTeX\ document is presented as an
  article formatted for publication by ACM in a conference proceedings
  or journal publication. Based on the ``acmart'' document class, this
  article presents and explains many of the common variations, as well
  as many of the formatting elements an author may use in the
  preparation of the documentation of their work.


ACM's consolidated article template, introduced in 2017, provides a
consistent \LaTeX\ style for use across ACM publications, and
incorporates accessibility and metadata-extraction functionality
necessary for future Digital Library endeavors. Numerous ACM and
SIG-specific \LaTeX\ templates have been examined, and their unique
features incorporated into this single new template.




  \institution{Institute for Clarity in Documentation}
