

我想从第二页开始编页码。有一个页脚和页脚。我不想在第一页上编页码。我试过 thispagestyle{empty, plan} 删除页眉和页脚。试过 \pagenumber{gobble} \pagenumber{arabic} 试过 clear page set counter {page}{1} 我已经这样做了两天。有人能让我摆脱这种痛苦吗?

MWW`  % !TeX program = xelatex
% !TeX spellcheck = en_GB


\usepackage{fontspec}% need for arial from top line
\setmainfont{Arial}% needed for arial from top line
\usepackage{array}% this is need to centre data
\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X|} % this centres data

\setlength\arrayrulewidth{1.25pt}% so you can see table boarders at 100%

\usepackage{colortbl}% need to colour table 

]{hyperref}% http://ctan.org/pkg/hyperref

%\qformat{\textbf{Question \thequestion\hfill\thepoints}} puts text below questions
%\qformat{\textbf{Step \thequestion\hfill\thepoints}}
%\renewcommand{\questionlabel}{Step ~\thequestion.}

%\usepackage{enumitem}% need for list 


\usepackage{tabularx}% added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

\definecolor{cof}{RGB}{219,144,71} % needed for coloured cube


\firstpageheader{  }  
{\raisebox{-50pt}{ \footnotesize
        \hspace{-0.2cm}      \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|l|C|} % added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
            \cellcolor{blue!20}Qualification National code and Title &   ********** \\
            \cellcolor{blue!20}Unit/s National code/s and title     &  ********* \\
{\large \textbf{\textcolor{Red}{ Assessment Submission and Feedback}}}
\extraheadheight[120pt]{120pt}% addded <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

\runningheader{ }
{\raisebox{-40pt}{ \footnotesize \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|l|C|} % added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
            \cellcolor{blue!20}Qualification national code and title &   ********* \\
            \cellcolor{blue!20}Unit/s national code/s and title     & ********** \\
{\large \textbf{\textcolor{Red}{ Assessment Task 1}}}

%move headers up or and down 
\extraheadheight[120pt]{120pt}% addded <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



\usepackage{parskip}% this stops indent of first line in paragraph

% The above are need to get left an right y axis in right places otherwise on top of each other



\usetikzlibrary{quotes,arrows.meta} % needed for tikz pictures

\usepackage{amssymb}% this is need for tick box



\runningfooter{ ****  }{*****  }{ ***** \\      Page \thepage\ of \numpages    } 

\firstpagefooter{\footnotesize{ Issue date:  } }{   }{   } %\footnotesize{ Page \thepage\ of \numpages    } 

\usepackage{amsmath}% needed for fractions dfrac

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        \vspace*{-2\baselineskip} % this moves the table up to the header   
        \hspace*{-\leftmargin}\begin{tabular}{|l|p{4cm}  p{4cm} | p{1cm}  | c |}
            \cellcolor{blue!20}Assessment \#  and title & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{} \\
            Lecturer name & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{}     \\
            Student name    &  \multicolumn{4}{c|}{}          \\
            Student ID number   &    \multicolumn{4}{c|}{}   \\
            Telephone contact number    &   & \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{Email:}             \\
                \small{ By completing and submitting this signed form to my lecturer, I am stating that :  
                    % \begin{enumerate}[label=(\textbf{\alph*})]
                            \vspace{-0.3cm}     \item The attached submission is completely my own work
                            \vspace{-0.3cm} \item I have correctly cited all sources of information used in this  work (if required)
                            \vspace{-0.3cm} \item I have kept a copy of this assessment (where practicable)
                            \vspace{-0.3cm}     \item   I understand a copy of my assessment will be kept by ***** for their records 
                            \vspace{-0.3cm}     \item   I understand my assessment may be selected for use in the ******* validation and audit process to ensure student assessment meets requirements 
                }}      \\                                
                \cellcolor{blue!20}    Student Signature   &    &    &   \cellcolor{blue!20} Date       &                \\
        \small{\textbf{\underline{Assessor please note:} Where verbal clarification has been sought from a student to gather additional assessment evidence from an assessment item, question/s and response/s must be recorded, signed, and dated by the assessor, against the relevant assessment item/s.}} 
        \textbf{Submission 1 \,  $ \square$ \, Assessment Result Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory} (please circle) \textbf{Date:}    \hrulefill \\
        \textit{To satisfy requirements for this assessment, you need to complete the following: }
        \textbf{Submission 2 \,  $ \square$ \, Assessment Result Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory} (please circle) \textbf{Date:}    \hrulefill \\
        \textit{To satisfy requirements for this assessment, you need to complete the following: }
        \textbf{Student Feedback}
        \textbf{Lecturer Signature:} \underline{\hspace{6cm}} \textbf{Student Signature:} \hrulefill
        \textbf{\textcolor{Red}{Assessment type (\makebox[0pt][l]{$\square$}\raisebox{.15ex}{\hspace{0.1em}$\checkmark$}     ):}}  
        %$ \square$ \hspace{0.2cm} Questioning  (Oral/Written)
        \makebox[0pt][l]{$\square$}\raisebox{.15ex}{\hspace{0.1em}$\checkmark$}    \hspace{0.2cm} 
        Questioning  (Oral/Written)   
        $ \square$ \hspace{0.2cm} Practical Demonstration
        $ \square$ \hspace{0.2cm} $3^{rd}$ Party Report
        $ \square$ \hspace{0.2cm} Other - Project/Portfolio(please specify)
        %\makebox[0pt][l]{$\square$}\raisebox{.15ex}{\hspace{0.1em}$\checkmark$}    \hspace{0.2cm} Other - Project/Portfolio(please specify)  { \color{red}{ .}}
        \textbf{\textcolor{Red}{Assessment Resources:}}
        \textbf{\textcolor{Red}{Assessment Instructions:}}
            ********************************************************************************        }   \\
        xxxx to write generic assessment instructions
        \textbf{\textcolor{Red}{Assessment Instrument:}}
                \textbf{IMPORTANT NOTE:}\\
        \begin  {questions}
        Link the appropriate units of measurements by putting arrows from left to right 
        What does the line in the middle of each side of the square tell you?  % how many vertical and horizotanl lines does it have
        \end {questions}



% !TeX program = xelatex
% !TeX spellcheck = en_GB


\usepackage{fontspec}% need for arial from top line
\setmainfont{Arial}% needed for arial from top line
\usepackage{array}% this is need to centre data
\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X|} % this centres data

\setlength\arrayrulewidth{1.25pt}% so you can see table boarders at 100%

\usepackage{colortbl}% need to colour table 

]{hyperref}% http://ctan.org/pkg/hyperref

%\qformat{\textbf{Question \thequestion\hfill\thepoints}} puts text below questions
%\qformat{\textbf{Step \thequestion\hfill\thepoints}}
%\renewcommand{\questionlabel}{Step ~\thequestion.}

%\usepackage{enumitem}% need for list 


\usepackage{tabularx}% added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

\definecolor{cof}{RGB}{219,144,71} % needed for coloured cube


\coverheader{  }  
{\raisebox{-50pt}{ \footnotesize
        \hspace{-0.2cm}      \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|l|C|} % added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
            \cellcolor{blue!20}Qualification National code and Title &   ********** \\
            \cellcolor{blue!20}Unit/s National code/s and title     &  ********* \\
{\large \textbf{\textcolor{Red}{ Assessment Submission and Feedback}}}
\extraheadheight[120pt]{120pt}% addded <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\coverextraheadheight[120pt]{120pt}% addded <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

\header{ }
{\raisebox{-40pt}{ \footnotesize \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|l|C|} % added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
            \cellcolor{blue!20}Qualification national code and title &   ********* \\
            \cellcolor{blue!20}Unit/s national code/s and title     & ********** \\
{\large \textbf{\textcolor{Red}{ Assessment Task 1}}}

%move headers up or and down
%\extraheadheight[120pt]{120pt}% addded <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


\coverfooter{\footnotesize{ Issue date:  } }{   }{   } %\footnotesize{ Page \thepage\ of \numpages    } 

\footer{ ****  }{*****  }{ ***** \\      Page \thepage\ of \numpages    } 


\usepackage{parskip}% this stops indent of first line in paragraph

% The above are need to get left an right y axis in right places otherwise on top of each other



\usetikzlibrary{quotes,arrows.meta} % needed for tikz pictures

\usepackage{amssymb}% this is need for tick box

\usepackage{amsmath}% needed for fractions dfrac

\extraheadheight[2.25cm]{2.25cm}% this gives extra height by moving upwards
\coverextraheadheight[2.25cm]{2.25cm}% this gives extra height by moving upwards

    \newgeometry{left=1.5cm,bottom=2.5cm, top= 5.25cm,right=1cm}

        \vspace*{-2\baselineskip} % this moves the table up to the header   
        \hspace*{-\leftmargin}\begin{tabular}{|l|p{4cm}  p{4cm} | p{1cm}  | c |}
            \cellcolor{blue!20}Assessment \#  and title & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{} \\
            Lecturer name & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{}     \\
            Student name    &  \multicolumn{4}{c|}{}          \\
            Student ID number   &    \multicolumn{4}{c|}{}   \\
            Telephone contact number    &   & \multicolumn{3}{|l|}{Email:}             \\
                \small{ By completing and submitting this signed form to my lecturer, I am stating that :  
                    % \begin{enumerate}[label=(\textbf{\alph*})]
                            \vspace{-0.3cm}     \item The attached submission is completely my own work
                            \vspace{-0.3cm} \item I have correctly cited all sources of information used in this  work (if required)
                            \vspace{-0.3cm} \item I have kept a copy of this assessment (where practicable)
                            \vspace{-0.3cm}     \item   I understand a copy of my assessment will be kept by ***** for their records 
                            \vspace{-0.3cm}     \item   I understand my assessment may be selected for use in the ******* validation and audit process to ensure student assessment meets requirements 
                }}      \\                                
                \cellcolor{blue!20}    Student Signature   &    &    &   \cellcolor{blue!20} Date       &                \\
        \small{\textbf{\underline{Assessor please note:} Where verbal clarification has been sought from a student to gather additional assessment evidence from an assessment item, question/s and response/s must be recorded, signed, and dated by the assessor, against the relevant assessment item/s.}} 
        \textbf{Submission 1 \,  $ \square$ \, Assessment Result Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory} (please circle) \textbf{Date:}    \hrulefill \\
        \textit{To satisfy requirements for this assessment, you need to complete the following: }
        \textbf{Submission 2 \,  $ \square$ \, Assessment Result Satisfactory / Not Yet Satisfactory} (please circle) \textbf{Date:}    \hrulefill \\
        \textit{To satisfy requirements for this assessment, you need to complete the following: }
        \textbf{Student Feedback}
        \textbf{Lecturer Signature:} \underline{\hspace{6cm}} \textbf{Student Signature:} \hrulefill

        \textbf{\textcolor{Red}{Assessment type (\makebox[0pt][l]{$\square$}\raisebox{.15ex}{\hspace{0.1em}$\checkmark$}     ):}}  
        %$ \square$ \hspace{0.2cm} Questioning  (Oral/Written)
        \makebox[0pt][l]{$\square$}\raisebox{.15ex}{\hspace{0.1em}$\checkmark$}    \hspace{0.2cm} 
        Questioning  (Oral/Written)   
        $ \square$ \hspace{0.2cm} Practical Demonstration
        $ \square$ \hspace{0.2cm} $3^{rd}$ Party Report
        $ \square$ \hspace{0.2cm} Other - Project/Portfolio(please specify)
        %\makebox[0pt][l]{$\square$}\raisebox{.15ex}{\hspace{0.1em}$\checkmark$}    \hspace{0.2cm} Other - Project/Portfolio(please specify)  { \color{red}{ .}}
        \textbf{\textcolor{Red}{Assessment Resources:}}
        \textbf{\textcolor{Red}{Assessment Instructions:}}
            ********************************************************************************        }   \\
        xxxx to write generic assessment instructions
        \textbf{\textcolor{Red}{Assessment Instrument:}}
                \textbf{IMPORTANT NOTE:}\\
        \begin  {questions}
        Link the appropriate units of measurements by putting arrows from left to right 
        What does the line in the middle of each side of the square tell you?  % how many vertical and horizotanl lines does it have
        \end {questions}

