\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
% for fancy looks of data storages
node distance = 5mm and 7mm,
start chain = going right,
disc/.style = {shape=cylinder, draw, shape aspect=0.3,
shape border rotate=90,
text width=17mm, align=center, font=\linespread{0.8}\selectfont},
mdl/.style = {shape=ellipse, aspect=2.2, draw},
alg/.style = {draw, align=center, font=\linespread{0.8}\selectfont}
\begin{scope}[every node/.append style={on chain, join=by -Stealth}]
\node (n1) [alg] {image 1};
\node (n2) [alg] {image 2};
\node (n3) [alg] {image 3};
\node (n4) [alg] {image 4};
\node (n3) [alg] {image 5};
\node[below=of n4] {Figure 1:Project flowchart};
这篇文章告诉您如何在节点中插入图像: 如何在 tikzpicture 环境中嵌入外部图像?
然后您只需使用 \nodes 在所需位置插入文本。
\node[inner sep=0pt] (n1) at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=.25\textwidth]{example-image.jpg}};
\node[inner sep=0pt, draw, red, line width=1mm] (n2) at (5,0) {\includegraphics[width=.25\textwidth]{example-image.jpg}};
\node[draw] (n3) at (10,0) {\includegraphics[width=.25\textwidth]{example-image.jpg}};
\node (n4) at (15,0) {image 4};
\draw[->] (n1)--(n2);
\draw[->] (n2)--(n3);
\draw[->] (n3)--(n4);
\node[above=3cm] at (n1) {Phase 1};
\node[below=3cm, align=center] at (n1) {Description\\of phase 1\\1-The first\\1-The first\\1-The first};
\node[above=3cm] at (n2) {Phase 2};
\node[above=3cm] at (n3) {Phase 3};
\caption{Project flowchart}