在表格中使用 bmatrix 时垂直间距不一致

在表格中使用 bmatrix 时垂直间距不一致


\usepackage{amsmath, booktabs}
        Configuration    & $m$                     & $\rho_{3}$               & $I$                                                                                                                                                                       \\
        No Mass        & \SI{67.07}{\gram} & \SI{6.65}{\milli\metre}  & $\begin{bmatrix}
                                                                                         \num[round-mode=figures, round-precision=2]{3.314e-5} & 0                                                      & 0                                                      \\
                                                                                         0                                                     & \num[round-mode=figures, round-precision=2]{3.114e-05} & 0                                                      \\
                                                                                         0                                                     & 0                                                      & \num[round-mode=figures, round-precision=2]{1.386e-05} \\
                                                                                     \end{bmatrix}$\si{\kilogram\per\square\meter} \\

        +\SI{100}{\gram} & \SI{166.03}{\gram} & \SI{49.16}{\milli\metre} & $\begin{bmatrix}
                                                                                         \num[round-mode=figures, round-precision=2]{1.3215e-4} & 0                                                      & 0                                                      \\
                                                                                         0                                                      & \num[round-mode=figures, round-precision=2]{1.3009e-4} & 0                                                      \\
                                                                                         0                                                      & 0                                                      & \num[round-mode=figures, round-precision=2]{4.561e-05} \\
                                                                                     \end{bmatrix}$\si{\kilogram\per\square\meter} \\                                                    \\
        +\SI{200}{\gram} & \SI{215.61}{\gram} & \SI{50.01}{\milli\metre} & $\begin{bmatrix}
                                                                                         \num[round-mode=figures, round-precision=2]{1.6936e-4} & 0                                                      & 0                                                      \\
                                                                                         0                                                      & \num[round-mode=figures, round-precision=2]{1.6728e-4} & 0                                                      \\
                                                                                         0                                                      & 0                                                      & \num[round-mode=figures, round-precision=2]{7.732e-05} \\
                                                                                     \end{bmatrix}$\si{\kilogram\per\square\meter} \\                                                   \\
        +\SI{300}{\gram} & \SI{315.26}{\gram} & \SI{50.48}{\milli\metre} & $\begin{bmatrix}
                                                                                         \num[round-mode=figures, round-precision=2]{2.022e-4} & 0                                                      & 0                                                      \\
                                                                                         0                                                     & \num[round-mode=figures, round-precision=2]{2.0013e-4} & 0                                                      \\
                                                                                         0                                                     & 0                                                      & \num[round-mode=figures, round-precision=2]{1.0902e-4} \\
                                                                                     \end{bmatrix}$\si{\kilogram\per\square\meter}  \\                                                    \\
    \caption{Table of all the follower mass configurations, with the parameters for follower mass $m$ and follower \ac{COM} z offset $\rho_{3}$.}




我不太明白您说的“手动调整间距”是什么意思。我建议您\addlinespace在每行末尾使用指令,而不是\\ \\在某些情况下使用,\\在其他情况下使用。

我还会将每行重复的所有内容(例如测量单位)移到表格标题中,以简化和精简表格的外观。将第 2 列和第 3 列中的数字与各自的小数点对齐也会增添美感。


\documentclass[twocolumn]{article} % or some other suitable document class
\usepackage{amsmath, booktabs, siunitx, threeparttable, array}
\sisetup{round-mode=places, round-precision=2, 
         per-mode=symbol, exponent-product = \cdot}

\begin{threeparttable} % optional
\begin{tabular}{@{} l S[table-format=3.2] S[table-format=2.2] >{$}c<{$} @{}}
Configuration & {$m$} & {$\rho_{3}$}  & I \\
& {[\unit{\gram}]} & {[\unit{\milli\metre}]} & [\unit{\kilogram\per\square\meter}] \\
No Mass & 67.07 & 6.65 & 
      \num{3.314e-5} & 0  & 0  \\
      0 & \num{3.114e-05} & 0  \\
      0 & 0  & \num{1.386e-05} 
\end{bmatrix} \\ \addlinespace
+\qty[round-precision=0]{100}{\gram} & 166.03 & 49.16 & 
      \num{1.3215e-4} & 0  & 0  \\
      0  & \num{1.3009e-4} & 0  \\
      0  & 0  & \num{4.561e-05} 
\end{bmatrix} \\ \addlinespace
+\qty[round-precision=0]{200}{\gram} & 215.61 & 50.01 & 
      \num{1.6936e-4} & 0  & 0  \\
      0  & \num{1.6728e-4} & 0  \\
      0  & 0  & \num{7.732e-05} 
\end{bmatrix} \\ \addlinespace 
+\qty[round-precision=0]{300}{\gram} & 315.26 & 50.48 & 
      \num{2.022e-4} & 0  & 0  \\
      0 & \num{2.0013e-4} & 0  \\
      0 & 0  & \num{1.0902e-4}
\end{bmatrix}  \\

\caption{Table of all follower mass configurations, with the 
parameters for follower mass $m$ and follower COM z offset $\rho_{3}$.}
\end{threeparttable} % optional

