pgfplots:“填充之间”与范围和 foreach 循环的相互作用

pgfplots:“填充之间”与范围和 foreach 循环的相互作用

我打算fill between使用foreach循环在不同的地方创建多个绘图,每个绘图都有区域。虽然所有其他绘图线在循环的每次迭代中都按预期出现,但区域并未填充。

将轴放置fill between在范围内时也会发生类似的事情。看看这个 MWE:



        axis x line=none, axis y line=none,
        width=5cm, height=2cm, clip=false, anchor=origin,
        xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=-1, ymax=1,
        trig format plots=rad ]
    \addplot[blue, samples=21, domain=0:1, name path=sin1] plot {sin(pi*x)};
    \addplot[blue, samples=21, domain=0:1, name path=sin2] plot {-sin(pi*x)};
    \addplot[blue!10] fill between [of=sin1 and sin2];

        axis x line=none, axis y line=none,
        width=5cm, height=2cm, clip=false, anchor=origin,
        xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=-1, ymax=1,
        trig format plots=rad ]
    \addplot[blue, samples=21, domain=0:1, name path=sin3] plot {sin(pi*x)};
    \addplot[blue, samples=21, domain=0:1, name path=sin4] plot {-sin(pi*x)};
    \addplot[blue!10] fill between [of=sin3 and sin4];

\foreach \j in {1} {
        axis x line=none, axis y line=none,
        width=5cm, height=2cm, clip=false, anchor=origin,
        xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=-1, ymax=1,
        trig format plots=rad ]
    \addplot[blue, samples=21, domain=0:1, name path=sin5] plot {sin(\j*pi*x)};
    \addplot[blue, samples=21, domain=0:1, name path=sin6] plot {-sin(\j*pi*x)};
    \addplot[blue!10] fill between [of=sin5 and sin6];





您可以将\foreach循环放在环境内,并仅在循环后axis使用。fill between




    axis x line=none, axis y line=none,
    width=5cm, height=2cm, clip=false, anchor=origin,
    xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=-1, ymax=1,
    trig format plots=rad ]
\foreach \j in {1} {
    \addplot[blue, samples=21, domain=0:1, name path=sin5] plot {sin(\j*pi*x)};
    \addplot[blue, samples=21, domain=0:1, name path=sin6] plot {-sin(\j*pi*x)};
\addplot[blue!10] fill between [of=sin5 and sin6];

\pgfplotsforeachungrouped \j in {1} {
        axis x line=none, axis y line=none,
        width=5cm, height=2cm, clip=false, anchor=origin,
        xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=-1, ymax=1,
        trig format plots=rad ]
    \addplot[blue, samples=21, domain=0:1, name path=sin5] plot {sin(\j*pi*x)};
    \addplot[blue, samples=21, domain=0:1, name path=sin6] plot {-sin(\j*pi*x)};
    \addplot[blue!10] fill between [of=sin5 and sin6];

        axis x line=none, axis y line=none,
        width=5cm, height=2cm, clip=false, anchor=origin,
        xmin=0, xmax=1, ymin=-1, ymax=1,
        trig format plots=rad ]
    \addplot[blue, samples=21, domain=0:1, name path=sin5] plot {sin(#1*pi*x)};
    \addplot[blue, samples=21, domain=0:1, name path=sin6] plot {-sin(#1*pi*x)};
    \addplot[blue!10] fill between [of=sin5 and sin6];


