


我尝试使用 rotatebox 选项将表格旋转 90 度,但我希望表格保持水平/规则。


Parameter & unit/description \\\hline
time & timestamp [sec]\\ \hline
icao24 & ICAO 24-bit address to identify a single airframe\\
lat/lon & 2D position\\
velocity & Ground speed [m/s]\\
heading & [degrees]\\
vertrate & vertical speed of the aircraft [m/s]\\
callsign & callsign broadcasted by the aircraft (may be the flight number, but not necessarily the case\\
onground & indicates whether the aircraft is on the ground or airborne (True/False respectively)\\
squawk & A four digit number used for identification of an aircraft, or signalling that an emergency is taking place\\
baroaltitude/geoaltitude & baroalitude as measured by the on-board barometer - dependent on the atmospheric conditions. Geoaltitude is determined through GPS [m]\\
lastposupdate & last time since the position was updated [s]\\
lastcontact & indicator on when OpenSky has last received a signal from the aircraft. Highly dependent on the coverage of OS receivers [s]. Note that the state vectors are generated up to 300 seconds after the last signal has been received\\
\caption{\label{tab:opensky}OpenSky database - parameters and units}


Overfull \hbox (671.47899pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 48--63


我认为将表格内容切换为横向格式不是一个好主意。相反,我认为你应该允许在第二列自动换行。这可以借助环境来完成tabularx;我建议你将其宽度设置为\textwidth。在这样做的同时,你还可以告诉 LaTeX 提供连续行的悬挂缩进。


\documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class

% suspend full justification, arrange for hanging indentation:

% measure desired width of first column:
\settowidth\mylen{lastposupdate} % longest word in first column


\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} p{\mylen} L @{}}
Parameter & unit/description \\ \hline
time      & timestamp [sec] \\  \hline
icao24    & ICAO 24-bit address to identify a single airframe\\
lat/lon   & 2D position\\
velocity  & Ground speed [m/s]\\
heading   & [degrees]\\
vertrate  & Vertical speed of the aircraft [m/s]\\
callsign  & Callsign broadcasted by the aircraft (may be the flight number, but not necessarily the case\\
onground  & Indicates whether the aircraft is on the ground or airborne (True/False respectively)\\
squawk    & A four digit number used for identification of an aircraft, or signalling that an emergency is taking place\\
baroaltitude\slash geoaltitude & Baroalitude as measured by the onboard barometer---dependent on the atmospheric conditions. Geoaltitude is determined through GPS [m]\\
lastposupdate & Last time since the position was updated [s]\\
lastcontact   & Indicator on when OpenSky has last received a signal from the aircraft. Highly dependent on the coverage of OS receivers [s]. Note that the state vectors are generated up to 300 seconds after the last signal has been received

\caption{OpenSky database, parameters and units} \label{tab:opensky}


