\caption{Something Sweet and Sour}\label{sweetSour}%
\begin{tabular}{l L{12em} L{12em}L{12em} L{10em}}
Cocktail & Spirit & {Fruit juice} & {Sweetener} & Finishing touches \\
\rowcolor[rgb]{ .929, .929, .929} \cocktail{Alabama Slammer} & {Southern Comfort,~0.75 oz} & {Orange juice, 2 oz} & Amaretto, 0.75 oz\newline{}Sloe Gin, 0.75 oz & {} \\[2em]
\cocktail{Amaretto Sour} & Whiskey, 0.75 oz & {Lemon juice, 1 oz} & Amaretto, 1.5 oz\newline{}Simple syrup, 0.5 oz & Egg white\newline{}Angostura \\[2em]
\rowcolor[rgb]{ .929, .929, .929} \cocktail{Arrack Punch} & Batavia Arrack, 1.5 oz\newline{}Rum, 0.5 oz & Lemon juice, 0.75 oz\newline{}Pineapple juice, 0.5 oz & {Simple syrup, 0.75 oz} & Mint sprig\newline{}Seasonal berries \\[2em]
\cocktail{Autumn in New Jersey} & Applejack, 2 oz & {Lemon juice, 0.75 oz} & {Orgeat, 0.75 oz} & Angostura\newline{}Mint sprig \\[2em]
\rowcolor[rgb]{ .929, .929, .929} \cocktail{Aviation} & Gin, 1.5 oz & {Lemon juice, 0.5 oz} & Luxardo, 0.75 oz \newline{}Cr\`{e}me de violette, 0.25 oz & Cherry or Lemon peel \\[2em]
\cocktail{Batida de Coco} & Cacha\c{c}a, 1.5 oz & {Lime juice, 0.5 oz} & Cream of coconut, 1.75 oz & Grated nutmeg \\[2em]
\rowcolor[rgb]{ .929, .929, .929} \cocktail{Bees Knees} & Genever, 1.5 oz & {Lemon juice, 0.5 oz} & {Honey syrup, 0.75 oz} & Lemon twist \\[2em]
\cocktail{Bella Luna} & Gin, 2 oz & {Lemon juice, 0.75 oz} & Elderflower liqueur, 0.75 oz\newline{}Cr\`{e}me de violette, 0.5 oz\newline{}Simple syrup, 1 tsp & {} \\[2em]
\rowcolor[rgb]{ .929, .929, .929} \cocktail{Blue martini} & Vodka, 0.75 oz & Lemon juice, 0.25 oz\newline{}Lime juice, 0.25 oz & Malibu coconut, 1 oz\newline{}Blue cura\c{c}ao, 0.5 oz\newline{}Simple syrup, 0.5 oz & Orange wheel \\[2em]
\cocktail{Bramble} & Gin, 2 oz & {Lemon juice, 0.75 oz} & Cr\`{e}me de m\^{u}re, 0.5 oz\newline{}Simple syrup, 0.5 oz & Blackberry, lemon wheel \\[2em]
\rowcolor[rgb]{ .929, .929, .929} \cocktail{Cable car} & Spiced rum, 1.5 oz & {Lemon juice, 1 oz} & Orange liqueur, 0.75 oz\newline{}Simple syrup, 0.5 oz & Cinnamon rim\newline{}Orange twist \\[2em]
\cocktail{Caipirinha} & Cacha\c{c}a, 2 oz & {Muddle 1 lime} & Simple syrup, 1 oz & {} \\[2em]
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\caption{Something Sweet and Sour}
colspec={Q[l, font=\bfseries]
X[1.2, l]
X[0.8, l]},
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& Spirit & Fruit juice & Sweetener & Finishing touches \\
{Alabama Slammer}
& {Southern Comfort,\\ 0.75 oz}
& Orange juice, 2 oz
& {Amaretto, 0.75 oz\\ Sloe Gin, 0.75 oz}
& \\
Amaretto Sour
& Whiskey, 0.75 oz
& Lemon juice, 1 oz
& {Amaretto, 1.5 oz\\ Simple syrup, 0.5 oz}
& Egg white Angostura \\
Arrack Punch
& Batavia Arrack, 1.5 oz Rum, 0.5 oz
& Lemon juice, 0.75 oz Pineapple juice, 0.5 oz
& Simple syrup, 0.75 oz
& Mint sprig Seasonal berries \\
{Autumn in\\
New Jersey}
& Applejack, 2 oz
& Lemon juice, 0.75 oz
& Orgeat, 0.75 oz
& Angostura Mint sprig \\
& Gin, 1.5 oz
& Lemon juice, 0.5 oz
& {Luxardo, 0.75 oz\\
Cr\`{e}me de violette, 0.25 oz}
& Cherry or Lemon peel \\
Batida de Coc
& Cacha\c{c}a, 1.5 oz
& Lime juice, 0.5 oz
& Cream of coconut, 1.75 oz
& Grated nutmeg \\
Bees Knees
& Genever, 1.5 oz
& Lemon juice, 0.5 oz
& Honey syrup, 0.75 oz
& Lemon twist \\
Bella Luna
& Gin, 2 oz
& Lemon juice, 0.75 oz
& {Elderflower liqueur, 0.75 oz\\
Cr\`{e}me de violette, 0.5 oz
Simple syrup, 1 tsp}
& \\
Blue martini
& Vodka, 0.75 oz
& Lemon juice, 0.25 oz Lime juice, 0.25 oz
& Malibu coconut, 1 oz
Blue cura\c{c}ao, 0.5 oz
Simple syrup, 0.5 oz
& Orange wheel \\
& Gin, 2 oz
& Lemon juice, 0.75 oz
& Cr\`{e}me de m\^{u}re, 0.5 oz
Simple syrup, 0.5 oz
& Blackberry, lemon wheel \\
Cable car
& Spiced rum, 1.5 oz
& Lemon juice, 1 oz
& Orange liqueur, 0.75 oz
Simple syrup, 0.5 oz
& Cinnamon rim
Orange twist \\
& Cacha\c{c}a, 2 oz
& Muddle 1 lime
& Simple syrup, 1 oz
& \\