当一章只有一个图时,省略图编号中的 .1

当一章只有一个图时,省略图编号中的 .1

在书籍类中,图片默认编号为 \thechapter.\arabic{figure}。但是,当一章中只有一个图片时,{figure} 编号是多余的。

在这种情况下,我该如何从图形标签中删除 \arabic{figure},以便单个图形仅被标记和引用为 Figure \thechapter 而不是 Figure \thechapter.\arabic{figure}

在我的 MWE 中,第 1 章包含两个图(带有默认标签),第 2 章仅包含一个图。如何让该图仅标记为图 2,而不是图 2.1



\chapter{First chapter with two figures}

In this chapter, Figures \ref{fig1.1} and \ref{fig1.2} are labeled as intended.

    \caption{Figure is labeled 1.1 as intended}

    \caption{Figure is labeled 1.2 as intended}

\chapter{Second chapter with one single figure}

In this chapter the only Figure \ref{fig2} should be labeled and referenced as just 2, not 2.1.

    \caption{This is the only figure in this chapter. The .1 in the numbering is redundant and I would like to remove it.}


我之所以要从孤立数字中删除 \arabic{figure} 是因为 .1 可以被解释为至少 .2 的含义。










\documentclass[openany]{book}   % [openany] only for demonstration to avoid empty pages
\usepackage[Export]{adjustbox}  % For \adjustboxset

\counterwithout*{figure}{chapter}    % Prevents from resetting figure numbers 
\adjustboxset{width=0.5\linewidth}   % To avoid repetition with \inlcudegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{...}

% This environment redefines figure labelling, locally
\NewDocumentEnvironment{slfigure}{O{} +b}{

\chapter{Chapter with only one figure}
In this chapter the only Figure \ref{fig1} should be referenced as just 1, not 1.1.

  \caption{Single figure}

\chapter{Chapter with several figures}
In this chapter, the Figures \ref{fig2.2} and \ref{fig2.3} can be referenced as intended.

  \caption{Figure is labeled 2.2 as intended}

A sentence between figures

  \caption{Figure is labeled 2.3 as intended}

\chapter{Chapter with only one figure}
The second chapter with a single Figure~\ref{fig:4}

  \caption{Single figure no. 4}


  • 欢迎来到 TeX.SE!
  • 您的问题不完全清楚:应该如何对之前插入的数字进行编号\section{...}
  • 我预计,这就像没有章节一样
  • 在这种情况下,请尝试在序言中添加以下代码片段:

  • 完成 MWE(稍微改变了你的 MWE)



\chapter{Chapter with only one figure}

In this chapter the only Figure \ref{fig1} should be referenced as just 1, not 1.1.

    \caption{This is the only figure in this chapter. The .1 in the numbering is redundant and I would like to remove it.}

    \caption{This is the only figure in this chapter}

\chapter{Chapter with several figures}

    \caption{Figure is labeled 2.1 as intended}

\section{first section in the second chapter}
    \caption{Figure is labeled 2.2 as intended}




