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\subsection{BCA Protein Assay}

\textbf{Calibration curve}

To create a calibration curve to measure the sample against, a series of two-fold dilutions are needed by combining BSA (100mg/ml) and Ripa Buffer (see Table 1). In which the previous solution is used to create the next solution, to calculate the amount of BSA and Ripa Buffer needed in each dilution, the following formula is used. Initial concentration x Initial Volume = Final Concentration x Final Volume: $C_i$ x $V_i$ = $C_2$ x $V_2$.

(1) 100mg/ml = $C_i$ , 2mg/ml = $C_2$ , 200$\mu l$ = $V_2$ \\
    100mg/ml x $V_i$ = 2mg/ml x 200$\mu l$ \implies $V_i$ = 4$\mu l$ \\
    In dilution 1, 4 $\mu l$ of BSA is needed and therefore 196$\mu l$ of Ripa buffer to create a 200 $\mu l$ solution.

(2) 2mg/ml = $C_i$ , 1mg/ml = $C_2$ , 200$\mu l$ = $V_2$
    2mg/ml x $V_i$ = 1mg/ml x 200$\mu l$ \implies $V_i$ = 100$\mu l$ 
    In Dilution 2, 100$\mu l$ of BSA is needed and therefore 100$\mu l$ of Ripa buffer to create a 200$\mu l$ solution. 
The calculation was repeated for all of the dilutions below.

\textbf{Preparation of Sample and Cell Media }

The Sample is diluted with Ripa Buffer to create different concentrations. The following formula is used to calculate how much Ripa Buffer and Sample/Cell Media are required for each dilution: 

(1) 100mg/ml = $C_i$, 10mg/ml = $C_2$ , 300$\mu l$ = $V_2$ \\
    100mg/ml x $V_i$ = 10mg/ml x 300$\mu l$ \implies $V_i$ = 30$\mu l$ \\
    In Dilution 1, 30$\mu l$ of Sample/Cell Media is needed and therefore 270$\mu l$ of Ripa buffer to create a 300$\mu l$ solution. 
The calculation was repeated for all dilutions below.

\textbf{Preparation of BCA Reagent }

To prepare the Bicinchoninic Acid BCAa and BCAb are combined at 50:1 in a total 20ml solution.
19.6ml of BCAa and 0.4ml of BCAb

\subsection{Assessment of plasma apoE monomers, homodimers and heterodimers}

A\% = \frac{$OD_A$}{$OD_A$ + $OD_B$ + $OD_C$}

\subsection{Determination of total plasma apoE concentrations}
\textbf{Calibration Curve} \\
To create a calibration curve to measure the ApoE concentration of the samples, a series of two-fold dilutions are needed by combining ApoE(16000pg/ml) and Blocking Buffer (see Table 1). In which the previous solution is used to create the next solution,the following formula is used: $C_i$ x $V_i$ = $C_2$ x $V_2$.

(1) 16000pg/ml = $C_i$ , 8000pg/ml = $C_2$ , 1ml = $V_2$ \\
    16000 pg/ml x $V_i$ = 8000pg/ml x 1ml \implies $V_i$ = 0.5ml```


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\subsection{BCA Protein Assay}

\textbf{Calibration curve}

To create a calibration curve to measure the sample against, a series of two-fold dilutions are needed by combining BSA (\qty{100}{mg/ml}) and Ripa Buffer (see Table 1). In which the previous solution is used to create the next solution, to calculate the amount of BSA and Ripa Buffer needed in each dilution, the following formula is used. $\text{Initial concentration} \times \text{Initial Volume} = \text{Final Concentration} \times \text{Final Volume}$: $C_i \times V_i = C_2 \times V_2$.
\item   $\qty{100}{mg/ml} = C_i$, $\qty{2}{mg/ml} = C_2$, $\qty{200}{\micro\liter} = V_2$  

        $\qty{100}{mg/ml}   \times V_i = \qty{2}{mg/ml} \times \qty{200}{\micro\litre} \implies V_i = \qty{4}{\micro\liter}$

        In dilution 1, \qty{4}{\micro\liter} of BSA is needed and therefore \qty{196}{\micro\liter} of Ripa buffer to create a \qty{200}{\micro\liter} solution.
\item   $\qty{2}{mg/ml} = C_i$, $\qty{1}{mg/ml} = C_2$, $\qty{200}{\micro\liter} = V_2$
        $\qty{2}{mg/ml} \times V_i = \qty{1}{mg/ml} \times \qty{200}{\micro\liter} \implies V_i = \qty{100}{\micro\liter}$.

        In Dilution 2, \qty{100}{\micro\liter} of BSA is needed and therefore \qty{100}{\micro\liter} of Ripa buffer to create a \qty{200}{\micro\liter} solution.
The calculation was repeated for all of the dilutions below.
\textbf{Preparation of Sample and Cell Media }

The Sample is diluted with Ripa Buffer to create different concentrations. The following formula is used to calculate how much Ripa Buffer and Sample/Cell Media are required for each dilution:
\item   $\qty{100}{mg/ml} = C_i$, $\qty{10}{mg/ml} = C_2$, $\qty{300}{\micro\liter} = V_2$ \\

    $\qty{100}{mg/ml} \times V_i = \qty{10}{mg/ml} \times \qty{300}{\micro\liter} \implies V_i = \qty{30}{\micro\liter}$.
    In Dilution 1, \qty{30}{\micro\liter} of Sample/Cell Media is needed and therefore 270$\mu l$ of Ripa buffer to create a \qty{300}{\micro\liter} solution.
The calculation was repeated for all dilutions below.

\textbf{Preparation of BCA Reagent}

To prepare the Bicinchoninic Acid BCAa and BCAb are combined at 50:1 in a total 20ml solution.
19.6ml of BCAa and 0.4ml of BCAb

\subsection{Assessment of plasma apoE monomers, homodimers and heterodimers}
A\,\% = \frac{OD_A}{OD_A + OD_B + OD_C}

\subsection{Determination of total plasma apoE concentrations}
\textbf{Calibration Curve} 

To create a calibration curve to measure the ApoE concentration of the samples, a series of two-fold dilutions are needed by combining ApoE (\qty{16000}{pg/ml}) and Blocking Buffer (see Table 1). In which the previous solution is used to create the next solution,the following formula is used: $C_i \times V_i = C_2 \times V_2$.
\item   $\qty{16000}{pg/ml} = C_i$, $\qty{8000}{pg/ml} = C_2$, $\qty{1}{ml} = V_2$ 
        $\qty{16000}{pg/ml} \times V_i = \qty{8000}{pg/ml} \times \qty{1}{ml} \implies V_i = \qty{0.5}{ml}$


