

我在写论文时遇到了一个问题。参考文献部分显示有 280 条引用,而文献中总共只有不到 100 条。我的代码如下:

% thesis.tex

% Document Style
% Choose only one of the following document classes:
% for a 12 Point NUST PhD Thesis without Margin Check
% for a 10 Point PhD Thesis with Margin Check
% The margincheck option flags lines which overflow their hbox with a black
%  box at the end of the line.  This usually (but not always) indicates a
%  margin violation on the right margin.  Left margin violations aren't
%  indicated and if the margin violation is large enough, there isn't room
%  for the black box to be visiable.
% This option can be also used in conjunction with the msthesis option.
% or for a 12 Point NUST Masters Thesis
% or for a 10 Point NUST Masters Thesis
% The msthesis option changes the  margins from 1" all around
% (the PhD format) to 1.25" left and 1" remaining margins (MS format).
% The defaults for degree and thesis are changed to be MS and thesis.
% These defaults can be overridden if the margins for the MS thesis
% are desired for other documents.

% To include optional packages, use the \usepackage command.
%  The package epsfig is used to bring in the Encapsulated PostScript
%    figures into the document.
%  The package times is used to change the fonts to Times Roman; however
%    because the times typewriter font looks odd, the original LaTeX
%    Computer Modern font is kept for the typewriter font using
%      \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{cmtt}
%    Note that Times Roman is a PostScript font and therefore, the document
%    cannot be correctly viewed from the *.dvi file.  It should be converted
%    to a *.ps file first and then viewed with a PostScript previewer...


% This is for color online viewing version
% This is for Black and White printing version

pdftitle = {Muhammad Danyal Khan MS Thesis}, pdfsubject = {Muhammad Danyal Khan's
MS Thesis}, pdfkeywords = {Speech Recognition, ASR, Call Center, audio transcription, Urdu language, Urdu ASR, Speech to Text, AI, Cyber Security}, pdfauthor = {\textcopyright\
Muhammad Danyal Khan}, pdfcreator = {\LaTeX\ with package \flqq
hyperref\frqq}, pdfproducer =
{pdfeTeX-0.\the\pdftexversion\pdftexrevision} }

%\usepackage[chapter]{algorithm} (change by Arshad)
\usepackage{makeidx}  % allows for indexgeneration
\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.jpg, .pdf, .mps, .png}
\usepackage{longtable} %Arshad
% \usepackage{color}


\usepackage{booktabs}% for better rules in the table


% Essential packages
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm} % AMS Packages
%\usepackage{graphicx,color}           % Packages for graphics and color
\usepackage[left=1.5in, right=1in, top=1in, bottom=1in, includefoot, headheight=13.6pt]{geometry}
\DeclareMathOperator*{\argmax}{argmax} % thin space, limits underneath in displays
% Optional customization packages
\usepackage{lmodern}                  % Custom fonts
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}              % Ensure correct font encoding



%Code listing style named "mycoding"
  backgroundcolor=\color{lightgray}, commentstyle=\color{green},
\renewcommand{\lstlistingname}{Code}% Listing -> Code %% to change Code caption
\renewcommand{\lstlistlistingname}{List of \lstlistingname s}% List of Listings -> List of Codes


%\subtitle{A sub-title}

\author{ KHAN}
\degree{\\Master of Science in Cyber Security} % MSCSE, MSCCS
\school{Pakistan Engineering College}
\adviser{Professor Aziz }
\adviserAffiliation{Department of Security }


% Section symbol

%  Draft Control Commands:
% \psdraft causes the \psfig or \epsfig commands to draw a box and label
% the box with the postscript file name instead of reading in the full
% postscript figure.  This can save time and toner when printing drafts.
% \psfull causes the inclusion of the postscript figures.
%\pagestyle{thesisdraft} causes the footer text to become:
% DRAFT: Do Not Distribute        <time><Date>        <input file name>
%\pagestyle{thesis} causes the header and footers to be the correct format
%  The page margins can be marked with a post-script box using the
%  \draftmargins command.  This command uses dvips's end-of-page hook
%  This is only visible in the *.ps file (NOT the *.dvi file)!
%  The word ``DRAFT'' can be diagonally printed across the page using
%  the \draftscreen command.  This command uses dvip's beginning-of-page
%  hook.  This is only visible in the *.ps file (NOT the *.dvi file)!

% Remove the following lines if appendix tables or figures are present.
% The suppress writing the auxiliary information which appears in the
% list of tables or list of figures.
%\noappendixtables                % Don't have appendix tables
%\noappendixfigures               % Don't have appendix figures

% End of Preamble, start of document


% Choose your bibliography style
% plain is the basic style, others include ieeetr, siam, asm, etc


\include{prelude}                % Title page, abstract, table of contents, etc

%\bibliography{refs}              % Make the bibliography


%\begin{appendices}               % Start of the Appendix
%Chapters.  If there is only
                %one Appendix Chapter, then use \begin{appendix}

%\include{code}     % Including computer code listings
%\include{bibref}   % a BibTeX reference
%\include{math}     % Complex Equations from the UW Math Department

%\end{appendices} % End of the Appendix Chapters.

%\include{vita}   % Optional Vita, use \begin{vita} vita text \end{vita}


