我在一个枚举环境(包含项目 1 和 2)里面有一个逐项列举环境。
首先,我想展示我的两个枚举项:项 1 和项 2。之后,暂停一下。最后,暂停后,返回我的第一个枚举项,并展示项 1 中的项目化(未枚举)。
\item I want that the first enumerated item before the pause
\item I want that the show the enumerated item before the pause
现在,我想暂停并返回到项目 1 来显示项目化环境:
\item I want that the first enumerated item before the pause
\item My first item (not enumerated) after the pause
\item My second item (not enumerated) after the pause
\item I want that the show the enumerated item before the pause
\item I want that the first enumerated item before the pause
\item My first item (not enumerated) after the pause
\item My second item (not enumerated) after the pause
\item I want that the show the enumerated item before the pause