Latex TIKZ - 绘制 YAWL 工作流任务

Latex TIKZ - 绘制 YAWL 工作流任务

我想为我的论文创建一个 YAWL 模式。该模式由任务组成,如下图所示,我的最终模型看起来像绘制的图表(它的简化版本)。

YAWL 图案元素


我非常喜欢下图的设计。我的问题是,我真的不明白如何开始开发我自己的模型(即使经过广泛的研究),同时又被 fe \usetikzlibrary、newcommand、节点中的节点,甚至 tikzspicture 中的 tikzpicture 的可能性所淹没——我不再对潜在的解决方案有一个概述。

  • 如何定义可在整个工作流模型中使用的灵活的 TIKZ 任务定义?
  • 总体而言,是否存在设计此类工作流模型的最佳实践?




  1. 节点的外观。
  2. 节点的放置。
  3. 连接节点。

1. 节点外观

这是一个原始的 TikZ 方法。

所有这些符号都是circle或形状,通过(将另一个节点放置在与我们使用它的节点相关的位置)和(允许我们用它引用最后放置的节点的名称)rectangle绘制一些额外的东西。labelappend after command\tikzlastnode

  • 在输入和输出条件的情况下,它只是另一个label被填充的形状(a)。
  • 复合任务只是一个double矩形。
  • 多个任务会额外绘制一个边框。(还有copy shadow
  • 拆分任务再次成为rectangle绘制额外内容的节点。

  • add anchor alias to me
  • add anchor to me


(在这种split情况下,这只是和和.in的别名。因为它只是反过来而已。).westout 1out 2join


(额外的锚点与 一起使用\pgfpointlineattime。)




2. 节点的放置。


我在这里使用了\matrix,因为它将所有节点整齐地放在网格上并对其进行命名<matrix name>-<row>-<column>




  • horizontal vertical horizontal(= -|-),
  • only horizontal first(这似乎有问题,因为.west必须手动声明),
  • only horizontal second
  • r-du利用辅助坐标绘制环边的操作。





    matrix,           % for matrix of nodes
    shapes.geometric, % for isosceles triangle
    calc,             % for $-syntax
    ext.paths.ortho,  % for -|-
  add anchor to node/.code n args={3}{%
    \edef\tikz@temp##1{%  \tikz@pp@name/\tikzlastnode needs to be expanded
      \noexpand\pgfutil@g@addto@macro\expandafter\noexpand\csname pgf@sh@ma@\tikz@pp@name{#1}\endcsname{%
        \def\expandafter\noexpand\csname pgf@anchor@\csname pgf@sh@ns@\tikz@pp@name{#1}\endcsname @#2\endcsname{##1}%
  add anchor to me/.style 2 args={append after command={
    [add anchor to node={\tikzlastnode}{#1}{#2}]}},
  add anchor alias to node/.style n args={3}{
    add anchor to node={#1}{#2}{\pgf@sh@reanchor{\csname pgf@sh@ns@\pgfreferencednodename\endcsname}{#3}}},
  add anchor alias to me/.style args={#1 for #2}{append after command={
      [add anchor alias to node={\tikzlastnode}{#1}{#2}]}}}
  yawl diagram/.style={
    yawl size/.initial=1cm,
    yawl task part/.initial=.2,
    all yawl/.style={draw, minimum size=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/yawl size}},
    %% Conditions
    condition/.style={all yawl, shape=circle},
    input condition triangle/.style={
      shape=isosceles triangle, fill=black, draw=none,
      xshift=-.1*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/yawl size},
      minimum width=.5*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/yawl size},
      minimum height=.3*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/yawl size}},
    output condition square/.style={
      shape=rectangle, fill=black, draw=none,
      minimum size=.5*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/yawl size}},
    input condition/.style={
      condition, label={[input condition triangle]center:}},
    output condition/.style={
      condition, label={[output condition square]center:}},
    %% Tasks
    atomic task/.style={all yawl, shape=rectangle},
    composite task/.style={
      atomic task, double, double distance=1.5pt,
      outer sep=2\pgflinewidth+\pgfinnerlinewidth},
    multiple path/.style n args=3{
     append after command={
        ([xshift=##1]\tikzlastnode.north west)
        edge[##3, to path={|- ([shift={(##2,##2)}]\tikzlastnode.north east)
                          |- ([yshift=##1]\tikzlastnode.south east)}] ()}},
    multiple atomics/.style={atomic task, multiple path={2pt}{2pt}{}},
    multiple composites/.style={composite task, multiple path={4pt}{2pt}{double, double distance=1.5pt}},
    %% … that was the easy part
    %% Tasks
      all yawl, minimum width=1.5*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/yawl size}, shape=rectangle},
    task right/.style={
      task, add anchor alias to me=in for west,
      add anchor to me={out 1}{\pgfpointlineattime{.3}{\northeast}{\csname pgf@anchor@rectangle@south east\endcsname}},
      add anchor to me={out 2}{\pgfpointlineattime{.7}{\northeast}{\csname pgf@anchor@rectangle@south east\endcsname}},
      append after command={
        ($(\tikzlastnode.north east)!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/yawl task part}!(\tikzlastnode.north west)$)
        edge coordinate[midway] (@)
        ($(\tikzlastnode.south east)!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/yawl task part}!(\tikzlastnode.south west)$)
    task left/.style={
      task, add anchor alias to me=out for east,
      add anchor to me={in 1}{\pgfpointlineattime{.7}{\southwest}{\csname pgf@anchor@rectangle@north west\endcsname}},
      add anchor to me={in 2}{\pgfpointlineattime{.3}{\southwest}{\csname pgf@anchor@rectangle@north west\endcsname}},
      append after command={
        ($(\tikzlastnode.north west)!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/yawl task part}!(\tikzlastnode.north east)$)
        edge coordinate[midway] (@)
        ($(\tikzlastnode.south west)!\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/yawl task part}!(\tikzlastnode.south east)$)
    and split/.style={
      task right={(\tikzlastnode.north east) edge[shorten >=\pgflinewidth, shorten <=\pgflinewidth,
         to path={--(@)--(\tikzlastnode.south east)}]()}},
    xor split/.style={
      task right={(\tikzlastnode.north east-|@) edge[shorten >=\pgflinewidth, shorten <=\pgflinewidth,
         to path={--([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\tikzlastnode.east)--(\tikzlastnode.south east-|@)}]()}},
    or split/.style={
      task right={%
        ([yshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]$(\tikzlastnode.north east)!.5!(\tikzlastnode.north-|@)$)
        edge[line join=bevel, to path={-- coordinate[at start](@@) (@) -- ([yshift=.5\pgflinewidth]\tln.south-|@@)
                                       -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\tln.east) -- cycle}]()
    and join/.style={
        task left={(\tikzlastnode.north west) edge[shorten >=\pgflinewidth, shorten <=\pgflinewidth,
           to path={--(@)--(\tikzlastnode.south west)}]()}},
      xor join/.style={
        task left={(\tikzlastnode.north east-|@) edge[shorten >=\pgflinewidth, shorten <=\pgflinewidth,
           to path={--([xshift=.5\pgflinewidth]\tikzlastnode.west)--(\tikzlastnode.south west-|@)}]()}},
      or join/.style={
        task left={%
          ([yshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]$(\tikzlastnode.north west)!.5!(\tikzlastnode.north-|@)$)
          edge[line join=bevel, to path={-- coordinate[at start](@@) (@) -- ([yshift=.5\pgflinewidth]\tln.south-|@@)
                                         -- ([xshift=.5\pgflinewidth]\tln.west) -- cycle}]()
  yawl diagram,
  add split/.style={
    append after command={(\    edge[<-] ++(left:10pt)
                          (\tikzlastnode.out 1) edge[->] ++(right:10pt)
                          (\tikzlastnode.out 2) edge[->] ++(right:10pt)}},
  add split'/.style={
    append after command={(\ 1) edge[<-] ++(left:10pt)
                          (\ 2) edge[<-] ++(left:10pt)
                          (\tikzlastnode.out)  edge[->] ++(right:10pt)}}

\matrix [
  matrix of nodes, row sep=2mm, column sep=2mm,
  column 2/.style={anchor=mid west},
  column 4/.style={anchor=mid west}] {
 |[condition]|        & Condition        & |[atomic task]|         & Atomic task \\
 |[input condition]|  & Input condition  & |[composite task]|      & Composite task \\
 |[output condition]| & Output condition & |[multiple atomics]|    & Multiple atomic tasks \\
                      &                  & |[multiple composites]| & Multiple composite tasks \\
 |[and split, add split]| & AND-split & |[and join, add split']| & AND-join \\
 |[xor split, add split]| & XOR-split & |[xor join, add split']| & XOR-join \\
 |[or split,  add split]| & OR-split  & |[or join,  add split']| & OR-join \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[yawl diagram]
\matrix (m) [
  matrix of nodes,
  row sep=1cm,
  column sep=1cm,
  l/.style={label={[node font=\scriptsize]below:\vphantom{gV}#1}},
] {
     & & & & |[composite task, l = Automation]| \\
  |[input condition]|
     & |[xor join, l = loop join]|
       & |[task, l = next step]|
         & |[xor split, l = \dots, mgnt]|
           & |[task, l = manual]|
             & |[xor join, mgnt]|
               & |[xor split, l = loop]|
                 & |[condition]| \\
\path[->, thick, shorten >=\pgflinewidth]
  (m-2-1)       edge[horizontal vertical horizontal] coordinate[pos=.85] (loop start) ( 1)
  (m-2-2)       edge (m-2-3)
  (m-2-3)       edge (m-2-4)
  (m-2-4.out 2) edge[only horizontal first] (m-2-5.west)
  (m-2-4.out 1) edge[horizontal vertical horizontal] (m-1-5)
  (m-2-5)       edge[only horizontal second] ( 2)
  (m-1-5)       edge[horizontal vertical horizontal] ( 1)
  (m-2-6)       edge (m-2-7)
  (m-2-7.out 1) edge[horizontal vertical horizontal] coordinate[pos=.15] (loop end) (m-2-8)
  (m-2-7.out 2) edge[
    udlr/du distance=2cm,
    to path={--(loop end|-\tikztostart)r-du(loop start|-\tikztotarget)--(\tikztotarget)}] ( 2)
     inner ysep=.7cm,
     inner xsep=.5cm,


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