



\def\OneTheorem{the theorem }
\def\ManyTheorems{theorems }

\def\TheoremSep{, }
{\sc ProofA of \PrintTheorem{#1}

\title{Test File}








\def\OneTheorem{the theorem }
\def\ManyTheorems{theorems }

\def\TheoremSep{, }
{\sc ProofA of \PrintTheorem{#1}

\title{Test File}








   \else \ltheorS({\ltheorB#1::})\expandafter\ltheorA\fi}
\def\ltheorS{\def\ltheorS{, }}

{\sc ProofA of {\rm \listTheorems{#1}}

Text text.

Text text.





  \textsc{ProofA~of}~\kleyn_proofref:n { #1 }

\seq_new:N \l__kleyn_proofref_in_seq
\seq_new:N \l__kleyn_proofref_out_seq
\tl_new:N \l__kleyn_proofref_range_tl

\cs_new_protected:Nn \kleyn_proofref:n
  \seq_set_split:Nnn \l__kleyn_proofref_in_seq { || } { #1 }
  \seq_set_map:NNn \l__kleyn_proofref_out_seq \l__kleyn_proofref_in_seq
    (\str_if_in:nnTF {##1} {:} { \__kleyn_proofref_range:n { ##1 } } { ##1 })
  \seq_use:Nn \l__kleyn_proofref_out_seq { ,~ } 

\cs_new_protected:Nn \__kleyn_proofref_range:n
  \tl_set:Nn \l__kleyn_proofref_range_tl { #1 }
  \tl_replace_once:NVn \l__kleyn_proofref_range_tl \c_colon_str { -- }
  \tl_use:N \l__kleyn_proofref_range_tl
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_replace_once:Nnn { NV }



\title{Test File}















\CheckWhetherNoBarColon{⟨argument to check⟩}%
                       {⟨tokens in case ⟨argument to check⟩ does not contain |: (unless nested between curly braces)⟩}%
                       {⟨tokens in case ⟨argument to check⟩ does contain |: which is not nested between curly braces⟩}%

在您的场景中,嵌套尾递归(在||-delimited 项列表上进行迭代,依次将每个项作为|:-delimited 参数列表)可能会起到作用:

%% Paraphernalia:
%%    \UD@firstoftwo, \UD@secondoftwo, \UD@Exchange, \UD@PassFirstToSecond,
%%    \UD@stopromannumeral, \UD@CheckWhetherNull, \UD@CheckWhetherBlank, 
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
%% Check whether argument is blank (empty or only spaces):
%% -- Take advantage of the fact that TeX discards space tokens when
%%    "fetching" _un_delimited arguments: --
%% \UD@CheckWhetherBlank{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case that
%%                        argument which is to be checked is blank>}%
%%                      {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                        which is to be checked is not blank>}%
%% Trim one leading and one trailing space if present.
%%   This is borrrowed from trimspaces.sty v 1.1 2009/09/17 by
%%   Will Robertson/Morten Høgholm.
  \newcommand\UDtrim@spaces[1]{\romannumeral-`\q\UDtrim@trim@\noexpand#1Q Q}%
  \@ifdefinable\UDtrim@trim@{\long\def\UDtrim@trim@#1 Q{\UDtrim@trim@@#1Q}}%
  %% \UD@ExtractFirstDelimitedArg{<gobble-macro>}%
  %%                             {<keep-macro>}%
  %%                             {<remove-till-frozen-relax-mmacro>}%
  %%                             {<delimiter>}%
  %%                             {<list of delimited arguments>}%
% \UD@barbardelimitedloop{<list gathered so far>}% initialize empty
%                        {<stuff to prepend if loop terminates this time>}% initialize to phrase in case no references are specified
%                        {<separator to prepend in this iteration>}% initialize empty
%                        {<separator to prepend in next iteration>}% initialize to comma
%                        {<stuff to prepend if loop terminates with one element>}% initialize to phrase in case a single reference is specified
%                        {<stuff to prepend if loop terminates with several elements>}% initialize to phrase in case deveral references are specified
%                        {<remaining list>}% initialize to environment's argument
  % #1 - <item in this iteration>
  % #2 - <list gathered so far>
  % #3 - <stuff to prepend if loop terminates this time>
  % #4 - <separator to prepend in this iteration>
  % #5 - <separator to prepend in next iteration>
  % #6 - <stuff to prepend if loop terminates with one element>
  % #7 - <stuff to prepend if loop terminates with several elements>
  % #8 - <remaining list>
% \UD@barcolondelimitedloop{<list gathered so far>}% initialize empty
%                          {<stuff to prepend if loop terminates this time>}%
%                          {<separator to prepend in this iteration>}% initialize empty
%                          {<separator to prepend in next iteration>}% initialiize to --
%                          {<stuff to prepend if loop terminates with one element>}%
%                          {<stuff to prepend if loop terminates with several elements>}%
%                          {<remaining list>}% initialize to current item of ||-list
                         {Proof(s) of \UnspecifiedTheorems}%
                         {, }%
                         {Proof of \OneTheorem}%
                         {Proofs of \ManyTheorems}%


\newcommand*\UnspecifiedTheorems{some unspecified theorem(s) }
\newcommand*\OneTheorem{the theorem }
\newcommand*\ManyTheorems{theorems }

\newenvironment{ProofRefA}[1]{{\sc ProofA/\PrintTheorem{#1}}}{\qed}




\noindent\verb+\begin{ProofRefA}{ ab1 || ab2|:ab3 || ab4 || ab5 }\end{ProofRefA}+:\\
\begin{ProofRefA}{ ab1 || ab2|:ab3 || ab4 || ab5 }\end{ProofRefA}

\noindent\verb+\begin{ProofRefA}{  ab2|: || }\end{ProofRefA}+:\\
\begin{ProofRefA}{  ab2|: || }\end{ProofRefA}

\noindent\verb+\begin{ProofRefA}{  ab2|:  }\end{ProofRefA}+:\\
\begin{ProofRefA}{  ab2|:  }\end{ProofRefA}

\noindent\verb+\begin{ProofRefA}{  ab2 || }\end{ProofRefA}+:\\
\begin{ProofRefA}{  ab2 || }\end{ProofRefA}

\noindent\verb+\begin{ProofRefA}{ ab2|:ab3  }\end{ProofRefA}+:\\
\begin{ProofRefA}{ ab2|:ab3  }\end{ProofRefA}

\noindent\verb+\begin{ProofRefA}{ |: || || |: || ||  }\end{ProofRefA}+:\\
\begin{ProofRefA}{ |: || || |: || ||  }\end{ProofRefA}

\noindent\verb+\begin{ProofRefA}{ ab1 || ab2|:ab3|:ab4 || ab5 || ab6 }\end{ProofRefA}+:\\
\begin{ProofRefA}{ ab1 || ab2|:ab3|:ab4 || ab5 || ab6 }\end{ProofRefA}

\noindent\verb+\begin{ProofRefA}{ ab1 || ab2|:ab3 || ab4 |: ab5 || ab6 }\end{ProofRefA}+:\\
\begin{ProofRefA}{ ab1 || ab2|:ab3 || ab4 |: ab5 || ab6 }\end{ProofRefA}


