参考书目未与 bib 文件一起出现

参考书目未与 bib 文件一起出现

我正在使用 overleaf,我有一个包含我的参考书目的 .bib 文件,称为 refs:

  author    = {Donald Sannella and
               Andrzej Tarlecki},
  title     = {Foundations of Algebraic Specification and Formal Software Development},
  series    = {Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. An {EATCS} Series},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year      = {2012},
  url       = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-17336-3},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-17336-3},
  isbn      = {978-3-642-17335-6},
  timestamp = {Fri, 09 Apr 2021 18:19:01 +0200},
  biburl    = {https://dblp.org/rec/books/daglib/0028275.bib},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org}




% optional packages
\def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
\usepackage{xspace}% used by \sigla
  \usetikzlibrary{automata, positioning, arrows}
\input xy 
\tikzstyle{obj} =[circle, minimum width=0.5cm, minimum height=0.5cm, draw=black]
        #1 \rule{2em}{0pt} \{
        \mbox{\rule[-.7em]{0pt}{1.8em} \footnotesize{#2}} \} \\  }
\def\just#1#2 { \\ #1 \hspace{2pt} \mbox{\{ \footnotesize{#2} \}} \\ }
\def\cat#1{{\sf #1}}
\newcommand{\fdec}[3]{#1: #2 \longrightarrow #3}
\newcommand{\rfdec}[3]{#1: #2 \rightarrow #3}
\def\setdef#1#2{\{#1\; |\;#2\}}             % { f(x) | p(x) }
\def\enset#1{\mathopen{ \{ }#1\mathclose{ \} }} % {a,b,...z}
\newenvironment{proof}{\noindent \textbf{Proof.}}

% optional (comment to use default)s
%   depth of the table of contents
%     1 ... chapther and sections
%     2 ... chapters, sections, and subsections
%     3 ... chapters, sections, subsections, and subsubsections

% optional (comment to used default)
%   horizontal line to separate floats (figures and tables) from text
\def\topfigrule{\kern 7.8pt \hrule width\textwidth\kern -8.2pt\relax}
\def\dblfigrule{\kern 7.8pt \hrule width\textwidth\kern -8.2pt\relax}
\def\botfigrule{\kern -7.8pt \hrule width\textwidth\kern 8.2pt\relax}

% custom macros (could also be defined using \newcommand)
\def\I{\mathtt{i}}         % one possible way to represent $\sqrt{-1}$
\def\Exp#1{e^{2\pi\I #1}}  % argument inside braces, i.e., "{}"
\def\EXP#1.{e^{2\pi\I #1}} % argument finishes when a full stop is encountered, i.e., "."
\def\sigla{\LaTeX\xspace}  % use as "blabla \sigla blabla (no need to do "blabla \sigla\ blabla"

\newcommand\restr[2]{{% we make the whole thing an ordinary symbol
  \left.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace % automatically resize the bar with \right
  #1 % the function
  %\vphantom{\big|} % pretend it's a little taller at normal size
  \right|_{#2} % this is the delimiter

                  \dimen0=\ht0\advance\dimen0 by 2pt\ht0=\dimen0%
                  \dimen0=\dp0\advance\dimen0 by 2pt\dp0=\dimen0%
                  \box0}   % add extra vertical space above and below the argument (#1)
           \AddVMargin{\parbox{\dimen0}{\centering #1\\#2}}} % put #1 on top #2


% The bibliography

  \bibliography{refs}% replace by the name of name of your .bib file


我不知道为什么我的参考书目没有打印,它创建了一个标题,但没有在 bib 文件中添加参考资料
