
\usepackage{amsmath,pifont,amssymb,yfonts, amsfonts, stmaryrd, pxfonts,eufrak, fancybox, bbm}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
\tikzstyle{process} = [auto, rectangle, minimum width=3em, minimum height=2em, text centered, draw=blue, fill=gray!10, rounded corners, node distance=4cm ]
\tikzstyle{cloud} = [ellipse, minimum width=2em, minimum height=2.5em, text centered, draw=blue, fill=red!10]
\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, minimum width=1em, minimum height=5em, text centered, draw= green, fill=green!10]
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
\tikzstyle{line} = [ thick, color=black!150]
% Text orientation is wrong
\node (S) [block]{\rotatebox{90}{Selection of green supplier}};
% \begin{scope}[node distance=2mm and 3mm]
\node (S1) [process, above right=0.25cm and 3cm of S]{service and delivery $\left( {{\mathfrak{h}}_{5}}\right) $};
\node (S2) [process, below right=0.25cm and 3cm of S]{ the reputation of the supplier $\left( {{\mathfrak{h}}_{6}}\right) $};
\node (S3) [process, above =0.25cm and 3cm of S1]{operational and transportation cost $\left( {{\mathfrak{h}}_{4}}\right) $ };
\node (S4) [process, above =0.25cm and 3cm of S3]{supply chain flexibility $\left( {{\mathfrak{h}}_{3}}\right) $ };
\node (S5) [process, above =0.1cm and 3cm of S4]{quality $\left( {{\mathfrak{h}}_{2}}\right) $};
\node (S6) [process, above =0.1cm and 3cm of S5]{ Price $\left( {{\mathfrak{h}}_{1}}\right) $ };
\node (S7) [process, below =0.1cm and 3cm of S2]{green competencies $\left( {{\mathfrak{h}}_{7}}\right) $};
\node (S8) [process, below =0.1cm and 3cm of S7]{use of green packaging $\left( {{\mathfrak{h}}_{8}}\right) $};
\node (S9) [process, below =0.1cm and 3cm of S8]{environment management and control $\left( {{\mathfrak{h}}_{9}}\right) $};
\node (S10) [process, below =0.1cm and 3cm of S9]{use of eco-friendly technology $\left( {{\mathfrak{h}}_{10}}\right) $};
\node (S11) [cloud, below right=1.9cm and 5cm of S1]{${\mathcal{P}_{1}}$ };
\node (S12) [cloud, above=0.7cm and 5cm of S11]{${\mathcal{P}_{2}}$ };
\node (S13) [cloud, above=0.7cm and 5cm of S12]{${\mathcal{P}_{3}}$ };
\node (S14) [cloud, above=0.7cm and 5cm of S13]{${\mathcal{P}_{4}}$ };
\node (S15) [cloud, below=0.7cm and 5cm of S11]{${\mathcal{P}_{5}}$ };
\node (S16) [cloud, below=0.7cm and 5cm of S15]{${\mathcal{P}_{6}}$ };
\node (S17) [cloud, below=0.7cm and 5cm of S16]{${\mathcal{P}_{7}}$ };
% \end{scope}
\draw (S) edge[->,out=0,in=180] (S1);
\draw (S) edge[->,out=0,in=180] (S2);
\draw (S) edge[->,out=0,in=180] (S3);
\draw (S) edge[->,out=0,in=180] (S4);
\draw (S) edge[->,out=0,in=180] (S5);
\draw (S) edge[->,out=0,in=180] (S6);
\draw (S) edge[->,out=0,in=180] (S7);
\draw (S) edge[->,out=0,in=180] (S8);
\draw (S) edge[->,out=0,in=180] (S9);
\draw (S) edge[->,out=0,in=180] (S10);
\draw (S1) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S11);
\draw (S1) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S12);
\draw (S1) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S13);
\draw (S1) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S14);
\draw (S1) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S15);
\draw (S1) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S16);
\draw (S1) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S17);
\draw (S2) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S11);
\draw (S2) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S12);
\draw (S2) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S13);
\draw (S2) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S14);
\draw (S2) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S15);
\draw (S2) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S16);
\draw (S2) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S17);
\draw (S3) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S11);
\draw (S3) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S12);
\draw (S3) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S13);
\draw (S3) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S14);
\draw (S3) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S15);
\draw (S3) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S16);
\draw (S3) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S17);
\draw (S4) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S11);
\draw (S4) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S12);
\draw (S4) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S13);
\draw (S4) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S14);
\draw (S4) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S15);
\draw (S4) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S16);
\draw (S4) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S17);
\draw (S5) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S11);
\draw (S5) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S12);
\draw (S5) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S13);
\draw (S5) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S14);
\draw (S5) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S15);
\draw (S5) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S16);
\draw (S5) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S17);
\draw (S6) edge[>->,out=0,in=180](S11);
\draw (S6) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S12);
\draw (S6) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S13);
\draw (S6) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S14);
\draw (S6) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S15);
\draw (S6) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S16);
\draw (S6) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S17);
\draw (S7) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S11);
\draw (S7) edge[>->,out=0,in=180](S12);
\draw (S7) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S13);
\draw (S7) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S14);
\draw (S7) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S15);
\draw (S7) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S16);
\draw (S7) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S17);
\draw (S8) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S11);
\draw (S8) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S12);
\draw (S8) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S13);
\draw (S8) edge[>->,out=0,in=180](S14);
\draw (S8) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S15);
\draw (S8) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S16);
\draw (S8) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S17);
\draw (S9) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S11);
\draw (S9) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S12);
\draw (S9) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S13);
\draw (S9) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S14);
\draw (S9) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S15);
\draw (S9) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S16);
\draw (S9) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S17);
\draw (S10) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S11);
\draw (S10) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S12);
\draw (S10) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S13);
\draw (S10) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S14);
\draw (S10) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S15);
\draw (S10) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S16);
\draw (S10) edge[>->,out=0,in=180] (S17);
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\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, eufrak}
calc, chains,
node distance = 2mm and 22mm,
start chain = A going below,
start chain = B going below,
N/.style = {draw=blue, fill=gray!20,
text width=#1, align=flush center},
C/.style = {circle, draw=blue, fill=red!20,
minimum size=1.5em}
\begin{scope}[nodes={N=44mm, on chain=A}]
\node {Price $(\mathfrak{h}_{1})$ }; % node name = A-1
\node {quality $(\mathfrak{h}_{2})$};
\node {supply chain flexibility $(\mathfrak{h}_{3})$};
\node {operational and transportation cost $(\mathfrak{h}_{4})$};
\node {service and delivery $(\mathfrak{h}_{5})$};
\node {reputation and suplayer $(\mathfrak{h}_{6})$};
\node {green competencies $(\mathfrak{h}_{7})$};
\node {use of green packaging $(\mathfrak{h}_{8})$};
\node {environment management and control $(\mathfrak{h}_{9})$};
\node {use of eco-friendly technology $(\mathfrak{h}_{10}) $};
\node (S) [N=22mm, fill=orange!30, left=of A-6]
{Selection of green supplier};
\begin{scope}[nodes={C, on chain=B}]
\node [right=of {$(A-2.east)!0.5!(A-3.east)$}]
{${\mathcal{P}_{1}}$ }; % node name = B-1
\node {${\mathcal{P}_{2}}$ };
\node {${\mathcal{P}_{3}}$ };
\node {${\mathcal{P}_{4}}$ };
\node {${\mathcal{P}_{5}}$ };
\node {${\mathcal{P}_{6}}$ };
\node {${\mathcal{P}_{7}}$ };
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,10}
\draw (S.east) -- (A-\i.west);
\foreach \i in {1,...,10}
\foreach \j in {1,...,7}
\draw (A-\i.east) -- (B-\j.west);
您的代码仍然不是最小工作示例(MMW)。以下是针对您的问题的可能 MWE。
myfill/.style={draw=teal,thick,top color=white, bottom color=cyan,align=center},
Lbox/.style={myfill,minimum width=3.5cm,inner sep=5mm},
Cbox/.style={myfill,minimum width=4.8cm,minimum height=1.2cm},
Rbox/.style={myfill,minimum width=3.5cm,minimum height=1.8cm}
\tikzset{declare function={a=6;b=.75;}} % for distances in center boxes
(0,0) node[Lbox] (L) {Selection of the\\Renewable Energy \\Sources}
(a,b) node[Cbox] (Water) {Water pollution}
(a,-b) node[Cbox] (Pollutant) {Pollutant emission}
(a,3*b) node[Cbox] (Operation) {Operation and maintenance\\cost}
(a,-3*b) node[Cbox] (Land) {Land requirement}
\tikzset{declare function={c=6;d=1.1;}} % for distances in right boxes
\path (Water)++(0,-.8)
+(c,d) node[Rbox] (Wind) {Wind energy}
+(c,-d) node[Rbox] (Hydropower) {Hydropower energy}
+(c,3*d) node[Rbox] (Solar) {Solar energy}
+(c,-3*d) node[Rbox] (Biomass) {Biomass energy}
(Water.east)+(.6,0) coordinate (A)
\foreach \i in {Water,Pollutant,Operation,Land}
\draw[magenta] (L.east)--(\i.west) (A)|-(\i.east);
\foreach \i in {Solar,Wind,Hydropower,Biomass}
\draw[magenta] (A)--(\i.west);