在使用 Tikz-Euclide 时,有没有办法使第三个三角形上的线变成虚线但颜色交替,从而显示出另外两个三角形彼此重叠。
% Proposition environment
%Diagram enviroment
$\overline{AB} = \overline{PQ}$ given in the proposition\\
$\overline{BC} = \overline{QR}$ given in the proposition\\
$\angle{ABC} = \angle{PQR}$ given in the proposition\\
We can now superimpose the triangles onto one another with point $A$ matched with $P$, point $B$ matched with $Q$ and $C$ matched with $R$. and and with $\angle{ABC}$ matched with $\angle{PQR}$. we can say that the two triangles and \textit{congruent} with each other.
如果有人有其他解决方案,我不必成为 Tkz-Euclide。谢谢
% Proposition environment
%Diagram enviroment
$\overline{AB} = \overline{PQ}$ given in the proposition\\
$\overline{BC} = \overline{QR}$ given in the proposition\\
$\angle{ABC} = \angle{PQR}$ given in the proposition\\
We can now superimpose the triangles onto one another with point $A$ matched with $P$, point $B$ matched with $Q$ and $C$ matched with $R$. and and with $\angle{ABC}$ matched with $\angle{PQR}$. we can say that the two triangles and \textit{congruent} with each other.
\tkzDrawPolygon[red, dash pattern= on 3pt off 5pt](A,B,C) %-------Added
\tkzDrawPolygons[blue, dash pattern = 0n 3pt off 5pt,dash phase=4pt](A,B,C)%--------Added