更改 Overleaf University 模板中的标题页文本

更改 Overleaf University 模板中的标题页文本

我是一名初学者,我有一个来自 Overleaf 的用于我所在大学(帕拉茨基大学)的 LateX 模板。




%%% PACKAGES %%%

\usepackage{polyglossia} \setdefaultlanguage{czech} % change to your language %\setotherlanguage{czech} % if you need a specific part written in another language

% hyphenation rules for specialized words

%\AtBeginDocument{ %\hyphenation{pho-ton quan-tum} %}


\usepackage[english=british]{csquotes} \usepackage[xetex]{graphicx}

% see biblatex documentation \usepackage[sorting=none,style=phys,backend=biber,defernumbers=true]{biblatex} \usepackage[unicode]{hyperref} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[font=small,labelfont=bf]{caption} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{titlesec} \usepackage{pdfpages} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{unicode-math}

% needed for a specific command changing bibliography formatting \usepackage{xpatch}

% !!! LOREM IPSUM for demo purposes, you can get rid of this \usepackage{lipsum}

% Libertinus fonts \usepackage{libertinus-otf}

% At the moment, STIX looks better than Libertinus Math, but that will hopefully change soon. % feel free to comment this out and try Libertinus Math \setmathfont{STIX2Math.otf}

% metadata for the PDF file \hypersetup{ pdfauthor={Whatever is my name}, pdftitle={whatever is my thesis}, pdfsubject={whatever is my school}, pdfkeywords={lasers, photons, and stuff} }



% you may put the publications you authored in a separate category \DeclareBibliographyCategory{MyArticles} \addtocategory{MyArticles}{Smith2017}

% force the order you want by referencing them all here using \nocite \nocite{Smith2017}


% Biblatex enables editing .bib entries and configuring everything in your LaTeX document

% get rid of the months \DeclareSourcemap{   \maps[datatype=bibtex]{
      \step[fieldset=month, null]
    }   } }

% declare special bibliography contexts with optional prefixes \DeclareRefcontext{myarticles}{labelprefix=A} \DeclareRefcontext{books}{labelprefix=B}

% change the typesetting of reference numbers in the bibliography


% declare command \citenum that prints a plain reference number % can be used in a sentence

\DeclareCiteCommand{\citenum}   {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printfield{labelprefix}}}   {\printtext[bibhyperref]{\printfield{labelnumber}}}   {}   {}

% produce clickable URL links for theses \letbibmacro{ORIG-institution+location+date}{institution+location+date} \renewbibmacro*{institution+location+date} {\iffieldundef{url}         {\usebibmacro{ORIG-institution+location+date}}      {\href{\thefield{url}}{\usebibmacro{ORIG-institution+location+date}}} }

% small caps typesetting of author names \DeclareNameWrapperFormat{author}{\textsc{#1}}

% make the 'and' between the last two authors upright and not small caps % taken from biblatex.def and modified \DeclareDelimFormat{finalnamedelim}{ \textup{   \ifnumgreater{\value{liststop}}{2}{\finalandcomma}{}%   \addspace\bibstring{and}\space   } }

% after the authors list, there is a colon and a newline \renewcommand{\labelnamepunct}{\addcolon\newline}

% the newline between name and journal is tricky to add, because there is no command to redefine. % here is some black magic using the package xpatch % taken from https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/351397/biblatex-add-line-breaks-after-author-and-title \makeatletter \def\do#1{   \ifcsdef{blx@bbx@#1}
    {}} \abx@doentrytypes \makeatother

% make the font size smaller for bibliography \renewcommand*{\bibfont}{\footnotesize}   % if you don't like titles in quotes, this gets rid of them

%\DeclareFieldFormat[article,inproceedings,patent,incollection]{title}{% %  \iftoggle{bbx:chaptertitle} %    {#1\isdot} %    {}% %}


% !!! the narrow margins are inner margins, while the wider margins are outer margins % odd-numbered pages  1,3,5,... right side >>>
__text____ % even-numbered pages 2,4,6,... left side  >>> ____text__ % see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canons_of_page_construction

% page layout and margins are left at default settings


% this is here only so LaTeX does not complain \setlength{\headheight}{15pt}

% the aim here is to have section names in the headings on the inner side % the way I think this works is: % when evaluating the \section[shortName]{fullName} command in the text, there is a \sectionmark command inside. % calling \markboth like below changes the current heading to shortName % works the same for chapters, both commands are redefined to cover the cases where the chapter does not contain a section immediately % !!! asterisk commands and table of contents do not contain marks, so you need to do it manually (see the main text) \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\normalfont\sffamily\textsc{#1}}{}} \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markboth{\normalfont\sffamily\textsc{#1}}{}}

% remove page numbers from the footer and put it into the header (outer side) \fancyfoot{} \fancyhf[HLE,HRO]{\thepage}

% redefine plain style to be compatible with fancy (beginning of chapters) \fancypagestyle{plain}{ %   \fancyhf{} % remove everything   \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % remove lines as well   \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} }


% hyperlinks are highlighted using colored text instead of colored boxes % !!! switch off for printing unless you want the color in print

    urlcolor={blue!80!black} }

% heading styles, sans serif


\titleformat*{\section}{\LARGE\headingStyle} \titleformat*{\subsection}{\Large\headingStyle} \titleformat*{\subsubsection}{\large\headingStyle} \titleformat{\chapter}[display] {\huge\headingStyle}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge\headingStyle}

% in case you like prefixes to distinguish tables and figures from other numbered references

%\renewcommand{\thefigure}{F\arabic{chapter}.\arabic{figure}} %\renewcommand{\thetable}{T\arabic{chapter}.\arabic{table}}


在第 222 行左右你会发现

% LaTeX is not an efficient tool for visual typesetting, so the title page is done in Inkscape


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此外画廊 — 标题页


