\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l *{3}{C} }
{} & Average Accuracy & Average BER & Average Precision \\
Best accuracy of SVM & 0.000353 & 0.0187451 & 0.021746 \\
Best accuracy of SVM 1 & 0.000439 & 0.001381 & 0.015361 \\
Best accuracy of KNN & 0.000894 & 0.013037 & 0.000438 \\
Best accuracy of KNN 1 & 0.000817 & 0.024353 & 0.0195106 \\
Best accuracy of NN & 0.009123 & 0.0254135 & 0.010304 \\
Best accuracy of NN 1 & 0.00911 & 0.036151 & 0.0147809 \\
\caption{Results for the models}
)并组织标题材料,使其占用的空间比以前少得多。它还将数据列中的数字四舍五入为 6 位小数。
% handy shortcut macro:
\newcommand\mytab[1]{\smash[b]{\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}} #1 \end{tabular}}}
\setlength\tabcolsep{0pt} % let LaTeX figure out optimal column separation
\begin{tabular*}{\columnwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l *{3}{S} }
\mytab{Best accu-\\racy of} & \multicolumn{3}{c@{}}{Average} \\
& {Accuracy} & {BER} & {Precision} \\
SVM & 0.000353 & 0.0187451 & 0.021746 \\
SVM 1 & 0.000439 & 0.001381 & 0.015361 \\
KNN & 0.000894 & 0.013037 & 0.000438 \\
KNN 1 & 0.000817 & 0.024353 & 0.0195106 \\
NN & 0.009123 & 0.0254135 & 0.010304 \\
NN 1 & 0.00911 & 0.036151 & 0.0147809 \\
\caption{Results for the models}
\usepackage{blindtext,showframe}% only for demo
\caption{Results for the models}\label{acc}
\begin{tabular}{@{} l *3c } \hline
& Average Accuracy & Average BER & Average Precision \\\hline\hline
Best accuracy of SVM & 0.000353 & 0.0187451 & 0.021746 \\
Best accuracy of SVM 1 & 0.000439 & 0.001381 & 0.015361 \\
Best accuracy of KNN & 0.000894 & 0.013037 & 0.000438 \\
Best accuracy of KNN 1 & 0.000817 & 0.024353 & 0.0195106 \\
Best accuracy of NN & 0.009123 & 0.0254135 & 0.010304 \\
Best accuracy of NN 1 & 0.00911 & 0.036151 & 0.0147809 \\\bottomrule