SBLHS2 根据缩写是作者缩写还是标题缩写,使缩写列表与条目的参考书目有所不同。这意味着缩写列表与某些条目的参考书目看起来不同。
这是来自 SBLHS2 的两个条目的 MWE。
author = {F. Blass and A. Debrunner},
title = {A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature},
subtitle = {A Translation and Revision of the Ninth-Renth German Edition Incorporating
Supplementary Notes of A. Debrunner},
shorthand = {BDF},
editor = {Robert W. Funk},
editortype = {reviser},
translator = {Robert W. Funk},
publisher = {The University of Chucago Press},
address = {Chicago},
year = {1961}
title = {Theological Lexicon of the New Testament},
shorthand = {TLNT},
shorttitle = {TLNT},
volumes = {3},
author = {Ceslas Spicq},
translator = {James D. Ernest},
publisher = {Hendrickson Publishers},
date = {1994},
address = {Peabody, MA},
Cite BDF.\footcite[1]{BDF} Cite TLNT.\footcite[2]{TLNT}
基本上,SBLHS2 似乎总是将缩写的内容放在缩写、作者/编辑或标题列表的条目的首位。biblatex-sbl
就像 SBLHS2 请求一样(参考书目中的 TLNT 示例在 SBLHS2 中的 6.3.6 中给出,看起来就像这样)。
author = {F. Blass and A. Debrunner},
title = {A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature},
subtitle = {A Translation and Revision of the Ninth-Renth German Edition Incorporating
Supplementary Notes of A. Debrunner},
shorthand = {BDF},
editor = {Robert W. Funk},
editortype = {reviser},
translator = {Robert W. Funk},
publisher = {The University of Chucago Press},
address = {Chicago},
year = {1961}
title = {Theological Lexicon of the New Testament},
shorthand = {TLNT},
shorttitle = {TLNT},
volumes = {3},
author = {Ceslas Spicq},
translator = {James D. Ernest},
publisher = {Hendrickson Publishers},
date = {1994},
address = {Peabody, MA},
Cite BDF.\footcite[1]{BDF} Cite TLNT.\footcite[2]{TLNT}