如何正确使用 minipage 来避免中间出现分页符?

如何正确使用 minipage 来避免中间出现分页符?



minipage适用于所有情况,但我有一个小问题。它使枚举列表看起来“很糟糕”。上下间距丢失(即使我在 minpage 之前和之后都有空行),整个列表移位现在比以前更加向右,这并不好。

这是一个 MWE,带有和不带有小页面显示效果。

我的问题是,如何使枚举列表看起来与不使用 minipage 时相同,但仍使用 minipage 来防止分页?我更喜欢使用 minipage 的解决方案,而不必修复枚举列表本身,因为我将 minipage 用于其他我不想在中间分页的东西,而不仅仅是列表。很久以前我曾经使用过samepage包,但我遇到了一些问题,所以我停止使用它。

使用 minipage


不使用 minipage(格式更好)




Knowing the order of the poles of $r$ and $\mathcal{O}(\infty)$ is all what 
is needed to determine the necessary conditions for each case. These conditions are
the following

\item Case $1$. Either no pole exists, or if poles exist, the order must be either one or even. 
If $\mathcal{O}(\infty)$ is less $3$, then it must be even otherwise it can be even or odd.

\item Case $2$. $r$ must have at least one pole which is either of order 2 or odd order greater than 2. 
There are no conditions on $\mathcal{O}(\infty)$.

\item Case $3$. $r$ must have a pole of either order $1$ or $2$. No other order is allowed. 
$\mathcal{O}(\infty)$ must be at least $2$.

If the conditions for each case are not satisfied then there is no need to try that 
case as there will be no Liouvillian solution to the DE. 







Overfull \hbox (17.62482pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 14--26



Knowing the order of the poles of $r$ and $\mathcal{O}(\infty)$ is all what 
is needed to determine the necessary conditions for each case. These conditions are
the following

\item Case $1$. Either no pole exists, or if poles exist, the order must be either one or even. 
If $\mathcal{O}(\infty)$ is less $3$, then it must be even otherwise it can be even or odd.

\item Case $2$. $r$ must have at least one pole which is either of order 2 or odd order greater than 2. 
There are no conditions on $\mathcal{O}(\infty)$.

\item Case $3$. $r$ must have a pole of either order $1$ or $2$. No other order is allowed. 
$\mathcal{O}(\infty)$ must be at least $2$.

If the conditions for each case are not satisfied then there is no need to try that 
case as there will be no Liouvillian solution to the DE. 

