使用 subfig 包。对于包含子图图形的简单文档,效果很好。例如,以下代码效果很好。
Subfigure demo -- works with included graphics
\subfloat[first sub-figure]{
\subfloat[second sub-figure]{
但是,当我尝试将 tikzpicture 与 \matrix 一起使用(而不是包含的 .eps 文件)时,它就会崩溃。
简单的 tikzpictures 可以正常工作。例如,类似以下内容的工作符合预期:
\subfloat[first diag]{
\draw (0,0) -- (4,0) -- (4,4) -- (0,4) -- (0,0);
\subfloat[second diag]{
\draw (2,2) circle (3cm);
但是,当我尝试涉及 \matrix(我经常使用)的操作时,出现了以下错误。
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \pgf@matrix@last@nextcell@options
l.29 }
Process has been terminated ...
这是使用 tizkpictures 绘制非循环图的示例的 MWE。tikzpicture 代码本身可以完美编译。当使用 subfig 包嵌入到子浮点中时,它只是拒绝编译。
Subfigure demo - refuses to work with tikzpicture-matrix
\subfloat[first life-cycle]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth,->,shorten >=1.5pt,transform canvas={scale=0.95},line width=0.75pt]
\matrix (a) [matrix of nodes,row sep=0.5em, column sep=3em, every node/.style={circle,draw,font=\small\sffamily,minimum width=1cm}] { 1 & 2 & 3 \\};
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-1) edge node[below] {$S_0$} (a-1-2);
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge node[below] {$S_1$} (a-1-3);
\path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-3) edge [bend right=55] node [above,near start] {$S_2F_3$} (a-1-1);
\subfloat[second life-cycle]{
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth,->,shorten >=1.5pt,transform canvas={scale=0.95},line width=0.75pt]
\matrix (a) [matrix of nodes,row sep=0.5em, column sep=3em, every node/.style={circle,draw,font=\small\sffamily,minimum width=1cm}] { 1 & 2 & 3 \\};
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-1) edge node[below] {$S_0$} (a-1-2);
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge node[below] {$S_1$} (a-1-3);
\path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge [bend right=50] node [above,near start] {$S_1F_2$} (a-1-1) ;
\path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-3) edge [bend right=55] node [above,near start] {$S_2F_3$} (a-1-1) ;
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth,->,shorten >=1.5pt,scale=0.95,line width=0.75pt]
\matrix (a) [matrix of nodes,row sep=0.5em, column sep=3em, every node/.style={circle,draw,font=\small\sffamily,minimum width=1cm}]
{ 1 & 2 & 3 \\};
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-1) edge node[below] {$S_0$} (a-1-2);
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge node[below] {$S_1$} (a-1-3);
\path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-3) edge [bend right=55] node [above,near start] {$S_2F_3$} (a-1-1);
\draw[red] (current bounding box.south west) rectangle (current bounding box.north east);
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth,->,shorten >=1.5pt,scale=0.95,line width=0.75pt]
\matrix (a) [matrix of nodes,row sep=0.5em, column sep=3em, every node/.style={circle,draw,font=\small\sffamily,minimum width=1cm}]
{ 1 & 2 & 3 \\};
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-1) edge node[below] {$S_0$} (a-1-2);
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge node[below] {$S_1$} (a-1-3);
\path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-3) edge [bend right=55] node [above,near start] {$S_2F_3$} (a-1-1);
\draw[red] (current bounding box.south west) rectangle (current bounding box.north east);
对于最后一个例子,只要您不使用,包的行为就会更好transform canvas=
\usepackage{subcaption}% added <<<<<<<<<<<<
Subfigure demo - refuses to work with tikzpicture-matrix
\begin{subfigure}[t]{0.45\textwidth}% changed <<<<<
\subcaption{first life-cycle}
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth,->,shorten >=1.5pt,
%transform canvas={scale=0.95},
line width=0.75pt]
\matrix (a) [matrix of nodes,row sep=0.5em, column sep=3em, every node/.style={circle,draw,font=\small\sffamily,minimum width=1cm}] { 1 & 2 & 3 \\};
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-1) edge node[below] {$S_0$} (a-1-2);
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge node[below] {$S_1$} (a-1-3);
\path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-3) edge [bend right=55] node [above,near start] {$S_2F_3$} (a-1-1);
\begin{subfigure}[t]{0.45\textwidth}% changed <<<<<
\subcaption{second sub-figure}
\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth,->,shorten >=1.5pt,
%transform canvas={scale=0.95},
line width=0.75pt]
\matrix (a) [matrix of nodes,row sep=0.5em, column sep=3em, every node/.style={circle,draw,font=\small\sffamily,minimum width=1cm}] { 1 & 2 & 3 \\};
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-1) edge node[below] {$S_0$} (a-1-2);
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge node[below] {$S_1$} (a-1-3);
\path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge [bend right=50] node [above,near start] {$S_1F_2$} (a-1-1) ;
\path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-3) edge [bend right=55] node [above,near start] {$S_2F_3$} (a-1-1) ;
作为参数传递给另一个命令,因此您需要ampersand replacement
\subfloat[first life-cycle]{%
shorten >=1.5pt,
transform canvas={scale=0.95},
line width=0.75pt
\matrix (a) [
matrix of nodes,
row sep=0.5em,
column sep=3em,
every node/.style={circle,draw,font=\small\sffamily,minimum width=1cm},
ampersand replacement=\&,
] { 1 \& 2 \& 3 \\};
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-1) edge node[below] {$S_0$} (a-1-2);
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge node[below] {$S_1$} (a-1-3);
\path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-3) edge [bend right=55] node [above,near start]
{$S_2F_3$} (a-1-1);
\subfloat[second life-cycle]{%
shorten >=1.5pt,
transform canvas={scale=0.95},
line width=0.75pt,
ampersand replacement=\&,
\matrix (a) [
matrix of nodes,
row sep=0.5em,
column sep=3em,
every node/.style={circle,draw,font=\small\sffamily,minimum width=1cm}
] { 1 \& 2 \& 3 \\};
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-1) edge node[below] {$S_0$} (a-1-2);
\path[>=stealth,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge node[below] {$S_1$} (a-1-3);
\path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-2) edge [bend right=50] node [above,near start]
{$S_1F_2$} (a-1-1) ;
\path[>=stealth,->,font=\small] (a-1-3) edge [bend right=55] node [above,near start]
{$S_2F_3$} (a-1-1) ;