

我需要添加一堆代码来显示我让参与者解决的问题的整个 CPP 文件,但无论我将其定义为哪种样式,代码都会一直截断页面。我正在使用 overleaf,并被要求用这个来格式化我的论文模板。这是带有模板的 MWE。我只是使用了 std::mutex 示例中的一些虚拟代码,因为我希望文档中包含一长段代码。




%   framerule=1pt,


Some Title is here}


\section{Some section}

\section{Another section}

\begin{lstlisting}[language=C++,style=fullStyle, captionpos=b, caption=Testing Listing Placement,float=*]
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
struct Employee {
    Employee(std::string id) : id(id) {}
    std::string id;
    std::vector<std::string> lunch_partners;
    std::mutex m;
    std::string output() const
        std::string ret = "Employee " + id + " has lunch partners: ";
        for( const auto& partner : lunch_partners )
            ret += partner + " ";
        return ret;
void send_mail(Employee &, Employee &)
    // simulate a time-consuming messaging operation
void assign_lunch_partner(Employee &e1, Employee &e2)
    static std::mutex io_mutex;
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(io_mutex);
        std::cout << e1.id << " and " << e2.id << " are waiting for locks" << std::endl;
    // use std::lock to acquire two locks without worrying about 
    // other calls to assign_lunch_partner deadlocking us
        std::lock(e1.m, e2.m);
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk1(e1.m, std::adopt_lock);
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk2(e2.m, std::adopt_lock);
// Equivalent code (if unique_locks are needed, e.g. for condition variables)
//        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk1(e1.m, std::defer_lock);
//        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk2(e2.m, std::defer_lock);
//        std::lock(lk1, lk2);
// Superior solution available in C++17
//        std::scoped_lock lk(e1.m, e2.m);
            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(io_mutex);
            std::cout << e1.id << " and " << e2.id << " got locks" << std::endl;
    send_mail(e1, e2);
    send_mail(e2, e1);
int main()
    Employee alice("alice"), bob("bob"), christina("christina"), dave("dave");
    // assign in parallel threads because mailing users about lunch assignments
    // takes a long time
    std::vector<std::thread> threads;
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(alice), std::ref(bob));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(christina), std::ref(bob));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(christina), std::ref(alice));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(dave), std::ref(bob));
    for (auto &thread : threads) thread.join();
    std::cout << alice.output() << '\n'  << bob.output() << '\n'
              << christina.output() << '\n' << dave.output() << '\n';
    // assign in parallel threads because mailing users about lunch assignments
    // takes a long time
    std::vector<std::thread> threads;
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(alice), std::ref(bob));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(christina), std::ref(bob));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(christina), std::ref(alice));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(dave), std::ref(bob));

\section{Another section Goes Here}

Thanks to people who participated and advised
on certain things








    %   framerule=1pt,

\begin{tcblisting}{listing only,breakable,listing options={style=fullStyle}}
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <chrono>
#include <string>

struct Employee {
    Employee(std::string id) : id(id) {}
    std::string id;
    std::vector<std::string> lunch_partners;
    std::mutex m;
    std::string output() const
        std::string ret = "Employee " + id + " has lunch partners: ";
        for( const auto& partner : lunch_partners )
        ret += partner + " ";
        return ret;

void send_mail(Employee &, Employee &)
    // simulate a time-consuming messaging operation

void assign_lunch_partner(Employee &e1, Employee &e2)
    static std::mutex io_mutex;
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(io_mutex);
        std::cout << e1.id << " and " << e2.id << " are waiting for locks" << std::endl;
    // use std::lock to acquire two locks without worrying about 
    // other calls to assign_lunch_partner deadlocking us
        std::lock(e1.m, e2.m);
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk1(e1.m, std::adopt_lock);
        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk2(e2.m, std::adopt_lock);
        // Equivalent code (if unique_locks are needed, e.g. for condition variables)
        //        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk1(e1.m, std::defer_lock);
        //        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk2(e2.m, std::defer_lock);
        //        std::lock(lk1, lk2);
        // Superior solution available in C++17
        //        std::scoped_lock lk(e1.m, e2.m);
            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(io_mutex);
            std::cout << e1.id << " and " << e2.id << " got locks" << std::endl;
    send_mail(e1, e2);
    send_mail(e2, e1);

int main()
    Employee alice("alice"), bob("bob"), christina("christina"), dave("dave");
    // assign in parallel threads because mailing users about lunch assignments
    // takes a long time
    std::vector<std::thread> threads;
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(alice), std::ref(bob));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(christina), std::ref(bob));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(christina), std::ref(alice));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(dave), std::ref(bob));
    for (auto &thread : threads) thread.join();
    std::cout << alice.output() << '\n'  << bob.output() << '\n'
    << christina.output() << '\n' << dave.output() << '\n';
    // assign in parallel threads because mailing users about lunch assignments
    // takes a long time
    std::vector<std::thread> threads;
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(alice), std::ref(bob));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(christina), std::ref(bob));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(christina), std::ref(alice));
    threads.emplace_back(assign_lunch_partner, std::ref(dave), std::ref(bob));

