为什么当我将 esint 包含到我的包中时会发生冲突?

为什么当我将 esint 包含到我的包中时会发生冲突?

我正在尝试编写自己的包,但无法包含esint它而不会出错。这是我的包的 MWE:

\ProvidesPackage{zyy}[2021/08/14 Yiyu's preamble for article]

\RequirePackage[e]{esvect} %% stylish vector symbols
\RequirePackage{esint} %% various integral symbols

\RequirePackage{tensor} %% manage order of tensor indices
\RequirePackage{slashed} %% Feynman slash notation
\RequirePackage{simpler-wick} %% Wick contraction

\RequirePackage{amssymb} %% this package loads package 'amsfonts' internally

\numberwithin{equation}{section} %% number equations by section and subsection numbers

\RequirePackage{mathtools} %% a more powerful version of package 'amsmath'


! LaTeX Error: Command \iint already defined.
               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.







您想更改加载顺序:esint必须在amsmath(由 加载mathtools)之后进行。 的文档esint仍然提到amslatex,但应将其解释为amsmath

\ProvidesPackage{zyy}[2021/08/14 Yiyu's preamble for article]

\RequirePackage{mathtools} %% a more powerful version of package 'amsmath'
\RequirePackage{amssymb} %% this package loads package 'amsfonts' internally
\RequirePackage[e]{esvect} %% stylish vector symbols
\RequirePackage{esint} %% various integral symbols

\RequirePackage{tensor} %% manage order of tensor indices
\RequirePackage{slashed} %% Feynman slash notation
\RequirePackage{simpler-wick} %% Wick contraction

\counterwithin{equation}{section} %% number equations by section and subsection numbers


