




\tikzstyle{none}=[inner sep=0mm]
\tikzstyle{blacknode}=[fill=black, draw=black, shape=circle, minimum 
size=0.15cm, inner sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{blackedge}=[-, draw=black, fill=none, line width=0.15mm]
\node [style=blacknode,label={left:$a$}] (0) at (-7, 3) {};
        \node [style=blacknode] (1) at (-3, 3) {};
        \node [style=blacknode,label={right:$b$}] (2) at (3, 3) {};
        \node [style=none,label={right:$e$}] (3) at (-1, 6.5) {};
        \node [style=none] (6) at (-1, 3.5) {};
        \node [style=none] (7) at (0.75, 3.5) {};
        \node [style=none,label={left:$d$}] (8) at (-3, 6.5) {};
        \node  (9) at (-1.8, 6.2) {$c$};
        \node  (9) at (1, 3) {$A$};
        \node  (9) at (3, 5) {$B$};
        \draw (0) to (1);
        \draw [in=180, out=60, looseness=0.75] (0) to (3.center);
        \draw [bend right=60, looseness=1.25] (0) to (2);
        \draw [style=blackedge, in=360, out=120] (2) to (8.center);
        \draw[pattern color=red!60,pattern=north east lines](6.center)
             to [bend right=330, looseness=1.25] (2.center)
             to [bend left] (1.center)
             to [bend left, looseness=1.25] (7.center);


编辑:非常感谢 Qrrbrbirlbel 和 Thruston 的回答。我尝试自己写一个(另一个类似的例子)。但感觉工作量很大,因为我用过几次代码。我想稍微简化一下。

\tikzstyle{none}=[inner sep=0mm]
\tikzstyle{blacknode}=[fill=black, draw=black, shape=circle, minimum 
size=0.15cm, inner sep=0pt]
\tikzstyle{blackedge}=[-, draw=black, fill=none, line width=0.15mm]

        \node [style=blacknode] (0) at (-7, 3) {};
        \node [style=blacknode] (1) at (-3, 3) {};
        \node [style=blacknode,label={right:$f$}] (2) at (2, 3) {};
        \node [style=none] (3) at (-2, 0) {};
        \node [style=none] (8) at (-3.75, 0) {};
        \node [style=none] (10) at (-8, 3) {};
        \node [style=none] (13) at (3, 3) {};
        \node [style=none] (14) at (-1, 4) {};
        \node [style=none] (15) at (0, 4) {};
        \node [style=none] (16) at (-3.175, 0.2) {};
        \node [style=none] (17) at (-4.25, 4) {$F_1$};
        \node [style=none] (18) at (-4.5, 2) {$F_2$};
        \node[style=none] (19) at (-7, 2.72) {$a$};         
        \node[style=none] (20) at (-3, 2.72) {$b$};
        \draw (0) to (1);
             \draw (8.center)
                         to [in=240, out=15, looseness=0.75] (2.center)
                         to [in=75, out=105, looseness=1.25] (0.center)
                         to [in=180, out=-60, looseness=0.75](3.center);
              \filldraw [draw=none, even odd rule, pattern color= blue!255, 
                        pattern=north east lines,opacity=0.1] 
                         to [in=-120, out=10, looseness=0.75] (2.center)
                         to [bend left=285, looseness=1.25] (0.center)
                         to [in=164, out=-70, looseness=0.64] cycle                  
                         to [in=-90, out=-90, looseness=1.25] (10.center)
                         to [in=90, out=90, looseness=1.25] cycle;
              \draw (15.center)
                         to [in=-300, out=150, looseness=1.25] (1.center)
                         to [in=-135, out=-45] (2.center)
                         to [in=30, out=120, looseness=1.25] (14.center);
               \draw [pattern color= blue!255, pattern=north east 
                      lines,opacity=0.1] (15.center)
                         to [in=-300, out=150, looseness=1.25] (1.center)
                         to [in=-135, out=-45] (2.center)
                         to [in=30, out=120, looseness=1.25] (14.center);




  1. Ab然后结束C回到A无法用 vanilly TikZ 来描述。

    但是,那spath3图书馆不仅可以用来找到交点(这委托给了intersections),还可以切断路径并移除小部分以d我们不想。(作者安德鲁·斯泰西是这个网站的活跃用户,并且经常使用图书馆– 并且经常更新,这就是为什么我并不惊讶两年历史的 TeXLive 会失败。)

    当然,如果你能描述从AC以及来自bC仅使用 TikZ,就没有必要这样做。

  2. 对路径外部进行一些操作。



我添加了一个\spathset宏(类似于\tikzset),它直接在/tikz/spath命名空间中执行所有键,并且一个build spath键(在 /tikz命名空间中)可能有助于经常使用它,因为它只是连接所有给定的路径。


  1. 不要使用\tikzstyle
  2. 不要使用style = …,按照你的方式使用它没有任何用处。
  3. 不要使用空的最小尺寸节点来引用坐标,coordinate而是使用。
  4. 我用字母命名坐标,以便它们与附加的标签相对应。(所有的数字和字母让我很困惑。)
  5. 我们没有必要把特殊路径放在背景中,我们可以再次绘制它,或者不要在它之前绘制任何其他路径,而是在它之后绘制,但这确实很容易。
  6. to从节点边界到节点边界的路径与从节点中心到节点的路径不同。由于我一直使用坐标,所以这不再是问题。

您的编辑使构造椭圆形阴影(而不是固定宽度阴影,这是我在这里使用的)变得更容易。even odd rule可以很容易地从椭圆中冲出奇怪的路径。


  blacknode/.style={fill=black, draw=black, shape=circle, minimum size=0.15cm, inner sep=0pt},
  blacknode no label/.style={blacknode, label/.code=},
  my label/.style={fill=white, fill opacity=.7, text opacity=1, rounded corners},
  blackedge/.style={-, draw=black, fill=none, line width=0.15mm}}
  build spath/.style args={#1,#2}{
   /tikz/spath/append no move/.list={#2}}}
% 1. Define coordinates
\coordinate (a)  at (-7, 3)
 coordinate (b)  at ( 3, 3)
 coordinate (ab) at (-3, 3)
 coordinate (d)  at (-3, 6.5)
 coordinate (e)  at (-1, 6.5);

% 2. Draw some lines (and name some of them).
\draw[blackedge] (a) -- (ab);
\draw[blackedge] (a) to[in=180, out=60, looseness=0.75] (e) [spath/save=big eye tl];
\draw[blackedge] (a) to[bend right=60,  looseness=1.25] (b) [spath/save=big eye b];
\draw[blackedge] (b) to[in=360, out=120]                (d) [spath/save=big eye tr];

% 3. Fill area A (using the literal coordinates here,
%    doesn't seem like there's any relation to the other points).
\draw[pattern color=red!60,pattern=north east lines]
  (-1, 3.5) to [bend right=330, looseness=1.25] (b)
            to [bend left]                      (ab)
            to [bend left, looseness=1.25]      (.75, 3.5);
% 4a. Find intersections of named paths and remove the part "above" the intersection
  split at intersections={big eye tr}{big eye tl},
  remove components={big eye tr}{2},
  remove components={big eye tl}{2}}
% 4b. The intersection point is a good thing to have (the end of path big eye tl).
\coordinate (c) at (spath cs:{big eye tl} 1);

% 4c. Use 
\scoped[on background layer]
    pattern color=red!60,
    pattern=north east lines,
    even odd rule, % poke holes in path
    % let's build the weird path:
    build spath={big eye b, big eye tr, {big eye tl, reverse}}
  ] % close the path
  -- cycle
  % That's it.
  % But we're not finished, we can do more with that path:
  (-2,3) circle[x radius=6, y radius=4];

% 5. Place the area labels (above everything else)
\node[my label] (A) at (1,   3) {$A$};
\node[my label] (B) at (2.5, 5) {$B$};

% 6. Add nodes (circles) and label them (above everything else)
\foreach \st/\p/\t in {
      blacknode no label//ab}
  \node[\st, label={[my label]\p:$\t$}] at (\t) {};




在等待 Tikz-aid 时,这里有一个简单的尝试元帖子,以供比较。


lualatex如果您使用以下代码进行编译,您应该能够生成如上图所示的 PDF :

% first define the points - p is the unlabelled one
% The default unit is "bp", so 144 = 2in = 5.08 cm
% You can write "(5cm, 0)" instead of "144 right" if you prefer.
pair a, b, c, d, e, p;
-a = b = 144 right;
p = 4/10[a, b];
e = (21, 89); 

% and now the outer set of curved paths
path ab, ae, bd;  
ab = a {dir -60} .. {dir 60} b;
ae = a .. {dir 4} e;
bd = ae reflectedabout(up, down);

% plus the two remaining points, derived from the paths
d = point 1 of bd;
c = ae intersectionpoint bd;

% finally the inner set of curved paths
path bq, pr, pb;
bq = b .. {dir 200} (42, 13);
pr = bq reflectedabout(1/2[p, b], 1/2[p,b] + up);
pb = p {dir -30} .. {dir 30} b;

% now capture all the lines and labels as a picture
picture P; P = image( 
    draw bq; draw pr; draw pb;
    draw a -- p; draw p withpen pencircle scaled dotlabeldiam;
    draw ae; draw bd; draw ab;
    dotlabel.lft("$a$", a);
    dotlabel.rt ("$b$", b);
    label.bot("$c$", c);
    label.lft("$d$", d);
    label.rt ("$e$", e);
    label("$A$", 1/2[p, b]);
    label("$B$", point 3/8 of bd shifted (34, 13));

% use buildcycle to find the enclosed paths
path A, notB;
A = buildcycle(pb, bq, pr);
notB = buildcycle(ab, bd, ae);

% make two copies of a large patch of pink hatch lines
picture filler_A, filler_B;
filler_A = filler_B = image(
    for i=-100 upto 100:
        draw (left--right) scaled 400 rotated 45 
            shifted (3i, 0) withcolor 3/4[red, white];

% clip the patches to the relevant shapes
clip filler_A to A;
clip filler_B to bbox P; 

% now draw the bits in Z-order from back to front
    draw filler_B; 
    unfill notB;
    draw filler_A;
    draw P;
