和 的重新定义来获得它mkbibfamily
这是我的 MWE:
@String {equal = {\textit{*equal contribution}}}
@String {sharedlast = {\textit{*shared last authorship}}}
Author = {Roessner, P.M. and Cid, L.Llao and Lupar, E. and Roider,
T. and Bordas, M. and Schifflers, C. and Arseni, L. and
Gaupel, A.C. and Kilpert, F. and Krotschel, M. and
Arnold, S.J. and Sellner, L. and Colomer, D. and
Stilgenbauer, S. and Dietrich, S. and Lichter, P. and
Izcue, A. and Seiffert, M.},
Date = {2021},
author+an = {17=sharedLast;18=sharedLast},
Addendum = sharedlast,
Title = {{EOMES} and {IL}-10 regulate antitumor activity of T
regulatory type 1 {CD4(+)} T cells in chronic lymphocytic
Volume = {35},
Pages = {2311--2324},
JournalTitle = {Leukemia}
Author = {Sackett, Sara Dutton and Otto, Tobias and Mohs, Antje
and Sander, Leif E. and Strauch, Sonja and Streetz,
Konrad L. and Kroy, Daniela C. and Trautwein, Christian},
Date = 2019,
Title = {Myeloid cells require gp130 signaling for protective
anti-inflammatory functions during sepsis},
Volume = 33,
author+an = {1=equal;2=equal},
Addendum = equal,
Pages = {6035--6044},
DOI = {10.1096/fj.201802118r},
JournalTitle = {The FASEB Journal},
Number = 5
defernumbers=true, % reset numbered bibliography for each chapter
giveninits=true, % abbreviate the first names
maxbibnames=99, % show all authors of an bib entry
% There is also the possibility that authors share the last authership.
% with the bib-string `lastShared` we can get it work.
{#1*}% add a * for those authors
% Then we check for "shared Last authorship"
{#1*}% adding a symbol
{#1}% do nothing for any one else.
隐藏宏中的星号,该宏可以根据上下文具有不同的行为,使用可以在参考书目中使用钩子设置为 true 的切换按钮\bibsetup
@String {equal = {\textit{*equal contribution}}}
@String {sharedlast = {\textit{*shared last authorship}}}
Author = {Roessner, P.M. and Cid, L.Llao and Lupar, E. and Roider,
T. and Bordas, M. and Schifflers, C. and Arseni, L. and
Gaupel, A.C. and Kilpert, F. and Krotschel, M. and
Arnold, S.J. and Sellner, L. and Colomer, D. and
Stilgenbauer, S. and Dietrich, S. and Lichter, P. and
Izcue, A. and Seiffert, M.},
Date = {2021},
author+an = {17=sharedLast;18=sharedLast},
Addendum = sharedlast,
Title = {{EOMES} and {IL}-10 regulate antitumor activity of T
regulatory type 1 {CD4(+)} T cells in chronic lymphocytic
Volume = {35},
Pages = {2311--2324},
JournalTitle = {Leukemia}
Author = {Sackett, Sara Dutton and Otto, Tobias and Mohs, Antje
and Sander, Leif E. and Strauch, Sonja and Streetz,
Konrad L. and Kroy, Daniela C. and Trautwein, Christian},
Date = 2019,
Title = {Myeloid cells require gp130 signaling for protective
anti-inflammatory functions during sepsis},
Volume = 33,
author+an = {1=equal;2=equal},
Addendum = equal,
Pages = {6035--6044},
DOI = {10.1096/fj.201802118r},
JournalTitle = {The FASEB Journal},
Number = 5
defernumbers=true, % reset numbered bibliography for each chapter
giveninits=true, % abbreviate the first names
maxbibnames=99, % show all authors of an bib entry
%%% the following three lines commented out, see end of the answer
% There is also the possibility that authors share the last authorship.
% with the bib-string `lastShared` we can get it work.
{#1\addendumasterisk}% add a * for those authors
% Then we check for "shared Last authorship"
{#1\addendumasterisk}% adding a symbol
{#1}% do nothing for any one else.
moewe,谁是这 biblatex