



*图片上应该写着“(...) 我需要的是能够 (...)”

尽管我在图片中解释了我需要什么,但这个问题的完美答案是让命令 \teo 决定哪种情况:有定理名称还是没有定理名称。我的一些代码如下:

\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{book}

% Commands
\newcommand{\teo}[1]{{\bfseries\upshape{\hyperref[#1]{\nameref{#1} (Teorema \ref{#1})}}}}

% Environment I've used
    \tcbuselibrary{skins, breakable}



    \tcbset{enhanced, breakable, colbacktitle = gray!50, coltitle = black, fonttitle = \bfseries, 
    attach boxed title to top left = {yshift = -\tcboxedtitleheight/2, xshift = 0.55cm}, 
    boxed title style = {rounded corners, colframe = gray!50, boxsep = 4pt},
    top = \tcboxedtitleheight/2+2mm,
    opacityframe = 0, opacityback = 0,
    borderline horizontal = {0.5mm}{0pt}{gray!50}}

        {\tcbset{title = Teorema \thetheorem}}%
        {\tcbset{title = #1 (Teorema \thetheorem)}}



\begin{theorem}[Theorem's Name] \label{t1}
    some text
\begin{theorem} \label{t2}
    This theorem has no name.
If I refer with \verb=\teo{t1}=, \teo{t1}, it calls the all theorem (with its name and number) and want I want is to be able to call \teo{t2} with the same command (\verb=\teo{t2}=) but without the extra-space and the parenthesis.




您可以进入更深的层次;该名称存储在由 扩展而来的第三个括号组中\r@<label>



\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{book}

% Packages I use
\tcbuselibrary{skins, breakable}



    \tcbset{enhanced, breakable, colbacktitle = gray!50, coltitle = black, fonttitle = \bfseries, 
    attach boxed title to top left = {yshift = -\tcboxedtitleheight/2, xshift = 0.55cm}, 
    boxed title style = {rounded corners, colframe = gray!50, boxsep = 4pt},
    top = \tcboxedtitleheight/2+2mm,
    opacityframe = 0, opacityback = 0,
    borderline horizontal = {0.5mm}{0pt}{gray!50}}
        {\tcbset{title = Teorema \thetheorem}}%
        {\tcbset{title = #1 (Teorema \thetheorem)}}

    % ref not yet defined
    Teorema \ref{#1}%
    \protected@edef\@tempa{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\@thirdoffive\csname r@#1\endcsname}%
      % no name
      % theorem has name
      \hyperref[#1]{\nameref*{#1} (Teorema~\ref*{#1})}%


\begin{theorem}[Theorem's Name] \label{t1}
    some text

\begin{theorem} \label{t2}
    This theorem has no name.

If I refer with \verb=\teo{t1}=, \teo{t1}, 
it calls the all theorem (with its name and number) 
and want I want is to be able to call \teo{t2} with 
the same command (\verb=\teo{t2}=) but without the 
extra-space and the parenthesis.




\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{book}

% Packages I use
\tcbuselibrary{skins, breakable}



    \tcbset{enhanced, breakable, colbacktitle = gray!50, coltitle = black, fonttitle = \bfseries, 
    attach boxed title to top left = {yshift = -\tcboxedtitleheight/2, xshift = 0.55cm}, 
    boxed title style = {rounded corners, colframe = gray!50, boxsep = 4pt},
    top = \tcboxedtitleheight/2+2mm,
    opacityframe = 0, opacityback = 0,
    borderline horizontal = {0.5mm}{0pt}{gray!50}}
        {\tcbset{title = Teorema \thetheorem}}%
        {\tcbset{title = #1 (Teorema \thetheorem)}}

% Commands



  \tl_if_exist:cTF { r@#1 }
   {% the reference is defined
    \peluche_teo:cn { r@#1 } { #1 }
   {% the reference is not yet defined

\cs_new_protected:Nn \peluche_teo:Nn
 {% the reference is defined
  \exp_args:Ne \tl_if_empty:nTF { \tl_item:Nn #1 { 3 } }
   {% no name
   {% name exists
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \peluche_teo:Nn { c }



\begin{theorem}[Theorem's Name] \label{t1}
    some text

\begin{theorem} \label{t2}
    This theorem has no name.

If I refer with \verb=\teo{t1}=, \teo{t1}, 
it calls the all theorem (with its name and number) 
and want I want is to be able to call \teo{t2} with 
the same command (\verb=\teo{t2}=) but without the 
extra-space and the parenthesis.



