我在投影仪幻灯片中使用长表格,因此尝试使用框架中的 allowframebreaks 命令将它们分布到多张幻灯片上。长表格显示正常,但是,在框架末尾的输出中添加了一个空白幻灯片。我该如何避免这种情况?
\usepackage{etoolbox, xparse}
% set colors
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\setbeamercolor*{caption name}{fg=myNewColorA}
% logo of my university
\title[CL689]{Heat Integration Analysis for an Industrial
Ethylbenzene Plant using Pinch Analysis}%title
%\subtitle{ }%%subtitle
%\author[Priyam Nayak]{Priyam Nayak - 214026014\inst{1}}%%authors
\author[Priyam Nayak]{Priyam Nayak - 214026014}
%\institute[IITB]{Indian Institute of Technology Bombay\inst{1}}
\institute[IITB]{Indian Institute of Technology Bombay}
\date[\textcolor{white}{Project Presentation}]
{CL689 - Energy Integration in Chemical Processes\\ Project Presentation\\ Nov 22, 2022}
%This block of commands puts the table of contents at the
%beginning of each section and highlights the current section:
% \begin{frame}
% \frametitle{Contents}
% \tableofcontents[currentsection]
% \end{frame}
% ------Contents below------
%The next statement creates the title page.
% consider removing it if it's too redundant
\frametitle{Table of Contents}
\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Problem Data - Cold Stream}
\textbf{Stream} & \textbf{T\textsubscript{in} ($\degree$C)} & \textbf{T\textsubscript{out} ($\degree$C)} & \textbf{Heat Duty (kW)} & \textbf{Heat Capacity (kW/$\degree$C)} \\ \hline
C1 & 162 & 206 & 9020 & 205 \\ \hline
C2 & 158 & 200 & 3210 & 76 \\ \hline
C3 & 205 & 206 & 4445 & 4445 \\ \hline
C4 & 40 & 180 & 75 & 0.5 \\ \hline
C5 & 34 & 87 & 1007 & 19 \\ \hline
C6 & 241 & 242 & 8999 & 8999 \\ \hline
C7 & 221 & 244 & 5951 & 259 \\ \hline
C8 & 271 & 279 & 2105 & 263 \\ \hline
C9 & 55 & 130 & 230 & 3 \\ \hline
C10 & 33 & 90 & 2625 & 46 \\ \hline
C11 & 242 & 246 & 16989 & 4247 \\ \hline
C12 & 221 & 236 & 8082 & 539 \\ \hline
C13 & 268 & 282 & 3789 & 271 \\ \hline
C14 & 55 & 130 & 512 & 7 \\ \hline
C15 & 38 & 48 & 537 & 54 \\ \hline
C16 & 104 & 105 & 447 & 447 \\ \hline
C17 & 103 & 104 & 407 & 407 \\ \hline
%\caption{Cold stream data}
\textcolor{myNewColorA}{\huge{\centerline{Thank you!}}}
\textcolor{myNewColorA}{\Large{\centerline{E-mail: }}}
宏,您必须定义它或加载提供它的包之一。 Overleaf 非常擅长隐藏错误消息,但右上角应该有一个红色方块提醒您有错误。 如果 latex 遇到错误,它只会检查文档的其余部分,而不一定会产生合理的输出你的表格也太宽了,无法放在框架上。你可以通过缩小最后一列来节省一点空间
即使 beamer 没有浮动机制,
etc 等环境也不打算跨越多张幻灯片。正如您注释掉的标题一样,它实际上也没有什么用处。删除它。您无需加载
,beamer 会为您加载使用最新的 latex,你也不需要
与 latex 无关,但你确定在演示中真的需要这么长的表格吗?观众几乎不会记住所有的数字。通常,展示你从表格中学到的东西比展示表格更好。如果你真的必须包含表格,请查看软件包的文档,
% set colors
\definecolor{myNewColorA}{RGB}{158, 27,50}
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\definecolor{myNewColorC}{RGB}{158, 27,50} % {130,138,143}
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\setbeamercolor*{palette secondary}{bg=myNewColorB, fg = white}
\setbeamercolor*{palette tertiary}{bg=myNewColorA, fg = white}
\setbeamercolor*{title}{bg=myNewColorA, fg = white}
\setbeamercolor*{caption name}{fg=myNewColorA}
% logo of my university
\title[CL689]{Heat Integration Analysis for an Industrial
Ethylbenzene Plant using Pinch Analysis}%title
%\subtitle{ }%%subtitle
%\author[Priyam Nayak]{Priyam Nayak - 214026014\inst{1}}%%authors
\author[Priyam Nayak]{Priyam Nayak - 214026014}
%\institute[IITB]{Indian Institute of Technology Bombay\inst{1}}
\institute[IITB]{Indian Institute of Technology Bombay}
\date[\textcolor{white}{Project Presentation}]
{CL689 - Energy Integration in Chemical Processes\\ Project Presentation\\ Nov 22, 2022}
%This block of commands puts the table of contents at the
%beginning of each section and highlights the current section:
% \begin{frame}
% \frametitle{Contents}
% \tableofcontents[currentsection]
% \end{frame}
% ------Contents below------
%The next statement creates the title page.
% consider removing it if it's too redundant
\frametitle{Table of Contents}
\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{Problem Data - Cold Stream}
\textbf{Stream} & \textbf{T\textsubscript{in} ($\degree$C)} & \textbf{T\textsubscript{out} ($\degree$C)} & \textbf{Heat Duty (kW)} & \textbf{Heat Capacity (kW/$\degree$C)} \\ \hline
C1 & 162 & 206 & 9020 & 205 \\ \hline
C2 & 158 & 200 & 3210 & 76 \\ \hline
C3 & 205 & 206 & 4445 & 4445 \\ \hline
C4 & 40 & 180 & 75 & 0.5 \\ \hline
C5 & 34 & 87 & 1007 & 19 \\ \hline
C6 & 241 & 242 & 8999 & 8999 \\ \hline
C7 & 221 & 244 & 5951 & 259 \\ \hline
C8 & 271 & 279 & 2105 & 263 \\ \hline
C9 & 55 & 130 & 230 & 3 \\ \hline
C10 & 33 & 90 & 2625 & 46 \\ \hline
C11 & 242 & 246 & 16989 & 4247 \\ \hline
C12 & 221 & 236 & 8082 & 539 \\ \hline
C13 & 268 & 282 & 3789 & 271 \\ \hline
C14 & 55 & 130 & 512 & 7 \\ \hline
C15 & 38 & 48 & 537 & 54 \\ \hline
C16 & 104 & 105 & 447 & 447 \\ \hline
C17 & 103 & 104 & 407 & 407 \\ \hline
%\caption{Cold stream data}
\textcolor{myNewColorA}{\huge{\centerline{Thank you!}}}
\textcolor{myNewColorA}{\Large{\centerline{E-mail: }}}