一位作者给我发来了他的文章的草图,该文章专门用于描述记忆中的知识结构,这些结构由划分为子域的二叉树描述。作者使用自由形式的线连接树节点,以强调这些不是简单的二叉树。下面我展示了作者发给我的草图。这只能在纯 tikz-pgf 中完成吗,还是有更简单的方法?我将不胜感激您的提示。
更新:我尝试为第一个草图编写一些代码(请注意,这是我在 TikZ-PGF 中的第一个代码,我可能需要在这里使用样式)。
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=-7mm,edge from parent path= {(\tikzparentnode.south) .. controls (0,1.2) and (0,.2) .. (\tikzchildnode.north)}]
\node [circle,draw,label=left:$z_1$] {}
child { node {} }
child { node {} };
\node [circle,below=7mm] {$\Sigma(z_1)$};
$\oplus $
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=-7mm,edge from parent path= {(\tikzparentnode.south) .. controls (0,1.2) and (0,.2) .. (\tikzchildnode.north)}]
\node [circle,draw,label=right:$z_2$] {}
child { node {} }
child { node {} };
\node [circle,below=7mm] {$\Sigma(z_1)$};
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=-13mm,edge from parent path= {(\tikzparentnode.south) .. controls (0,1.2) and (0,.2) .. (\tikzchildnode.north)}]
\node [circle,draw,label={[label distance=2mm]right:$z_1\oplus z_2$}] {}
child { node [circle,draw] {}
child { node {} }
child { node {} } }
child { node [circle,draw] {}
child { node {} }
child { node {} } };
\node [circle,below=20mm] {$\Sigma(z_1)\oplus\Sigma(z_2)$};
\caption{Sketch 1}
不幸的是,我无法像原始草图 1 中所示的那样分离两个“域”。这部分对我来说很难的绘图已用红色圆圈标记。
\documentclass[11pt, margin=1cm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{calc, shapes.arrows}
pics/cap/.style n args={3}{% label, delta width, label distance
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=.7ex, outer sep=0] (-N) {};
\path ($(-N) +(-4.5ex, -7ex) -(#2ex, 0)$)
node[inner sep=.7ex, outer sep=.5ex] (-SW) {};
\path ($(-N) +(4.5ex, -7ex) +(#2ex, 0)$)
node[inner sep=.7ex, outer sep=.5ex] (-SE) {};
\path (-N.220) edge[out=190, in=90] (-SW)
(-N.{-40}) edge[out=-10, in=90] (-SE);
\path ($(-N) -(0, 7ex) -(0, #3ex)$) node {#1};
pics/rBranch/.style n args={3}{% label, delta width, delta height
\node[inner sep=.7ex, outer sep=0] (-N) {};
\path (-N.center) ++(0, -2ex)
node[inner sep=0, outer sep=0] (-C) {};
\path ($(-C) +(4.5ex, -8ex) +(#2ex, 0) -(0, #3ex)$)
node[draw, circle, inner sep=.7ex, outer sep=0,
label={[label distance=0ex, scale=.8] 60:#1}] (-SE) {};
\path (-N.270) edge[out=270, in=90] (-C);
\path (-C) edge[out=-50, in=90] (-SE.90);
pics/lBranch/.style n args={4}{% llabel, rlabel, delta width, delta height
\node[inner sep=.7ex, outer sep=0] (-N) {};
\path (-N.center) ++(0, -2ex)
node[inner sep=0, outer sep=0] (-C) {};
\path ($(-C) +(-4.5ex, -5ex) +(#3ex, 0)$)
node[inner sep=0, outer sep=0] (tmp) {};
% \path (tmp) pic (lrB) {rBranch={#2}{0}{0}};
\path ($(tmp) +(4ex, -3ex)$)
node[draw, circle, inner sep=.7ex, outer sep=0,
label={[label distance=0ex, scale=.8] 60:#2}] (tmpSE) {};
\path ($(tmp) +(-3ex, -5ex) -(0, #4ex)$)
node[draw, circle, inner sep=.7ex, outer sep=0,
label={[label distance=0ex, scale=.8] 0:#1}] (-SW) {};
\path (-N.270) edge[out=270, in=90] (-C.center);
\path (-C.center) edge[out=220, in=90] (tmp);
\path (tmp) edge[out=265, in=80] (-SW.80);
\path (tmp) edge[out=-10, in=110] (tmpSE.110);
\begin{tikzpicture}[x={(4ex, 0)}, y={(0, 4ex)}]
% left side
\path (0, 0) pic (z1) {cap={$\Sigma(z_1)$}{0}{0}};
\path (2, -1) node {$\oplus$};
\path (4, 0) pic (z2) {cap={$\Sigma(z_2)$}{0}{0}};
\path (6.5, -1) node {$=$};
% right side
\path (10, 1) pic (z12) {cap={$\Sigma(z_1)\oplus\Sigma(z_1)$}{1}{9}};
\path (z12-SW) pic {cap={}{0}{0}};
\path (z12-SE) pic {cap={}{0}{0}};
% \begin{tikzpicture}[x={(4ex, 0)}, y={(0, 4ex)}]
% % left side
% \path (2, 5) pic[yscale=2] (bell) {cap={}{7}{0}};
% \path (bell-N) pic (rB) {rBranch={$\gamma$}{2}{0}};
% \path (bell-N) pic (lB) {lBranch={$\alpha$}{$\beta$}{0}{0}};
% \path (0, 0) pic (z1) {cap={$\Sigma(z_1)$}{0}{0}};
% \path (4, 0) pic (z2) {cap={$\Sigma(z_2)$}{0}{0}};
% \path (7.25, 0) node[draw, single arrow] {\phantom{aaaa}};
% % right side
% \path (13, 4) pic[yscale=2.5] (bell) {cap={}{9}{0}};
% \path (bell-N) pic (lB) {lBranch={$\alpha$}{$\beta$}{0}{0}};
% \path (bell-N) pic (rB) {rBranch={$\gamma$}{3}{0}};
% \path (lB-SW) pic (z1) {cap={$\Sigma(z_1)$}{0}{1}};
% \path (rB-SE) pic (z2) {cap={$\Sigma(z_2)$}{0}{1}};
% \end{tikzpicture}