

我在 Overleaf (Latex) 中制作了一个表格。但问题是表格超出了纸张范围。如下所示:


我认为问题出在 Notes 上,因为当我删除 Notes 时,问题就解决了(但我想保留 Notes,因此问题仍然存在)。有人有什么建议吗?我的代码是:

\begin{table}[!htbp] \centering 
  \caption{The effect of time on negative campaigning and trait attacks and the effect of opposition party, (supporting, governing party), electoral loss, and ideology on negative campaigning.} 
\hline \\[-1.8ex] 
 & \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textit{Dependent variables}} \\ 
\\[-1.8ex] & \multicolumn{6}{c}{ } \\ 
 & N-C & T-A & N-C & N-C & N-C & N-C \\ 
\\[-1.8ex] & (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6)\\ 
\hline \\[-1.8ex] 
 Time (1970-2022) & $-$0.550$^{***}$ & $-$1.640$^{***}$ &  &  &  &  \\ 
  & (0.000) & (0.000) &  &  &  \\  
  & & & & & & \\  
 Supporting Party (= ref.) &  &  & &  &  & \\ 
  &  &  &  &  &  &  \\ 
  & & & & & & \\ 
 Governing Party &  &  & $-$3.512 &  &  & $-$1.830 \\ 
  &  &  & (2.793) &  &  & (3.289) \\ 
  & & & & & & \\ 
 Opposition Party &  &  & $-$4.202$^{*}$ &  &  & $-$4.000$^{**}$ \\ 
  &  &  & (1.753) &  &  & (1.299) \\ 
  & & & & & & \\ 
 Electoral Loss &  &  &  & 0.005 &  & 0.008 \\ 
  &  &  &  & (0.012) &  & (0.011) \\ 
  & & & & & & \\ 
 Ideology &  &  &  &  & 1.781$^{*}$ & 1.764$^{*}$ \\ 
  &  &  &  &  & (0.851) & (0.722) \\ 
  & & & & & & \\ 
 Ideology dummy (= SD) &  &  &  &  & $-$3.041 & $-$2.912$^{*}$ \\ 
  &  &  &  &  & (1.620) & (1.224) \\ 
  & & & & & & \\ 
 Constant & 15.300 & 27.540 & 11.031$^{***}$ & 7.626$^{***}$ & 3.869$^{*}$ & 6.395$^{**}$ \\ 
  &  (0.000)& (0.000) & (2.173) & (1.488) & (1.922) & (2.371) \\ 
  & & & & & & \\ 
\hline \\[-1.8ex]
\textit{Observations} & 103 & 103 & 103 & 103 & 103 & 103 \\ 
\textit{Adjusted R$^{2}$ }& 1.000 & 1.000 & 0.008 & $-$0.011 & 0.035 & 0.037 \\ 
\hline \\[-1.8ex] 
\multicolumn{6}{@{}p{\textwidth}@{}}{\small \textbf{Notes:} N-C stands for negative campaigning and T-A stands for trait attacks. Ref. stands for reference category. Coefficients are the estimates of the ordinary least squares regression with the robust standard errors clustered on parties in parentheses. All models include the election year dummies as fixed effects (not shown due to too little space in the table). * represents a significance level of $p$ $<$ 0.05 (5\%), ** represents a significance level of $p$ $<$ 0.01 (1\%), and *** represents a significance level of $p$ $<$ 0.001 (0.1\%).}



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caption = {The effect of time on negative campaigning and trait attacks and the effect of opposition party, (supporting, governing party), electoral loss, and ideology on negative campaigning.},
  label = {tab:?},
remark{Notes} = {N-C stands for negative campaigning and T-A stands for trait attacks. Ref. stands for reference category. Coefficients are the estimates of the ordinary least squares regression with the robust standard errors clustered on parties in parentheses. All models include the election year dummies as fixed effects (not shown due to too little space in the table). * represents a significance level of $p<0.05$ (\qty{5}{\%}), ** represents a significance level of $p<0.01$ (\qty{1}{\%}), and *** represents a significance level of $p<0.001$ (\qty{0.1}{\%}).}
                  colspec = {@{} X[2,l] *{6}{X[c, si= {table-format=2.3{$^{***}$}}]} @{}},
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%%%% table body
    &   \SetCell[c=6]{c}  Dependent variables 
                &           &           &           &           &           \\
    &   N-C     &     T-A   &     N-C   &   N-C     & N-C       & N-C       \\
    &   (1)     &     (2)   &     (3)   &   (4)     & (5)       & (6)       \\
Time (1970-2022) 
    & -0.550\TblrNote{***}
                & -1.640\TblrNote{***}
                            &           &           &           &           \\
    & (0.000)   & (0.000)   &           &           &           &           \\
\SetCell[r=2]{l} {Supporting Party\\ (= ref.)}
    &           &           &           &           &           &           \\
    &           &           &           &           &           &           \\
Governing Party 
    &           &           & -3.512    &           &           & -1.830    \\
    &           &           & (2.793)   &           &           & (3.289)   \\

Opposition Party 
    &           &           & -4.202\TblrNote{*}
                                        &           &           & -4.000\TblrNote{**}    \\
    &           &           & (1.753)   &           &           & (1.299)   \\
Electoral Loss 
    &           &           &           & 0.005     &           & 0.008     \\
    &           &           &           & (0.012)   &           & (0.011)   \\
    &           &           &           &           & 1.781\TblrNote{*} 
                                                                & 1.764\TblrNote{*}     \\
    &           &           &           &           & (0.851)   & (0.722)   \\
\SetCell[r=2]{l} {Ideology dummy\\ (= SD)} 
    &           &           &           &           & -3.041    & -2.912\TblrNote{*}    \\
    &           &           &           &           & (1.620)   & (1.224)   \\
    & 15.300    & 27.540    & 11.031\TblrNote{***} 
                                        & 7.626\TblrNote{***} 
                                                    & 3.869\TblrNote{*} 
                                                                & 6.395\TblrNote{**}    \\
    &  (0.000)  & (0.000)   & (2.173)   & (1.488)   & (1.922)   & (2.371)       \\
\SetRow{guard, mode=text}
    & {103}     & {103}     & {103}     & {103}     & {103}     & {103}         \\
\textit{Adjusted $R^{2}$}
    & 1.000     & 1.000     & 0.008     & -0.011    & 0.035     & 0.037         \\
  • 使用的是talltblr表,tabularray相当于threeparttable
  • 数字按小数点对齐(通过使用siunitx包)
  • 删除所有空行并用奇数行的额外垂直空格替换。
  • 如果您可以放大,则可以设置更大的字体大小和列之间的距离\textwidth,例如通过使用geometry
  • 有关tabularray语法的详细信息,请阅读软件包文档





\usepackage[font=small, labelfont=bf, 
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                siunitx,    %   NEW, load siunitx package
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\caption{The effect of time on negative campaigning and trait attacks and the effect of opposition party, (supporting, governing party), electoral loss, and ideology on negative campaigning.}

remark{Notes} = {N-C stands for negative campaigning and T-A stands for trait attacks. Ref. stands for reference category. Coefficients are the estimates of the ordinary least squares regression with the robust standard errors clustered on parties in parentheses. All models include the election year dummies as fixed effects (not shown due to too little space in the table). * represents a significance level of $p<0.05$ (\qty{5}{\%}), ** represents a significance level of $p<0.01$ (\qty{1}{\%}), and *** represents a significance level of $p<0.001$ (\qty{0.1}{\%}).}
                  colspec = {@{} X[2,l] *{6}{X[c, si= {table-format=2.3{$^{***}$}}]} @{}},
                  row{1} = {guard, font=\itshape},
                  row{2,3} = {guard},
                  row{4}   = {belowsep=-1pt},
                  row{5-Z} = {rowsep=-1pt},
                  row{odd[4-Z]} = {belowsep=1ex},
%%%% table body




这样的表格不太可能适合 12pt 大小的标准文本宽度,因此至少\small需要减小到。





\begin{table}[tp] % no chance to get it h even with !

\caption{The effect of time on negative campaigning and trait attacks and 
  the effect of opposition party, (supporting, governing party), electoral
  loss, and ideology on negative campaigning.} 



& \multicolumn{6}{c}{\textit{Dependent variables}} \\ 
& N-C & T-A & N-C & N-C & N-C & N-C \\ 
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) & (6)\\ 
 Time (1970-2022) & $-$0.550$^{***}$ & $-$1.640$^{***}$ &  &  &  &  \\ 
  & (0.000) & (0.000) &  &  &  \\
 Supporting Party &  &  & &  &  & \\ 
(= ref.) &  &  &  &  &  &  \\ 
 Governing Party &  &  & $-$3.512 &  &  & $-$1.830 \\ 
  &  &  & (2.793) &  &  & (3.289) \\ 
 Opposition Party &  &  & $-$4.202$^{*}$ &  &  & $-$4.000$^{**}$ \\ 
  &  &  & (1.753) &  &  & (1.299) \\ 
 Electoral Loss &  &  &  & 0.005 &  & 0.008 \\ 
  &  &  &  & (0.012) &  & (0.011) \\ 
 Ideology &  &  &  &  & 1.781$^{*}$ & 1.764$^{*}$ \\ 
  &  &  &  &  & (0.851) & (0.722) \\ 
 Ideology dummy &  &  &  &  & $-$3.041 & $-$2.912$^{*}$ \\ 
(= SD)  &  &  &  &  & (1.620) & (1.224) \\ 
 Constant & 15.300 & 27.540 & 11.031$^{***}$ & 7.626$^{***}$ & 3.869$^{*}$ & 6.395$^{**}$ \\ 
  &  (0.000)& (0.000) & (2.173) & (1.488) & (1.922) & (2.371) \\ 
\textit{Observations} & 103 & 103 & 103 & 103 & 103 & 103 \\ 
\textit{Adjusted $R^{2}$ }& 1.000 & 1.000 & 0.008 & $-$0.011 & 0.035 & 0.037 \\ 


\textbf{Notes:} N-C stands for negative campaigning and T-A stands for trait attacks. 
Ref. stands for reference category. Coefficients are the estimates of the ordinary 
least squares regression with the robust standard errors clustered on parties in 
parentheses. All models include the election year dummies as fixed effects (not shown 
due to too little space in the table). * represents a significance level of $p<0.05$~(5\%), 
** represents a significance level of $p<0.01$~(1\%), and *** represents a significance 
level of $p<0.001$~(0.1\%).



