在 Leedsheets 包中更改和弦的行高

在 Leedsheets 包中更改和弦的行高

我正在使用 Leedsheets 包创建自定义歌本。我将每种字体都改为,对于\ttfamily类似诗句的环境,我通过 确定大小\large。现在行间距非常大,并且极大地拉伸了整个文档。



并且它只适用于没有和弦的文本。除此之外,我已经尝试使用Overleaf 间距文档但这也不起作用。



\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{leadsheet}
    align-chords = {l},
    remember-chords = true,
    text-format = {\ttfamily\large},
    chorus/format= ,
    info/format= ,
    bar-shortcuts = false 
    format = {\ttfamily}


\begin{song}{title={Ye Yacobites by Name}, capo={1}}

^{Em}What's right and what is wrang, by the ^{G}law, by the ^{D}law, \\
^{Em}What's right and what is wrang, ^{D}by the ^{Em}law. \\
^{G}What's right and what is wrang, ^{D}the short sword and the lang, \\
^{Em}A weak arm and a strang, for to ^{G}draw, for to ^{D}draw, \\
^{Em}A weak arm and a strang, ^{D}for to ^{Em}draw. \\
What makes heroic strife, famed afar? famed afar? \\
What makes heroic strife, famed afar? \\
What makes heroic strife, to whet the assasins knife, \\
Or haunt a parent's life, wi' bloody war? bloody war? \\
Or haunt a parent's life, wi' bloody war? \\


这是一张包含我的问题的图片: 歌曲中展示的问题





leadsheets 在内部将线宽重置为 1。因此,如果您确实希望线条彼此靠近,最好手动设置大小和基线跳过:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{leadsheet}
    align-chords = {l},
    remember-chords = true,
    text-format = {\fontsize{14pt}{15pt}\ttfamily},  % second dimension should be larger than the first!  
    info/format= ,
    bar-shortcuts = false ,    
    format = {\ttfamily}


\begin{song}{title={Ye Yacobites by Name}, capo={1}}

^{Em}What's right and what is wrang, by the ^{G}law, by the ^{D}law, \\
^{Em}What's right and what is wrang, ^{D}by the ^{Em}law. \\
^{G}What's right and what is wrang, ^{D}the short sword and the lang, \\
^{Em}A weak arm and a strang, for to ^{G}draw, for to ^{D}draw, \\
^{Em}A weak arm and a strang, ^{D}for to ^{Em}draw. \\
What makes heroic strife, famed afar? famed afar? \\
What makes heroic strife, famed afar? \\
What makes heroic strife, to whet the assasins knife, \\
Or haunt a parent's life, wi' bloody war? bloody war? \\
Or haunt a parent's life, wi' bloody war? \\


