

我想创建一个表格,其中有些行是多列的,其中一行填充长文本,后面跟着 2 列的行。创建多列或在典型列中插入长文本没有任何问题,但当我使用 \multicolumn 函数时,我的文本溢出并弄乱了我的表格。




\newcommand{\source}[1]{\vspace{-1pt}{\hfill \footnotesize{Source: {#1}} } }



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 \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[h!]{| X | X |}
 \caption{Description of the selected algorithms\label{TABLEA}}\\

 \multicolumn{2}{| c |}{Begin of Table}\\
Algorithm & General Operation \\

 \multicolumn{2}{| c |}{Continuation of Table \ref{TABLEA}}\\
Algorithm & General Operation \\


 \multicolumn{2}{| c |}{End of Table}\\

\multicolumn{2}{| c |}{\textbf{Agglomerative methods}} \\ 
\multicolumn{2}{|>{\hsize=\twocolwidth}C c |}{The notion of distance in this family makes it possible to identify cliques through relational proximities } \\
           \textbf{Hierarchical algorithm} with 4 different settings:  Euclidean distance / Complete linkage; Euclidean distance / Ward; Manhattan distance / Complete linkage; Manhattan distance / Ward.
           & The basic idea is to construct the hierarchical relationship among data in order to cluster. Each data point stands for an individual cluster in the beginning, and then, the most neighboring two clusters are merged into a new one until there is only one cluster left. The concept of "neighborhood" depends on the distance between nodes which is computed by squaring the Euclidean or Manhattan distances and grouping them into a symmetric matrix. The clustering method (here, complete linkage and Ward's algorithm) identifies the closest nodes to agglomerate them. We obtain a hierarchical dendogram which is cut to the desired number of clusters. \\



但正如您在此处看到的,文本出现了双重: 在此处输入图片描述



PS:我只是一个使用 Overflow 的初学者,所以我不知道代码的哪一部分产生了这个问题


  • 目前尚不清楚您的表格应该是什么样子。
  • 到目前为止,这还很不寻常。例如,你喜欢在表头中用“表开头”和“表结尾”来表示什么?
  • 该包的使用ltablex可能会比较棘手。
  • 软件包tabu有缺陷且无人维护。不要使用它。请尝试使用相对较新、功能强大的软件包tabularray
  • 您需要清理文档序言:
    • 每个包应该只加载一次
    • hyperref应该最后加载(极少数例外情况是您的文档中不存在)
    • 您真的需要所有这些包吗?
  • 您应该意识到长表只能在行之间拆分,而不能在页之间拆分。


\UseTblrLibrary{booktabs}  % it load package booktabs, 
                            % so delete its other loads

caption={Description of the selected algorithms},
  label={TABLEA}        ]{hlines, vlines,
                         row{1} = {c, font=\bfseries},
% table body
Algorithm       & General Operation     \\
\SetCell[c=2]{c,font=\bfseries}    Agglomerative methods 
                &                       \\
\SetCell[c=2]{c}    The notion of distance in this family makes it possible to identify cliques through relational proximities
                &                       \\
\textbf{Hierarchical algorithm} with 4 different settings:  Euclidean distance / Complete linkage; Euclidean distance / Ward; Manhattan distance / Complete linkage; Manhattan distance / Ward.
                &   The basic idea is to construct the hierarchical relationship among data in order to cluster. Each data point stands for an individual cluster in the beginning, and then, the most neighboring two clusters are merged into a new one until there is only one cluster left. The concept of "neighborhood" depends on the distance between nodes which is computed by squaring the Euclidean or Manhattan distances and grouping them into a symmetric matrix. The clustering method (here, complete linkage and Ward's algorithm) identifies the closest nodes to agglomerate them. We obtain a hierarchical dendogram which is cut to the desired number of clusters. \\

\SetCell[c=2]{c,font=\bfseries}    Agglomerative methods
                &                       \\
\SetCell[c=2]{c}    The notion of distance in this family makes it possible to identify cliques through relational proximities
                &                       \\
\textbf{Hierarchical algorithm} with 4 different settings:  Euclidean distance / Complete linkage; Euclidean distance / Ward; Manhattan distance / Complete linkage; Manhattan distance / Ward.
                &   The basic idea is to construct the hierarchical relationship among data in order to cluster. Each data point stands for an individual cluster in the beginning, and then, the most neighboring two clusters are merged into a new one until there is only one cluster left. The concept of "neighborhood" depends on the distance between nodes which is computed by squaring the Euclidean or Manhattan distances and grouping them into a symmetric matrix. The clustering method (here, complete linkage and Ward's algorithm) identifies the closest nodes to agglomerate them. We obtain a hierarchical dendogram which is cut to the desired number of clusters. \\

\SetCell[c=2]{c,font=\bfseries}    Agglomerative methods
                &                       \\
\SetCell[c=2]{c}    The notion of distance in this family makes it possible to identify cliques through relational proximities
                &                       \\
\textbf{Hierarchical algorithm} with 4 different settings:  Euclidean distance / Complete linkage; Euclidean distance / Ward; Manhattan distance / Complete linkage; Manhattan distance / Ward.
                &   The basic idea is to construct the hierarchical relationship among data in order to cluster. Each data point stands for an individual cluster in the beginning, and then, the most neighboring two clusters are merged into a new one until there is only one cluster left. The concept of "neighborhood" depends on the distance between nodes which is computed by squaring the Euclidean or Manhattan distances and grouping them into a symmetric matrix. The clustering method (here, complete linkage and Ward's algorithm) identifies the closest nodes to agglomerate them. We obtain a hierarchical dendogram which is cut to the desired number of clusters. \\


  • 表格经过修改,具有通常在表格中使用的形式。
  • 在序言中仅加载与该表相关的包。











\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| *2{X|}}
    \multicolumn{2}{| c |}{Begin of Table} \\
    Algorithm & General Operation \\
    \multicolumn{2}{| c |}{End of Table} \\
    \multicolumn{2}{| c |}{\textbf{Agglomerative methods}} \\ 
    \multicolumn{2}{| c |}{%
        The notion of distance in this family makes it possible to identify cliques through relational proximities}
    } \\
