

我想改变引用之间的间距。 enter image description here


                        bibliography = {References}}
                        references = {Bibliography}}
                    \vspace{\dimexpr -2\tf@singlelineskip +1\baselineskip \relax}%
                    \def\tf@adjaftersec{\dimexpr \tf@singlelineskip -\p@ \relax}}


\ProvidesPackage{turabian-formatting}[2018/08/01 Turabian Formatting]





% Package options: handling







% Margin size: 1 inch on all sides
\setlength\textwidth{\dimexpr \paperwidth -2in \relax}

\setlength\textheight{\dimexpr \paperheight -2in \relax}


% Header top and footer baseline: set to 0.5in from page edges
\setlength\headheight{\dimexpr \f@size pt \relax}
\setlength\headsep{\dimexpr 0.5in -\headheight \relax}


% Text spacing is double spaced
% \setlength{\bibsep}{0pt plus 0.5ex}

% Preserve normalsize and footnotesize single spacing baselineskip values


\ifcase \@ptsize

% Paragraph indent

% Renew \raggedright to preserve paragraph indent and set \@optraggedright to true
    \let\\\@centercr\@rightskip\@flushglue \rightskip\@rightskip

% Use \raggedright if raggedright option true
\if@optraggedright \raggedright \fi

% Prevent widowed text with 2 line default
\PassOptionsToPackage{defaultlines=2, all}{nowidow}

% Footnotes: layout and formatting

\PassOptionsToPackage{bottom, marginal}{footmisc}



% Footnotes: Chicago symbols used when needed

% Footnotes: separation between footnotes based on text size
\ifcase \@ptsize


% Footnotes: readjust footnote rule size and placement
    \hrule width 2in height 0.4pt

% Footnotes: make command to set footnote punctuation

% Footnotes: renew command for typesetting footnotes
    \if@optraggedright \raggedright \fi

% Page style (headings): place page number in header, top right

% Page style (myheadings): make same as headings page style 

% Page style (headings): set default page style and page numbering

% Page style (empty): adjust if twoside option used
        \ifodd \c@page \else

% Set top section command name to "section" (default)

% Set adjustment for baselineskip after \section and \section* headings
\def\tf@adjaftersec{\dimexpr \baselineskip -\tf@singlelineskip -\p@ \relax}

% Headings formatting: \section, \subsection, and \subsubsection




% Headings formatting: following paragraphs start with an indent

% Table of Contents: renew formatting


    \expandafter\csname \tf@topsecname\endcsname*{\contentsname}%
        \def\@tocrmarg{\tf@tocrmarg plus1fil}
    {   \vspace{\dimexpr -3\tf@singlelineskip +1\baselineskip \relax}%

% List of Figures and List of Tables: adjust titles



% List of Figures
    \expandafter\csname \tf@topsecname\endcsname*{\listfigurename}%
    {   \vspace{\dimexpr -3\tf@singlelineskip +1\baselineskip \relax}%

% List of Tables
    \expandafter\csname \tf@topsecname\endcsname*{\listtablename}%
    {   \vspace{\dimexpr -3\tf@singlelineskip +1\baselineskip \relax}%

% List of Illustrations

    \expandafter\csname \tf@topsecname\endcsname*{\listillustrationname}%
    {   \vspace{\dimexpr -3\tf@singlelineskip +1\baselineskip \relax}%
        {\tf@illustrsection Figures}\par\nopagebreak
        {\tf@illustrsection Tables}\par\nopagebreak

% Figures and Tables: float positioning

    \dimexpr 2\tf@singlelineskip +\p@ \relax minus 1\tf@singlelineskip}
    \dimexpr 1\tf@singlelineskip +\p@ \relax plus 1\tf@singlelineskip}
    \dimexpr 1\tf@singlelineskip +\p@ \relax plus 1\tf@singlelineskip}


% Figures and Tables: caption formatting


    \if@optraggedright \raggedright \fi
    \small#1. #2\par

% Lists: enumerate and itemize formatting
\setlength\labelwidth{\dimexpr \parindent -\labelsep \relax}

% Lists: formatting command for both enumerate and itemize

% Lists (enumerate): format of enumerate list labels

% Lists (enumerate): redefine enumerate to include formatting command hook
    \ifnum \@enumdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep \else
            \csname label\@enumctr\endcsname

% Lists (itemize): redefine itemize to include formatting command hook
    \ifnum \@itemdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep \else

% Block quotation: formatting
            % Adjust right margin based on raggedright option
            \setlength\topsep{\dimexpr 2\tf@singlelineskip -\baselineskip \relax}}%

% thebibliography environment: formatting (adjust \@openbib@code hook default)


\newlength{\bibitemsep}\setlength{\bibitemsep}{.1\baselineskip plus .05\baselineskip minus .05\baselineskip}

% biblatex-chicago: set formatting defaults and pass options
    {isbn=false, autolang=other, footmarkoff, backend=biber}%

% biblatex-chicago: adjustments to \printbibliography formatting
                        bibliography = {References}}
                        references = {Bibliography}}
                    \vspace{\dimexpr -2\tf@singlelineskip +1\baselineskip \relax}%
                    \def\tf@adjaftersec{\dimexpr \tf@singlelineskip -\p@ \relax}}

% Endnotes: support and formatting


    \RequirePackage{endnotes, xparse}

    % Changes footnote marker type and formatting

        % Make endnotes use of "_" not a special character when in text mode






    \setlength\new@footnotesep{\dimexpr\footnotesep - \tf@fnsinglelineskip\relax}

        \hrule \@width 2in height 0.4\p@

希望这有帮助...欢迎来到 TeX.SX! :)
