我没有很好的用例。我想知道是否可以设置 LaTeX 以在段落的每一行之间切换左对齐和右对齐。例如,第 1、3、5、7、9 行等为左对齐,而第 2、4、6、8 行等为右对齐。显然这可以手动完成,但我想知道是否有办法设置文档以便它自动执行此操作而不必在各处打换行符?请注意,这是在普通文本的上下文中,而不是方程式的上下文中。同样,我没有实际的用例,只是想知道这是否可行,如果可行,如何去做。
This is a line which is indented and left aligned,
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,
which is followed by a line which is left aligned,
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,
which is followed by a line which is left aligned,
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,
which is followed by a line which is left aligned,
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,
which is followed by a line which is left aligned,
all in one giant useless paragraph.
\hbox to \hsize{\hfill\unhbox0\unskip\unskip}%
This is a line which is indented and left aligned,
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,
which issss followed by a line which is left aligned,
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,
which is followed by a line which is left aligned,
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,
which is followed by a line which is left aligned,
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,
which is followed by a line which is left aligned,
all in one giant useless paragraph.
This is a line which is indented and left aligned,
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,
which issss followed by a line which is left aligned,
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,
which is followed by a line which is left aligned,
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,
which is followed by a line which is left aligned,
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,
which is followed by a line which is left aligned,
all in one giant useless paragraph.
\everypar={\count\linecount=1 }
\advance\count\linecount by1 }
This is a line which is indented and left aligned,\\
which is followed by a line which is right aligned,\\