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\begin{tabularx}{500pt}{@{} |p{40pt}|p{50pt}|X|l|X| @{}}
Category & Solution & Explanations & Citations & Example \\ \cline{1-5}
\multirow{3}{*}{} Pricing & Align prices with alternatives & This solution establishes price coherence between the price that the platform charges buyers with what the buyer would pay if interacting with the seller directly.
& & Airbnb expects that property owners will post the same price for lodging across all channels. It can monitor this through random checks or offer a low-price guarantee. \\ \cline{2-5}
& Reduce commission & The intermediary could lower its percentage commission to reduce the incentive to bypass the platform. & & Airbnb offers lower commissions for hosts who have multiple listings and large volume on the platform.\\ \cline{2-5}
& Reduce price & The intermediary could lower the price that it charges buyers in order to decrease the absolute cash value of the buyer’s incentive to bypass the platform. & & Airbnb rooms are typically less than the price of nearby hotel rooms, reducing the appeal of those substitutes. \\ \cline{1-5}
\multirow{3}{*}{} Revenue model & Charge before match is made for lead generation & The intermediary collects user fees before performing any functions or services.
& & Airbnb could - but currently does not - require that buyers or sellers pay a one-time initiation fee to use the platform.\\ \cline{2-5}
& Charge for advertising & The intermediary does not charge a commission to users, and therefore reduces the incentive to disintermediate. & & Airbnb could - but currently does not - eliminate its commission and instead place advertisements inside of its site, similarly to many news sites, like CNN.com\\ \cline{2-5}
& Charge a subscription & The intermediary charges for time on the platform (e.g., monthly) regardless of the number of leads, matches, or consummated transactions. & & Airbnb could - but currently does not - require that buyers or sellers pay monthly fees to access the site. This is the approach that Match.com, a popular dating site, employs.
\\ \cline{1-5}
\multirow{4}{*}{} Policies & Block communication & The intermediary can use technology to disallow buyer and seller from interacting directly. & & Airbnb uses its own closed messaging system to allow buyers and sellers to correspond with one another. This system does not allow buyers or sellers to trade contact information that would enable off-platform communication. \\ \cline{2-5}
& Sanction offenders & If disintermediation is evident, the intermediary can reduce the ratings or future service access for buyers or sellers. & & Any buyer or seller caught violating the terms of service faces the following actions: “Suspend or limit your access to or use of the Airbnb platform and/or your account; suspend or remove listings, reviews, or other content; cancel pending or confirmed bookings; or suspend or revoke any special status associated with your account.” \\ \cline{2-5}
& Homogenity of service & The intermediary can ensure that each service is identical to every other in experience, quality, and price, which removes the incentive for disintermediation. & & Airbnb sets expectations for the cleanliness of the property. It could - but currently does not - narrow its listing to, for example, only one-bedroom apartments with a kitchen and separate entrance. This would be similar to Uber’s expectation when it first launched its service in San Francisco: Drivers were encouraged to only deploy new Toyota Prius cars. \\ \cline{2-5}
& Homogenity of service 2 & The intermediary can ensure that each service is identical to every other in experience, quality, and price, which removes the incentive for disintermediation. & & Airbnb sets expectations for the cleanliness of the property. It could - but currently does not - narrow its listing to, for example, only one-bedroom apartments with a kitchen and separate entrance. This would be similar to Uber’s expectation when it first launched its service in San Francisco: Drivers were encouraged to only deploy new Toyota Prius cars. \\ \cline{2-5}
& & & & \\ \cline{1-5}
\caption{Sources of disintermediation}
\label{table: sources}
- 任何长表格(如、
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documentclass 的默认文本块宽度更宽。因此,考虑使用geometry
包更改默认表格布局是明智的(请参阅下面的 MWE)。
- 第一列几乎为空,其中的类别将移至类别描述上方的行作为其标题,
- 通过使用包增加
, - 为了更好地在单元格中归档文本,我将使用
字体大小, - 对于表将使用
, \hline
从表主体中删除所有内容,- 对于表格其余部分的水平线,将使用
MWE (最小工作示例) 是:
\usepackage[margin=25mm]{geometry} % define page layout
\usepackage{microtype} % for better spacing of words in paragraph
\UseTblrLibrary{booktabs} % for "professional horizontal rules in table
\NewTableCommand\category[1][0pt]{% % for shortcut in table body code
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caption = {Sources of disintermediation},
label = {table:sources}
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colspec = {@{} X[1.1, j, cmd=\RaggedRight] X[3,j]
X[0.9, j, cmd=\RaggedRight] X[3,j] @{}},
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& Explanations
& Citations
& Example \\
% table body
\category Pricing:
& & & \\
Align prices with alternatives
& This solution establishes price coherence between the price that the platform charges buyers with what the buyer would pay if interacting with the seller directly.
& & Airbnb expects that property owners will post the same price for lodging across all channels. It can monitor this through random checks or offer a low-price guarantee.
Reduce commission
& The intermediary could lower its percentage commission to reduce the incentive to bypass the platform.
& & Airbnb offers lower commissions for hosts who have multiple listings and large volume on the platform. \\
Reduce price
& The intermediary could lower the price that it charges buyers in order to decrease the absolute cash value of the buyer’s incentive to bypass the platform.
& & Airbnb rooms are typically less than the price of nearby hotel rooms, reducing the appeal of those substitutes. \\
\category[5pt] Revenue model:
& & & \\
Charge before match is made for lead generation
& The intermediary collects user fees before performing any functions or services.
& & Airbnb could - but currently does not - require that buyers or sellers pay a one-time initiation fee to use the platform. \\
Charge for advertising
& The intermediary does not charge a commission to users, and therefore reduces the incentive to disintermediate.
& & Airbnb could - but currently does not - eliminate its commission and instead place advertisements inside of its site, similarly to many news sites, like CNN.com.
Charge a subscription
& The intermediary charges for time on the platform (e.g., monthly) regardless of the number of leads, matches, or consummated transactions.
& & Airbnb could - but currently does not - require that buyers or sellers pay monthly fees to access the site. This is the approach that Match.com, a popular dating site, employs.
% \midrule[dashed]
\category[5pt] Policies:
& & & \\
Block communication
& The intermediary can use technology to disallow buyer and seller from interacting directly.
& & Airbnb uses its own closed messaging system to allow buyers and sellers to correspond with one another. This system does not allow buyers or sellers to trade contact information that would enable off-platform communication. \\
Sanction offenders
& If disintermediation is evident, the intermediary can reduce the ratings or future service access for buyers or sellers.
& & Any buyer or seller caught violating the terms of service faces the following actions: “Suspend or limit your access to or use of the Airbnb platform and/or your account; suspend or remove listings, reviews, or other content; cancel pending or confirmed bookings; or suspend or revoke any special status associated with your account.”
Homogenity of service
& The intermediary can ensure that each service is identical to every other in experience, quality, and price, which removes the incentive for disintermediation.
& & Airbnb sets expectations for the cleanliness of the property. It could - but currently does not - narrow its listing to, for example, only one-bedroom apartments with a kitchen and separate entrance. This would be similar to Uber’s expectation when it first launched its service in San Francisco: Drivers were encouraged to only deploy new Toyota Prius cars.
Homogenity of service 2
& The intermediary can ensure that each service is identical to every other in experience, quality, and price, which removes the incentive for disintermediation.
& & Airbnb sets expectations for the cleanliness of the property. It could - but currently does not - narrow its listing to, for example, only one-bedroom apartments with a kitchen and separate entrance. This would be similar to Uber’s expectation when it first launched its service in San Francisco: Drivers were encouraged to only deploy new Toyota Prius cars.
\begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{@{} |>{\RaggedRight}l|>{\RaggedRight}p{50pt}|X|l|X| @{}}
\caption{Sources of disintermediation\label{table: sources}} \\
\noalign{\hrule height 0.8pt}
& \textbf{Solution}
& \textbf{Explanations}
& \textbf{Citations}
& \textbf{Example} \\
\noalign{\hrule height 0.5pt} \endhead
\noalign{\noindent\smash{\vrule height 0.8pt width \linewidth}} \endfoot
\multirow{3}{*}{} Pricing
& Align prices with alternatives
& This solution establishes price coherence between the price that the platform charges buyers with what the buyer would pay if interacting with the seller directly.
& & Airbnb expects that property owners will post the same price for lodging across all channels. It can monitor this through random checks or offer a low-price guarantee. \\ \cline{2-5}
& Reduce commission
& The intermediary could lower its percentage commission to reduce the incentive to bypass the platform.
& & Airbnb offers lower commissions for hosts who have multiple listings and large volume on the platform.\\ \cline{2-5}
& Reduce price
& The intermediary could lower the price that it charges buyers in order to decrease the absolute cash value of the buyer’s incentive to bypass the platform.
& & Airbnb rooms are typically less than the price of nearby hotel rooms, reducing the appeal of those substitutes. \\ \hline
\multirow{3}{*}{} Revenue model
& Charge before match is made for lead generation
& The intermediary collects user fees before performing any functions or services.
& & Airbnb could - but currently does not - require that buyers or sellers pay a one-time initiation fee to use the platform.\\ \cline{2-5}
& Charge for advertising
& The intermediary does not charge a commission to users, and therefore reduces the incentive to disintermediate.
& & Airbnb could - but currently does not - eliminate its commission and instead place advertisements inside of its site, similarly to many news sites, like CNN.com \\ \cline{2-5}
& Charge a subscription
& The intermediary charges for time on the platform (e.g., monthly) regardless of the number of leads, matches, or consummated transactions.
& & Airbnb could - but currently does not - require that buyers or sellers pay monthly fees to access the site. This is the approach that Match.com, a popular dating site, employs. \\ \hline
\multirow{4}{*}{} Policies
& Block communication
& The intermediary can use technology to disallow buyer and seller from interacting directly.
& & Airbnb uses its own closed messaging system to allow buyers and sellers to correspond with one another. This system does not allow buyers or sellers to trade contact information that would enable off-platform communication. \\ \cline{2-5}
& Sanction offenders
& If disintermediation is evident, the intermediary can reduce the ratings or future service access for buyers or sellers.
& & Any buyer or seller caught violating the terms of service faces the following actions: “Suspend or limit your access to or use of the Airbnb platform and/or your account; suspend or remove listings, reviews, or other content; cancel pending or confirmed bookings; or suspend or revoke any special status associated with your account.” \\ \cline{2-5}
& Homogenity of service
& The intermediary can ensure that each service is identical to every other in experience, quality, and price, which removes the incentive for disintermediation.
& & Airbnb sets expectations for the cleanliness of the property. It could - but currently does not - narrow its listing to, for example, only one-bedroom apartments with a kitchen and separate entrance. This would be similar to Uber’s expectation when it first launched its service in San Francisco: Drivers were encouraged to only deploy new Toyota Prius cars. \\ \cline{2-5}
& Homogenity of service 2
& The intermediary can ensure that each service is identical to every other in experience, quality, and price, which removes the incentive for disintermediation.
& & Airbnb sets expectations for the cleanliness of the property. It could - but currently does not - narrow its listing to, for example, only one-bedroom apartments with a kitchen and separate entrance. This would be similar to Uber’s expectation when it first launched its service in San Francisco: Drivers were encouraged to only deploy new Toyota Prius cars. \\