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如果你想将文档中动态提供的任意文本链接到条目的 URL,解决方案来自使用存储在参考书目中的 URL 创建超链接?可能是可行的方法。
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type = {Technical Specification (ISO/TS)},
title = {Road vehicles
-- Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems (TICS)
-- Procedures for determining priority of on-board messages presented to drivers},
shorttitle = {ISO/TS 16951:20216},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/81103.html},
number = {ISO/TS 16951:2021},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {ISO},
date = {2021-03},
环境中使用它,则可以使用 来biblatex
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type = {Technical Specification (ISO/TS)},
title = {Road vehicles -- Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems (TICS) -- Procedures for determining priority of on-board messages presented to drivers},
shorttitle = {ISO/TS 16951:20216},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/81103.html},
number = {ISO/TS 16951:2021},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2021-03},
type = {Standard},
title = {Road vehicles -- Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems -- Specifications for in-vehicle auditory presentation},
shorttitle = {ISO 15006:2011},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/55322.html},
number = {ISO 15006:2011},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2011-10},
type = {Technical Report (ISO/TR)},
title = {Road vehicles — Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems — Introduction to integrating safety critical and time critical warning signals},
shorttitle = {ISO/TR 12204:2012},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/55322.html},
number = {ISO/TR 12204:2012},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2012-11},
type = {Technical Report (ISO/TR)},
title = {Road vehicles -- Ergonomic aspects of in-vehicle presentation for transport information and control systems -- Warning systems},
shorttitle = {ISO/TR 16352:2005},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/37859.html},
number = {ISO/TR 16352:2005},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2005-12},
type = {Standard},
title = {Road vehicles -- Ergonomic aspects of transportation and control systems -- Dialogue management principles and compliance procedures},
shorttitle = {ISO 15005:2017},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/69238.html},
number = {ISO 15005:2017},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2017-02},
type = {Standard},
title = {Road vehicles -— Measurement and analysis of driver visual behaviour with respect to transport information and control systems},
shorttitle = {ISO 15007:2020},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/63220.html},
number = {ISO 15007:2020},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2011-10},
type = {Standard},
title = {Road vehicles -- Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems -- Specifications and test procedures for in-vehicle visual presentation},
shorttitle = {ISO 15005:2017},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/62784.html},
number = {ISO 15008:2017},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2017-09},
type = {Standard},
title = {Road vehicles -- Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems -- Occlusion method to assess visual demand due to the use of in-vehicle systems},
shorttitle = {ISO 16673:2017},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/71508.html},
number = {ISO 16673:2017},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2005-12},
type = {Standard},
title = {Road vehicles —- Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems —- Procedure for assessing suitability for use while driving},
shorttitle = {ISO 17287:2003},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/30597.html},
number = {ISO 17287:2003},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2003-04},
Lorem \autocite{sigfridsson,worman,geer,aksin,moraux}
\printbibliography[env=standardslist, check=standardslist, title=Lots of standards]
根据用户 moewe 的精彩评论和已有的答案,我现在使用他的代码。也许这对将来的参考有用。
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No link will be created}%
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using the title for entry\MessageBreak
type = {Technical Specification (ISO/TS)},
title = {Road vehicles -- Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems (TICS) -- Procedures for determining priority of on-board messages presented to drivers},
shorttitle = {ISO/TS 16951:20216},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/81103.html},
number = {ISO/TS 16951:2021},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2021-03},
type = {Standard},
title = {Road vehicles -- Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems -- Specifications for in-vehicle auditory presentation},
shorttitle = {ISO 15006:2011},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/55322.html},
number = {ISO 15006:2011},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2011-10},
type = {Technical Report (ISO/TR)},
title = {Road vehicles — Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems — Introduction to integrating safety critical and time critical warning signals},
shorttitle = {ISO/TR 12204:2012},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/55322.html},
number = {ISO/TR 12204:2012},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2012-11},
type = {Technical Report (ISO/TR)},
title = {Road vehicles -- Ergonomic aspects of in-vehicle presentation for transport information and control systems -- Warning systems},
shorttitle = {ISO/TR 16352:2005},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/37859.html},
number = {ISO/TR 16352:2005},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2005-12},
type = {Standard},
title = {Road vehicles -- Ergonomic aspects of transportation and control systems -- Dialogue management principles and compliance procedures},
shorttitle = {ISO 15005:2017},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/69238.html},
number = {ISO 15005:2017},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2017-02},
type = {Standard},
title = {Road vehicles -— Measurement and analysis of driver visual behaviour with respect to transport information and control systems},
shorttitle = {ISO 15007:2020},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/63220.html},
number = {ISO 15007:2020},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2011-10},
type = {Standard},
title = {Road vehicles -- Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems -- Specifications and test procedures for in-vehicle visual presentation},
shorttitle = {ISO 15005:2017},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/62784.html},
number = {ISO 15008:2017},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2017-09},
type = {Standard},
title = {Road vehicles -- Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems -- Occlusion method to assess visual demand due to the use of in-vehicle systems},
shorttitle = {ISO 16673:2017},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/71508.html},
number = {ISO 16673:2017},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2005-12},
type = {Standard},
title = {Road vehicles —- Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems —- Procedure for assessing suitability for use while driving},
shorttitle = {ISO 17287:2003},
url = {https://www.iso.org/standard/30597.html},
number = {ISO 17287:2003},
institution = {International Organization for Standardization (ISO)},
author = {{ISO}},
date = {2003-04},
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\item[{\myCiteBibURL[\citefield{ISO_15006_2011}{shorttitle}]{ISO_15006_2011}}] The title of the document is \enquote{\citefield{ISO_15006_2011}{title}} \parencite{ISO_15006_2011}.
\item[{\myCiteBibURL[\citefield{ISO_TR_16352_2005}{shorttitle}]{ISO_TR_16352_2005}}] The title of the document is \enquote{\citefield{ISO_TR_16352_2005}{title}} \parencite{ISO_TR_16352_2005}.
\item[{\myCiteBibURL[\citefield{ISO_TS_16951_2021}{shorttitle}]{ISO_TS_16951_2021}}] The title of the document is \enquote{\citefield{ISO_TS_16951_2021}{title}} \parencite{ISO_TS_16951_2021}.
\item[{\myCiteBibURL[\citefield{ISO_15005_2017}{shorttitle}]{ISO_15005_2017}}] The title of the document is \enquote{\citefield{ISO_15005_2017}{title}} \parencite{ISO_15005_2017}.
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\item[{\myCiteBibURL[\citefield{ISO_15007_2020}{shorttitle}]{ISO_15007_2020}}] The title of the document is \enquote{\citefield{ISO_15007_2020}{title}} \parencite{ISO_15007_2020}.
\item[{\myCiteBibURL[\citefield{ISO_15008_2017}{shorttitle}]{ISO_15008_2017}}] The title of the document is \enquote{\citefield{ISO_15008_2017}{title}} \parencite{ISO_15008_2017}.
\item[{\myCiteBibURL[\citefield{ISO_16673_2017}{shorttitle}]{ISO_16673_2017}}] The title of the document is \enquote{\citefield{ISO_16673_2017}{title}} \parencite{ISO_16673_2017}.
\item[{\myCiteBibURL[\citefield{ISO_17287_2003}{shorttitle}]{ISO_17287_2003}}] The title of the document is \enquote{\citefield{ISO_17287_2003}{title}} \parencite{ISO_17287_2003}.
\item[{\myCiteBibURL[\citefield{ISO_TR_12204_2012}{shorttitle}]{ISO_TR_12204_2012}}] The title of the document is \enquote{\citefield{ISO_TR_12204_2012}{title}} \parencite{ISO_TR_12204_2012}.