\rotatebox{} 不进行水平平移

\rotatebox{} 不进行水平平移


  1. 围绕基线起点 ( graphics) 或指定点 ( grahpicx) 旋转元素。
  2. 水平平移元素,使得新边界框的左边缘与旋转之前的边界框的左边缘重合。



\put(1,1){\parbox[t]{2cm}{\raggedright{text that is wrapped}}}
\put(2,2){\rotatebox[origin=lB]{60}{\parbox[t]{2cm}{text that is wrapped and rotated}}}

可以看出,蓝点不再与旋转文本的基线起始位置对齐。这是由于步骤 #2 中的平移(导致元素向右移动)。如何旋转元素以使基线起始(或更一般地指指定的旋转点)不移动?


\rotatebox[x=TeX dimension,y=TeX dimension]{...}




pole1内容被旋转并放置在与交点的指定偏移处pole2。请参阅xcoffins 文档第 2 页提供了预定义极点的列表(对于棺材,我刚刚为预先存在的功能做了一个包装)。极点和偏移都是可选的,并且具有默认值(您可以更改),即极点的排版材料的左边缘和基线,以及偏移的零。这是我第一次尝试制作棺材,所以我可能在某个地方弄混了。



\cs_generate_variant:Nn \coffin_typeset:Nnnnn {Nffff}

\NewDocumentCommand\rotbox{ O{l,H} D<>{0pt,0pt} m m}{
    % O{l,H}=optional argument[] with default value l,H
    % l=left edge of box, and H=text baseline
    % D<>{0pt,0pt}= optional argument<> with default value 0pt,0pt
    % which are x and y offsets respectively
    % by default the coffin is placed at the intersection of its left
    % edge and the text baseline with no offset from this point.
    \hcoffin_set:Nn \l_tmpa_coffin {#4}
    % put the stuff in a coffin
    \coffin_rotate:Nn \l_tmpa_coffin {#3}
    % rotate it
    \coffin_typeset:Nffff \l_tmpa_coffin 
    % this macro requires 5 args where
    % #1=coffin name, \l_tmpa_coffin above
    % #2=a pole, default left edge
    % #3=another pole, default text baseline
    % #4=x-offset from pole intersection, default 0pt
    % #5=y-offset from pole intersection, default 0pt
        % #1 of \rotbox is a comma separated list with default l,H
        % take the first item from this clist, this is our first pole
        % #1 of \rotbox is a comma separated list with default l,H
        % take the second item from this clist, this is our next pole
        % #2 of \rotbox is a comma separted list with default 0pt,0pt
        % get x-offset as first item on this list
        % #2 of \rotbox is a comma separted list with default 0pt,0pt
        % get y-offset as second item on this list


\put(2,2){\rotbox{60}{\parbox[t]{2cm}{text that is wrapped and rotated}}}

\put(2,2){\rotbox[hc,vc]{60}{\parbox[t]{2cm}{text that is wrapped and rotated}}}




\put(1,1){\parbox[t]{2cm}{\raggedright{text that is wrapped}}}
\put(2,2){\turnbox{60}{\parbox[t]{2cm}{text that is wrapped and rotated}}}

