环境放入包的 multicols 环境中multicol
。目标是创建两列(第二列细分为另外两列)以显示 SI 单位及其前缀:
\item[s] second, time
\item[m] meter, length
\item[kg] kilogram, mass
\item[A] ampere, electric current
\item[K] kelvin, thermodynamic temperature
\item[mol] mole, amount of substance
\item[cd] candela, luminous intensity
\item[da] deca, $10^{1}$
\item[h] hecto, $10^{2}$
\item[k] kilo, $10^{3}$
\item[M] mega, $10^{6}$
\item[G] giga, $10^{9}$
\item[T] tera, $10^{12}$
\item[P] peta, $10^{15}$
\item[E] exa, $10^{18}$
\item[Z] zetta, $10^{21}$
\item[Y] yotta, $10^{24}$
\item[R] ronna, $10^{27}$
\item[Q] quetta, $10^{30}$
\item[d] deci, $10^{-1}$
\item[c] centi, $10^{-2}$
\item[m] milli, $10^{-3}$
\item[\textmu] micro, $10^{-6}$ % `\textmu` is from the `textgreek` package
\item[n] nano, $10^{-9}$
\item[p] pico, $10^{-12}$
\item[f] femto, $10^{-15}$
\item[a] atto, $10^{-18}$
\item[z] zepto, $10^{-21}$
\item[y] yocto, $10^{-24}$
\item[r] ronto, $10^{-27}$
\item[q] quecto, $10^{-30}$
\multicolumn{2}{@{}l@{}}{\bfseries Units} \\
s & second, time \\
m & meter, length \\
kg & kilogram, mass \\
A & ampere, electric current \\
K & \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}kelvin, thermodynamic \\ temperature \end{tabular} \\
mol & mole, amount of substance \\
cd & candela, luminous intensity
\multicolumn{4}{@{}l@{}}{\bfseries Prefixes} \\
da & deca, $10^{1}$ & d & deci, $10^{-1}$ \\
h & hecto, $10^{2}$ & c & centi, $10^{-2}$ \\
k & kilo, $10^{3}$ & m & milli, $10^{-3}$ \\
M & mega, $10^{6}$ & \textmu & micro, $10^{-6}$ \\
G & giga, $10^{9}$ & n & nano, $10^{-9}$ \\
T & tera, $10^{12}$ & p & pico, $10^{-12}$ \\
P & peta, $10^{15}$ & f & femto, $10^{-15}$ \\
E & exa, $10^{18}$ & a & atto, $10^{-18}$ \\
Z & zetta, $10^{21}$ & z & zepto, $10^{-21}$ \\
Y & yotta, $10^{24}$ & y & yocto, $10^{-24}$ \\
R & ronna, $10^{27}$ & r & ronto, $10^{-27}$ \\
Q & quetta, $10^{30}$ & q & quecto, $10^{-30}$
\caption{Units and prefixes of the International System}