我正在构建一个大表格(30x37,尽管我只会在 mwe 中包含几行),并努力使列间距适当。
到目前为止,虽然如果间距适当,文本足够小,可以适合页面,但列本身的尺寸小于文本和水平空间(如图所示)。出于某种原因,当宽度设置较低(尝试 5in)时,水平线不会填满页面,但列间距更合适。无论我调整第 3 列的大小(如图所示)还是仅使用 Y 列(定义为 X 列,文本居中),这种情况都会持续存在,如果我将所有 Y 列更改为 X 列,这种情况也会持续存在。无论我将宽度定义为 \textwidth、\hsize、\linewidth 还是 10.5in,似乎都不会改变它。
%center columns = Y
%multi-columns that are left-aligned
\newcommand{\mc}[2]{\multicolumn{#1}{l}{#2}} %e.g., \mc{4}{VAP}
%multi-rows that are centered
\newcommand{\mr}[2]{\multicolumn{#1}{*}{#2}} %e.g., \mr{5}{BPI}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{*{2}{|Y}|p{5em}|*{34}{Y|}} %{|*{37}{Y|}}
& & & \mc{4}{Era 1} & \mc{12}{Era 2} & \mc{14}{Era 3} & \mc{4}{Era 4} \\
& & & F06 & S07 & F07 & S08 & F08 & S09 & F09 & S10 & F10 & S11 & F11 & S12 & F12 & S13 & F13 & S14 & F14 & S15 & F15 & S16 & F16 & S17 & F17 & S18 & F18 & S19 & F19 & S20 & F20 & S21 & F21 & S22 & F22 & S23 \\ \hline
Loc & A123 & Long name & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & x & & & & & & & \\ \hline
%center columns = Y
%multi-columns that are left-aligned
\newcommand{\mc}[2]{\multicolumn{#1}{l}{#2}} %e.g., \mc{4}{VAP}
%multi-rows that are centered??? you used \multicolumn not row ???
\newcommand{\mr}[2]{\multicolumn{#1}{c}{#2}} %e.g., \mr{5}{BPI}
X\dotfill X
\begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}*{2}{|c}|l|*{34}{c|}@{}} %{|*{37}{Y|}}
& & & \mc{4}{Era 1} & \mc{12}{Era 2} & \mc{14}{Era 3} & \mc{4}{Era 4} \\
& & & F06 & S07 & F07 & S08 & F08 & S09 & F09 & S10 & F10 & S11 & F11 & S12 & F12 & S13 & F13 & S14 & F14 & S15 & F15 & S16 & F16 & S17 & F17 & S18 & F18 & S19 & F19 & S20 & F20 & S21 & F21 & S22 & F22 & S23 \\ \hline
Loc & A123 & Long name & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & x & & & & & & & \\ \hline
& & & \SetCell[c=4]{c} Era 1 &&& & \SetCell[c=12]{c} Era 2 &&&&&&&&&&& & \SetCell[c=14]{c} Era 3 &&&&&&&&&&&&& & \SetCell[c=4]{c} Era 4 &&& \\
& & & F06 & S07 & F07 & S08 & F08 & S09 & F09 & S10 & F10 & S11 & F11 & S12 & F12 & S13 & F13 & S14 & F14 & S15 & F15 & S16 & F16 & S17 & F17 & S18 & F18 & S19 & F19 & S20 & F20 & S21 & F21 & S22 & F22 & S23 \\ \hline
Loc & A123 & Long name & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & x & & & & & & & \\ \hline
% fix for tabularx when it has more than 23 columns and page %
% layout is determined by the package geometry with option %
% margin=<width>. %
% fix provided me David Carlisle in chat 2018.07.25 at 0:43 %
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
% fix -----------------------------------------------------------%
\TX@find@endtabularxa\csname end\TX@\endcsname
\TX@[email protected]\TX@target%<<<<< smaller initial guess for big table
{\@spaces Table Width\@spaces Column Width\@spaces X Columns}%
\global\advance\TX@cols\@ne\NC@find p{\TX@col@width}}}%
\csname tabular*\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter\TX@target
\csname endtabular*\endcsname}%
% end fix -------------------------------------------------------%
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{*{2}{|Y}|p{5em}|*{34}{Y|}} %{|*{37}{Y|}}
& & & \mc{4}{Era 1} & \mc{12}{Era 2} & \mc{14}{Era 3} & \mc{4}{Era 4} \\
& & & F06 & S07 & F07 & S08 & F08 & S09 & F09
& S10 & F10 & S11 & F11 & S12 & F12 & S13 & F13 & S14
& F14 & S15 & F15 & S16 & F16 & S17 & F17 & S18 & F18
& S19 & F19 & S20 & F20 & S21 & F21 & S22 & F22 & S23 \\
Loc &A123 & Long name
& & & & & & & 10
& & & & & & & & & & 20
& & & & & & & & &
& & x & & & & & & \\