- 如果我包括全部包裹除了
,htlatex 工作正常,没有错误 - 如果我注释掉所有包裹和仅包括
,htlatex 工作正常,没有错误 - 如果我注释掉随机选择的包,并包含
随机选择的包,htlatex 仍然可以正常工作而不会出现错误 - 如果我按原样包含所有包,htlatex 会出现错误
! Argument of \boolean has an extra }.
<inserted text>
可能导致了问题。但就其本身而言,甚至与随机选择的其他软件包结合使用时,它都能正常工作。只有当它与其他所有软件包一起包含在内时,错误才会逐渐出现。对于 22 个软件包,我无法测试所有可能的软件包组合,因此我希望有人可以对正在发生的事情以及如何解决这个问题有一个理论上的猜测?
注意,PDF 构建工作正常。只有 htlatex 会出现问题。
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for the inclusion of images
我想将我的博士论文(80K+字,250+页,多个 tex 文件,大量参考文献、图表、方程式和包)转换为带有锚点的 html。理想情况下它就像一本在线手册,每一章——甚至每一章内的每个部分——都有自己的 html 文件,并在侧面带有导航(例如 refhttps://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/index.html)
但在此之前,我很乐意进行任何初步的 html 转换,即使所有内容都在一个 html 文件中!
我在网上找到了很多关于此问题的帖子,并尝试过htlatex my_thesis_master.tex
! Argument of \boolean has an extra }.
<inserted text>
l.117 \begin{document}
我可以从 TexStudio 构建 PDF,它看起来不错,尽管有一些警告。这些警告似乎与我的 bib 文件中的参考文献有关,但我的 bib 是从 Mendeley 自动导出的,PDF 中的所有参考文献似乎都是正确的。事实上,PDF 没问题。
不幸的是,我对 LaTeX 生态系统不够熟悉,无法弄清楚出了什么问题以及为什么无法从 tex 导出到 html。
我在 Windows 11 上。TexStudio 已更新 MiKTeX。
LaTeX 系统报告(来自 TexStudio)
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© 1982 D. E. Knuth, © 1996-2022 Hà n Thế Thà nh
TeX is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society.
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SVN (svn):
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\author{Memo Akten}
\title{Deep Visual Instruments: Realtime Continuous, Meaningful Human Control over Deep Neural Networks for creative expression}
\date{September 2020}
Deep Visual Instruments: \\
Realtime Continuous,
Meaningful Human Control \\
over Deep Neural Networks
for Creative Expression
% \Large
Mehmet Selim Akten
% \bigskip
% \bigskip
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment \\
of the requirements for the degree of \\
\textbf{Doctor of Philosophy} \\
\textbf{Goldsmiths, University of London} \\
Department of Computing \\
% Thesis submitted to \\
% \textbf{Goldsmiths University of London} \\
% \bigskip
% for the Degree of\\
% \textbf{Doctor of Philosophy}
% Advisors:\\
% Mick Grierson \\
% Rebecca Fiebrink
April 2021 \\
% Draft compiled on \today\ at \currenttime
%Declaration of Authorship
I, Mehmet Selim Akten, hereby declare that this thesis and the work presented in it is entirely my own. Where I have consulted the work of others, this is always clearly stated.
Date: 22 April, 2021
% dedication
\listofalgorithms\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of algorithms}
% glossary
% list of acronyms
% index
在 TexStudio 中构建 PDF 的消息
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Warning--No journal in Ermon2017
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Process exited with error(s)
Process started: pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "MemoAkten_PhDThesis".tex
Process exited normally
Process started: bibtex.exe "MemoAkten_PhDThesis"
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: ,
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: @article{Zaremba2014
: ,
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: @article{Mccormack2012
: ,
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: @article{Wang2014
: ,
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Repeated entry---line 18259 of file bib/library.bib
: @article{Boden1998
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: @article{McCormack2014
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apacite.bst [2013/07/21 v6.03 APA bibliography style]
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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ptr=1, stack=
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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ptr=1, stack=
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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ptr=1, stack=
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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Warning--No school in Graves2008
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ptr=1, stack=
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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ptr=1, stack=
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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ptr=1, stack=
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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Warning--No journal in Liang2017
Warning--No journal in Liu2017b
ptr=1, stack=
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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Warning--No journal in McCormack2014
Warning--No address in McNeill1980
Warning--No journal in Miolane2018
ptr=1, stack=
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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ptr=1, stack=
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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ptr=1, stack=
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while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
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rning--No address in Roff2016
Warning--No institution in rumelhart1985learning
Warning--No address in rumelhart1985learning
Warning--No journal in Salimans2016
Warning--No journal in Santoro2016
ptr=1, stack=
---the literal stack isn't empty for entry Santoro2016
while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
Warning--No journal in Tresset2014
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Warning--No journal in Ermon2017
ptr=1, stack=
---the literal stack isn't empty for entry Ermon2017
while executing---line 5079 of file apacite.bst
(There were 23 error messages)
Process exited with error(s)
Process started: pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "MemoAkten_PhDThesis".tex
Process exited normally
Process started: pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "MemoAkten_PhDThesis".tex
Process exited normally