

我正在尝试缩小图片中 AA 和 A 级之间的距离,我试过l sep但没有效果。在此处输入图片描述

  basic/.style = {draw, thin, drop shadow, font=\sffamily},
  upper style/.style = {basic, rounded corners=6pt, edge+={-Stealth, thin}, fill=gray!10, text width=9em},
  lower style/.style = {basic, rounded corners=0pt, edge+={-, line width=.4pt}, fill=black!10, text width=9em},
  where level<=2{%     upper style,
    edge path'={
      (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-5pt) -| (.child anchor)
    },text width=7em
    lower style,
  where level<=1{%
    parent anchor=children,
    child anchor=parent,
      calign=child edge,
      calign primary child/.process={
        O+nw+n{n children}{(#1+1)/2}
      calign=edge midpoint,
  },  [Survey Structure,text width=8em,
    [Part I: Introduction,, folder, grow'=0, for children={lower style},text width=10em, 
      , folder, grow'=0, for children={upper style},


l sep无法在此处工作。在此树中,文件夹设置为向东扩展 ( grow'=0),因此有关l维度的任何设置都只能影响x维度。

OP 代码中AA和之间的差距是由于过度使用 key 而产生的。此 key 不仅仅是设置一些值(例如,设置一些值)。它是一种复杂的样式,除其他外,它还会推动节点的子节点来产生文件夹的幻觉。给定,子节点从文件夹节点的东边开始它们的生命;是 key “手动”将它们移动到文件夹节点下方的位置。这就是为什么多次应用会导致意外行为的原因。Afolderl sepgrow'=0folderfolder

在下面的代码中,我清理了前导码和树,以便folder只执行一次(针对除根节点之外的所有节点),同时根据节点的级别为其设置适当的样式。这是在for children下面的注释中实现的(2)

下面的代码注释(1)处理非文件夹节点和文件夹节点之间的过渡,这是出了名的问题。自动 c 对齐(节点相对于其子节点的位置)在这里不起作用,因为它依赖于设置anchor,而该设置被 style “劫持” folder。因此,c 对齐必须手动执行。下面,过渡发生在根节点和其子节点之间,我已将根节点置于所选 ( calign child) 子节点的正上方。

  basic/.style = {draw, thin, drop shadow, font=\sffamily},
  upper style/.style = {basic, rounded corners=6pt, edge+={-Stealth, thin}, fill=gray!10, text width=9em},
  lower style/.style = {basic, rounded corners=0pt, edge+={-, line width=.4pt}, fill=black!10, text width=9em},
  % (1) manual c-alignment of the root node (change "calign child" to align to a non-first child)
  calign=child, calign child=1,
  after packing node={
    for children={s-/.register=tempdima},
  % (2) Apply "folder", "grow", and the level-specific style to the non-root nodes.
  for children={
    % level 1
    grow'=0, folder,
    for children={
      % level 2
      lower style,
      grow'=0, folder,
      for descendants={
        % level > 2
        upper style,
        grow'=0, folder, 
  [Survey Structure, text width=8em,
    [Part I: Introduction, text width=10em, 
