\usepackage[margin=2cm,a4paper]{geometry} % set page parameters suitably
\newcommand{\RenewableCapacity}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape Renewable Capacity}}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\NonrenewableCapacity}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape Non-renewable Capacity }}\nolimits}
\newcommand{\RDsubsidies}{\mathop{\textnormal{\slshape R\&D subsidies }}\nolimits}
\caption{Summary Statistics\label{rrtable1}}
&\multicolumn{4}{c}{} \\
& mean& sd& min& max\\
%------------------------------------------------dependant variables------------------%----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\Delta \RenewableCapacity & 0.46& 1.02& -3.94& 9.36\\
\Delta \NonrenewableCapacity & 3.07& 2.52 & -0.70& 9.20\\
%------------------------------------------------Indepedant variables------------------%----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$\Delta$ Traditional Electricity Share (TES) & 0.55& 0.30& 0.00& 0.99\\
Oil Prices (USD) (log) & 3.60 & 0.43& 2.87& 4.58\\
climate mitigation finance(log) & 6.78 & 2.75& 0.004& 13.12 \\
$\RDsubsidies$ (log) & 0.59& 0.36& 0.03 & 1.49\\
Green innovation(GI) (log) & 2.43& 0.41& 0.672& 4.53 \\
Energy Intensity (EI)(log) & 1.74& 0.44& 0.732& 3.13\\
%------------------------------------------------control variables------------------%----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Economic Growth & 10.04 & 0.47& 8.619& 10.84\\
Income Growth & 0.02 & 0.03& -0.13& 0.13\\
$CO_{2}$emissions (log) & 1.40 & 0.99& 0.020& 3.46 \\
Greenhouse gasses emission(GE) & 0.42& 0.30& 0.00& 1.00\\
Environmental tax (ET)(log) & 0.59& 0.47& 0 &1.63 \\
Trade openness per capita (RGDTO) (log) & 0.014 & 0.041& 0.00 & 0.25\\
Investment Share of Real GDP per capita (RGDIS) (log) & 3.13 & 0.20& 2.43& 3.88 \\
Government Share of Real GDP per capita (RGDPL) (log) & 2.28& 0.29& 1.27 & 2.97\\\\
实现格式化目标的方法肯定有很多。下面是一个可能的解决方案,即自动缩进第 1 列中的非标题单元格。
\usepackage{amssymb} %{amsfonts}
% Q: Does newpxtext package furnish *slanted* (non-italic) glyphs??
\newcommand{\RenewableCapacity}{\textit{Renewable Capacity}}
\newcommand{\NonrenewableCapacity}{\textit{Non-renewable Capacity}}
\newcommand{\RDsubsidies}{\textit{R\&D subsidies}}
%% new code:
\usepackage{mhchem} % for '\ce' macro
\usepackage{siunitx} % for 'S' column type
\caption{Summary Statistics} \label{rrtable1}
\begin{tabular}{@{} >{\quad}l % automatic indentation
S[table-format= 2.3] S[table-format=1.3]
S[table-format=-1.3] S[table-format=2.2]@{}}
& {mean} & {sd} & {min} & {max} \\
\multicolumn{1}{@{}l}{Dependent variables} \\ % override automatic indentation
$\Delta$\RenewableCapacity & 0.46 & 1.02 & -3.94 & 9.36 \\
$\Delta$\NonrenewableCapacity & 3.07 & 2.52 & -0.70 & 9.20 \\
\multicolumn{1}{@{}l}{Independent variables} \\ % override automatic indentation
$\Delta$Traditional Electricity Share (TES) & 0.55 & 0.30 & 0.00 & 0.99 \\
Oil Prices (USD) (log) & 3.60 & 0.43 & 2.87 & 4.58 \\
Climate mitigation finance(log) & 6.78 & 2.75 & 0.004& 13.12 \\
\RDsubsidies\ (log) & 0.59 & 0.36 & 0.03 & 1.49 \\
Green innovation (GI) (log) & 2.43 & 0.41 & 0.672& 4.53 \\
Energy Intensity (EI)(log) & 1.74 & 0.44 & 0.732& 3.13 \\
\multicolumn{1}{@{}l}{Control variables} \\ % override automatic indentation
Economic Growth & 10.04 & 0.47 & 8.619& 10.84 \\
Income Growth & 0.02 & 0.03 & -0.13 & 0.13 \\
\ce{CO2} emissions (log) & 1.40 & 0.99 & 0.020& 3.46 \\
Greenhouse gas emissions (GE) & 0.42 & 0.30 & 0.00 & 1.00 \\
Environmental tax (ET) (log) & 0.59 & 0.47 & 0 & 1.63 \\
Trade openness per capita (RGDTO) (log) & 0.014& 0.041& 0.00 & 0.25 \\
Investment Share of Real GDP per capita (RGDIS) (log) & 3.13 & 0.20 & 2.43 & 3.88 \\
Government Share of Real GDP per capita (RGDPL) (log) & 2.28 & 0.29 & 1.27 & 2.97 \\