文档在 Overleaf 中编译,但在 TexStudio 中挂起且没有错误消息

文档在 Overleaf 中编译,但在 TexStudio 中挂起且没有错误消息

我正在尝试使用别人给我的博士论文模板。代码在 Overleaf 中编译,无需修改,但由于某种原因,在 TexStudio 中,代码永远无法编译。它不会产生任何错误消息,只是挂起,直到我停止它。有人知道为什么吗?






这些文件Bibliography.bib只是Introduction.tex空白文件。 icldt.cls在这里:

%% This is file `icldt.cls',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.

    [2011/01/29 v2.0 Imperial College London Dissertation Template]

\newcommand*{\@college}{Imperial College London}
 \renewcommand{\@university}{University of London}}
 \renewcommand{\@degree}{Doctor of Philosophy}
 \renewcommand{\@diploma}{Diploma of Imperial College London}}
 \renewcommand{\@degree}{Master of Science}\let\@diploma\empty}
 \renewcommand{\@degree}{Bachelor of Science}\let\@diploma\empty}
 \renewcommand{\@diploma}{Diploma of Imperial College London}}
 I herewith certify that all material in this dissertation which
 is not my own work has been properly acknowledged.}}

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  \vskip \z@ \@plus3fill
  \ifx\@supervisor\@empty \else
  {\Large Supervised by \@supervisor \par}
  \vskip 2em
  Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of\\
  \@degree\ of  \ifx\empty\@university{\@college}\else{the \@university}\fi
  \vskip 0.5em
  \ifx\@department\@empty \else \par Department of \@department\fi \\
  \ifx\@university\@empty \else \@university\par\fi
  \@college \\
  Prince Consort Road \\
  London SW7 2AZ \\


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%% End of file `icldt.cls'.



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