在 overleaf 中,我最初使用文档类 extarticle 来模仿与过滤器集成,才发现他们一直在使用 amsart!
我尝试将文章转换为 amsart 格式,但文档没有显示作者,章节和小节有误,而且看起来一点也不像与过滤器集成(参见下面的代码和问题):
\accentset{\mbox{\large\bfseries .}}{#1}}
\accentset{\mbox{\large\bfseries .\hspace{-0.25ex}.}}{#1}}
\@startsection {subparagraph}{5}{\z@ }{3.25ex \@plus 1ex
\@minus .2ex}{-1em}{\normalfont \normalsize \bfseries }}%
{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
\title{Finding the Most Generalized, Satisfying Extension of The Mean With Respect To the Hausdorff Measure}
\author{Bharath Krishnan}
\affil[1]{Department of Mathematics, Indiana East University}
\date{December 14, 2022}
\subparagraph{Key Words:} Measure Theory, Means of functions, Hausdorff Measure, Set Theory, Choice Function, Union and Intersection of Measurable sets, Uniform Cover, Entropy,
\subsubsection{Generalized Hausdorff Measure and Mean}
\section{Attempt to Answer Thesis}
\subsubsection{Second Half}
\subsection{Proposed Solutions}
,可能与 一起设置\subsubsection*
需要 9强制的參數。
\newcommand*{\dt}[1]{\accentset{\mbox{\large\bfseries .}}{#1}}
\newcommand*{\ddt}[1]{\accentset{\mbox{\large\bfseries .\hspace{-0.25ex}.}}{#1}}
\title{Finding the Most Generalized, Satisfying Extension of The Mean
With Respect To the Hausdorff Measure}
\author{Bharath Krishnan}
\address{Department of Mathematics, Indiana East University}
\date{December 14, 2022}
Some text
Measure Theory, Means of functions, Hausdorff Measure,
Set Theory, Choice Function, Union and Intersection of Measurable sets,
Uniform Cover, Entropy
\keywords{Measure Theory, Means of functions, Hausdorff Measure,
Set Theory, Choice Function, Union and Intersection of Measurable sets,
Uniform Cover, Entropy}
Measure Theory, Means of functions, Hausdorff Measure,
Set Theory, Choice Function, Union and Intersection of Measurable sets,
Uniform Cover, Entropy
Some text for the section. Test $\dt{x}$ and $\ddt{x}$.
Some text for the section.
\subsection{Generalized Hausdorff Measure and Mean}
Some text for the subsection.
\section{Attempt to Answer Thesis}
Some text for the section.
Some text for the subsection.
Some text for the subsection.
\subsubsection{Second Half}
Some text for the subsection.
\subsection{Proposed Solutions}
Some text for the subsection.