TikZ 图表:是否可以构建具有自动节点定位的思维导图?

TikZ 图表:是否可以构建具有自动节点定位的思维导图?

我喜欢用思维导图库在 tikz 中制作思维导图。问题是节点定位是手动的(而且我非常懒惰),因此一般问题是:


我做了研究,发现 tikz 带有自动图形构建算法。特别是,似乎 spring 算法最适合构建思维导图,但是,我遇到了两个问题:

  1. 设置同层节点边缘间最小距离的设置sibling pre sep似乎不适用于弹簧算法。结果是一些节点重叠:

尽管兄弟节点 pre sep = 1cm,但有些节点还是重叠

\usetikzlibrary{mindmap,trees, graphs, graphdrawing}

            spring layout,
            node distance= 6cm,
            sibling pre sep = 1cm, %% some sibling nodes overlap anyway
            font = \small,
            every node/.style = {circle, draw, align =center, text width = 1.5cm},
        \node{Portland cement paste}
        child { node {Solids in  the cement paste}
                child{node {C-S-H}} 
                child{node {$ \mathrm{C_6A\bar{S}_3H_{32}} $ and $ \mathrm{C_6A\bar{S}H_{18}} $}}
                child{node{Unhydrated p. cement grains}}
        child { node {Voids in the cement paste}
                child{ node {Interlayer space in C-S-H}}
                child{ node {Capillary voids}}
                child{ node{Air voids}}
        child { node {Water in the cement paste}
                child{ node {Capillary water}}
                child{ node {Physically absorbed water}}
                child{ node {Interlayer water}}
                child{ node {Chemically combined water}}

  1. 思维导图样式似乎不起作用(节点之间的线是黑色而不是灰色,并且形状不正确): 在此处输入图片描述
\usetikzlibrary{mindmap,trees, graphs, graphdrawing}

            spring layout,
            node distance= 6cm,
            sibling pre sep = 1cm, %% some sibling nodes overlap anyway
            font = \small,
            every node/.style = {concept, execute at begin node=\hskip0pt},
            concept color=gray!20,
        \node{Portland cement paste}
        child { node {Solids in  the cement paste}
                child{node {C-S-H}} 
                child{node {$ \mathrm{C_6A\bar{S}_3H_{32}} $ and $ \mathrm{C_6A\bar{S}H_{18}} $}}
                child{node{Unhydrated p. cement grains}}
        child { node {Voids in the cement paste}
                child{ node {Interlayer space in C-S-H}}
                child{ node {Capillary voids}}
                child{ node{Air voids}}
        child { node {Water in the cement paste}
                child{ node {Capillary water}}
                child{ node {Physically absorbed water}}
                child{ node {Interlayer water}}
                child{ node {Chemically combined water}}




算法graphdrawing提供了实现此目的的各种可能性。这里spring electrical layout使用。适用于其他算法的对齐命令graphdrawing在这里不起作用,因此要将其中一个子节点(我选择Solids in the cement paste)与中心节点(Portland cement paste)垂直对齐,必须使用将这些节点固定在画布上nail at。通常,electric charge(此处=10)操纵节点与其子节点之间的距离Portland cement paste。可以使用来操纵图形叶子之间的分离,从而避免 OP 的重叠问题electric force order。可以以通常的方式在选项中设置节点和边缘样式,tikzpicture从而提供很大的灵活性。


\usetikzlibrary{graphs, graphdrawing, shapes.geometric}



        random seed=10,
        spring electrical layout,
        node distance=3cm,
        cooling factor=0.9,
        electric charge=10, % separation of the parent nodes
        electric force order=1.5, % separation of the child nodes
        edges={>=Stealth,line width=2.5pt, color=gray},
        nodes={draw, circle, very thick,font=\sffamily\large,text=black,
        minimum size=3cm, inner sep=1pt, align=center, text depth=0.25ex}
    "Solids in\\the cement\\paste"[nail at={(0,0)}] <- {"C-S-H",
                                       "$ \mathsf{C_6A\bar{S}_3H_{32}} $\\and\\$ \mathsf{C_6A\bar{S}H_{18}} $",
                                       "Unhydrated\\p. cement\\grains"
    "Voids in\\the cement\\paste" <- {"Interlayer\\space\\in C-S-H",
                                      "Air voids"

    "Water in\\the cement\\paste" <- {"Capillary\\water",
    "Portland\\cement\\paste"[nail at={(0,-6)}] <- {"Solids in\\the cement\\paste",
                                  "Water in\\the cement\\paste",
                                  "Voids in\\the cement\\paste"




这里我只想为 Ross 的回答提供更多细节。下面的代码有更多注释,我确保节点内的换行是自动的。此外,我注意到即使没有引脚,最终结果也相当不错。



\usetikzlibrary{graphs, graphdrawing, shapes.geometric}



    random seed = 10, % random start configuration
    spring electrical layout, % documentation page sec 32, pag474 pdf of PGF TIKZ manual
    node distance = 7cm, % length at which there is no attraction/repulsion
    convergence tolerance = 0.001, % default 0.01. minimum movement of node in a step (while(movement > tol ... end)
    cooling factor=0.95, % default 0.95. 
    electric charge = 3, % default 1. strength of repulsion/attracion
    electric force order = 3, % default 1. reduce (greater than 1)/increase (0 to 1) long distance forces
    coarsen=true, % default true. read documentation
    iterations=1000, % default 500. maximum number of iterations (while i < iterations ... end)
    edges={>=Stealth,line width=2.5pt, color=gray},
    nodes={draw, circle, very thick, font=\sffamily\large,text=black,
            minimum size=2cm, align=center, text width= 3cm, inner sep = 1pt}
    % text width = 3cm for automatic line break inside the nodes
    % minimum size = 2cm for minimum size of nodes
    "Solids in the cement paste" <- {"C-S-H",
    "$ \mathsf{C_6A\bar{S}_3H_{32}} $ and $ \mathsf{C_6A\bar{S}H_{18}} $",
    "Unhydrated p. cement grains"

    "Voids in the cement paste" <- {"Interlayer space in C-S-H",
    "Capillary voids",
    "Air voids"

    "Water in the cement paste" <- {"Capillary water",
    "Physically absorbed water",
    "Interlayer water",
    "Chemically combined water"

    "A" <- {"B",

    "Portland cement paste" <- {"Solids in the cement paste",
    "Water in the cement paste",
    "Voids in the cement paste",


